Chapter 3: The man in Luxury car.

Since he doesn't have money,

he lit cigarette walk continuously beside a very tall building. Flash of memories flowing his mind.


Robert Collins was once a capable young man back in college, he was confident, energetic, athletic, intelligent, and smart like his father.

If it wasn't for a tragic accident happen to his father in Stanford City. He could finish his study and live differently.

His dream was to become a Manager Director working like his father in Stanford City. How great it was if that actually happened.

Ginalyn was on his side through ups and downs of his life that is why one memorable night they swear an oath to each other that they will be together and secretly get married.

But unfortunately, they didn't finish their study.

He, sigh and said what if we did graduate.

he has a bit of regret but whenever he thought about how happy he was when with his wife and son those regret filled with the joyful feelings of a family man.

Crossing the underground pathway,

Beep! Beep! Beep!

A honk of a Luxury car buzzing to get his attention.

A familiar voice that he couldn't remember who it was. Calling his name loudly.

Then he looked at the window of the car and the smiling face of an old friend he merely recognized.

"James Belfort?" He said shockingly.

"Yeah, Bro. I've been looking for you. Where have you been? But wait for me there at the coffee shop, I'll just park this car here. Okay?" James insisted.

The car slowly glides down under the underground parking area of the tall building.

Robert just nodded and walked over to the front door of the cafe and waited for a while.

At the front of the coffee shop Robert Collins standing uncomfortably waiting for his friend near the doorstep.

"Hey bro. Why are you just standing there, Come on let's go, We have a lot to catch up."

"It has been a while bro. How are you doing?"

Jame ask.

"Yeah, nothing much, I have a small business in Foster Commercial place." Robert shyly said.

"That's great. Well, I saw your invitation to your son christening however I was out of the country on that day."

The waitress came and ask if they want to try the newest sensation cake at the cafe.

"Yeah, sure give us two-slice for dining and another one whole cake for taking out. One americano and what your bro?"

"Oh no you bro, you already ordered too much,"

Unconfidently said by Robert.

"Oh come on bro. It is okay, I won't take no for an answer, Miss, give him cappuccino, please and the whole cake put in a box that is for my godson mat mat, that my gift to him" said while smiling happily.

Robert was shocked by the way James speak that was so confident and very admirable.

The waitress smile as well looked at James with admiration and turn at Robert with disdainful looked and said "thanks Sir, I'll prepare it right away." The walked rashly to the counter.

"Oh bro you don't have to. It will cost you 5000 dollars for that cake." Said by Robert timidly.

"Don't bother about that bro, it is my first time to send a gift to him anyway."

"By the way bro. The reason why I've looking for you is to return those favor you did to me back then, I have a gift card here If you want to treat your family one you can use this good as cash."

Robert earns begun to swollen as his mind so blank and asking how did his friend turn out like that. But that is a good thing because...


Back in college freshman year, Robert and James were best-friend.

They treat themselves as a blood brother even if James was poor but Robert wasn't bothered and still continuously makes friends with James, he even pack lunch for James separately for them to have a proper meal at the canteen.

James often got bullied back then and Robert was always there to avenge and accompany him.

Robert always telling James that nobody deserves to be treated like trash so don't let the look down on you and fight them with all you've got.

James didn't forget that and then one day his family decided to transfer him to Stanford City because his family found a quite good location to start up a small business.

They got separated from each other at the end of junior year. but those memories were still fresh as it just happened yesterday.

"Bro. It is really too much for me to accept it."

Robert is very hesitant to take it.

"Nah that cant do bro. It is your take it, see your name is written on the card, I cant use that anymore." James said while looking at the clock.

"Seriously bro. What happened to you? After all this year, you are really a big shot now huh."

Robert casually asks while inserting the card in his wallet.

"Nothing's much bro, after graduation I was very fortunate to be selected by top one company in Stanford City which is Oakmond Group of Company, they absorbed me and until then I'm still working and got recently promoted as well."

James said while preparing his presentation for his clients. Today James has a big shot client signing the contract but ask for strategy presentation from James, suddenly James remembers that Robert was very intelligent back then so he asks some idea and James shows his presentation to Robert. Then Robert suggested and even write it down on one whole paper but still, James follows what he did in that presentation, after several minute Robert already finish the coffee and the cake and bid farewell to his brother James. Then the client arrived.

James starts and presented his idea and strategies but the client was still not satisfied and felt that something is still missing then the client suggested some strategy but when it comes to James senses he got shocked because the one that the client speaking was the one that has been written in one whole paper Robert left.

So James politely said that he actually thought about it and presented the whole thing that was written on the paper then the client really was satisfied and praise James for doing a good job, the client signed the contract for 100 Million projects and James was dumbfounded to figured out that the idea of his friend worth that much.

James wanted to thanks Robert but he forgot to take his phone number.