Chapter 4: Wrath of Mr. Clinton

It is already 12:00 P.M when Robert reaches his house and he was very happy while his son mat mat running towards with wide arm open to hug him and he was excited to give the cake to his son.

He was happy to come how although it didn't go well with all banks visited earlier.

He smells a delicious food coming from the kitchen and he saw Ginalyn wearing an apron, he hugs his wife tightly and kissed at the back of the head.

"Let me go I'll prepare the table first"

They eat happily and served the cake as a dessert and it is very delicious, Ginalyn wonder where her husband gets money to buy a cake.

After lunch, a Silver SUV Ford Everest stopped in front of Robert's store. A man came out.

A vicious looking man appeared and rashly went to the store.

A loud yell can be heard and turning the atmosphere icy cold.

"Robert you stupid punk, where did you get the audacious to question manager Wilson capability?"

The angry man was Mr. Arnold Clinton, Ginalyn father.

"Daddy, what happened?" Ginalyn asked worriedly.

"Manager Wilson called me earlier and told me about how disrespectful that scumbag is," Mr. Clinton said harshly.

Ginalyn cried, her mind was blank because she can't take the fact that his beloved father hated Robert this much.

"You didn't even give a face, you good-for-nothing piece of trash." Continuously mocking by Mr. Clinton, he was angry to the extent that even his daughter will suffer from his harsh words.

"And you my ungrateful daughter, if you listened to me back then not to marry that smug, you will not suffer this kind of life, look at yourself don't you have any self-respect? You looked like a messy old kitchen woman, Yet you are still studying, how can you take care of your son?"

Continuously throwing shameful words to Robert.

"Stop it, dad, It doesn't make sense anymore I have my own family already and we are happy this way. I know my husband, he will do whatever it takes to bring us a comfortable life." Ginalyn said while crying.

"Shameful! How shameful your husband doesn't even have the courage to face me."

"Tell you this, I know you can hear me, I'll make your life a living hell here in Foster Commercial until you give and bring back my daughter and grandson to us, You will not survive here."

"You too my daughter your stubbornness will bring you nowhere and I swear you will crawl back to our family."

Then Arnold Clinton immediately went to his car and drive away with a ferocious-looking face.

Ginalyn still standing and shock felt like she was stroked by lightning and freezing at the moment with ice-cold wet flowing all of her body.

Meanwhile, Robert was still in the room covering his little boy mat mat ears to protect him from emotional stress from that incident.

Robert is not afraid of Mr. Clinton but he just doesn't want to be disrespectful to his father-in-law.

So he buried all the hatred and swallowed all the humiliation and those words that they throwing to him hoping that one day they come to realize that he is a good personality fit to be a man to his wife and son. He always dreaming of that one day Clinton's family accept him.