Chapter 5: Earlier and The Past.

(Earlier before Arnold went to the store)

Ring! Ring! Ring!

"Hello! Mr. Wilson its only been an hour since I left your office, Is there something I can help you with?" Arnold Clinton politely answers the phone.

"Huh nothing much Mr. Clinton, I'm just calling to inform you how your son-in-law disrespected me earlier in my office," Mr. Wilson said exaggeratedly.

"That bastard, I didn't even accept him in our family and now he's causing trouble, My apologies Mr. Wilson for not teaching him what good for him," Arnold said with an apologetic tone of voice.

"Yeah Mr. Clinton your son-in-law will never bring honor to your family, it is best if you'll settle him now or chase him out your family, Make your daughter divorce to him before you regret it." Mr. Wilson advice repugnantly.

"Thank you for giving me advice Mr. Wilson, I already have a plan how to chase him out, as long as he can't process his loan to your bank, by the end of this month I'll make him declare bankruptcy and kick his butt out of this City, just like how I did with his mother and brother. Haha haha"

Arnold Clinton hung up the call. Right after the call he sends a message to Dr. Aireen Foster about the favor he asks.

"Mrs. Foster I already arranged all the papers you need for all of your business and I'll send it to you as soon as you terminate your contract with Robert Collins." Message by Arnold.

Then Dr. Aireen replied immediately "Consider it done Mr. Clinton"

(Four years ago)

Robert Collins came from a well off family as well even though they are not rich as Clinton's family but they have enough money to support their living in society.

Until one day Robert's father get a chance to close a project that will put their family on a high position in the City

Unfortunately, he got into an accident that made his family lost so much money, his father died.

Clinton's get entangled to snatch away the project.

Robert was still studying in college when the incident happened. His family suffered from terrible losses.

They became financially incapable and he also needs to sacrifices his study.

All of their assets were sold out forcibly to Foster's Family with the help of Clinton's Family.

His mother and brother went to Long Beach county to live with his relatives and because of that He seldom visits his family and made him lonely.

Mr. John Clinton is Ginalyn's second uncle and former colleague of Robert's father in the Oakmond Industry that is the number one company in Jordans City.

A member of Oakmond Group of Company the largest business corporation in Stanford City.

Both John and his father are on the same position working in that company but his father worked really hard to achieve everything.

but on the other side, John Clinton is always relying on his family connections that is why when Robert father's died he rashly grabbed the opportunity to get the project that made him very successful and promoted as Manager Director of Oakmond Group in Jordain City.

When John Clinton figured that Robert is currently having a relationship with Ginalyn.

he immediately reported it to his 1st brother which is Arnold Clinton to separate them.

Robert and Ginalyn secretly got married and the Clinton couldn't do anything about it, Arnold Clinton was very angry and he resorted to using his connection with the Foster's since Robert's family has a huge amount of loan and their assets were the collateral.

Arnold Clinton successfully chases out Robert's family.

Ginalyn got pregnant that is why Arnold Clinton did not successfully chase Robert out of his daughter's life.