Chapter 6: Chase him out

One blissful morning,

Its been a week but still, Robert Collins couldn't believe and kept thinking about how his friend James Belfort achieved so much and can afford to buy a luxury car, enjoying his well of life right now.

His wandering how did he became like that so confident and sophisticated man. He dreams of being that kind of person so that his wife's family treated him properly and he can pamper Ginalyn and mat mat in every possible way.

Then he saw a BMW 7 series parking in front of his store. But he was absent-minded that he didn't notice it was Dr. Aireen Foster's car.

Then suddenly a loud voice calling his name and it was Dr. Aireen and she is asking for the payment

He only has half of the money and still, he needs to pay for the bank loan.

"Dr. Aireen I have a half of the money to pay my rent as for the other half I'll settle first my loan in the bank for me to renew my contract with them." Robert Collins said with an apologetic tone of voice and his head is down.

"I said last time, I will throw you out in the street if you couldn't pay your rent, remember?" Dr. Aireen said angrily with a domineering voice.

"I am aware that Dr. Aireen but I can give you the full payment later after I renew my contract in the bank." The apologetic tone of voice Robert speaks while pinching his palm nervously.

"Huh!, You better be sure about it. Cause if you failed then start packing all your garbage thing here in my building or I'll let my men throw them on the street". Said by Dr. Aireen sneering voice and looking at Robert disdainfully.

Robert's faces dumbfounded and suddenly his heart beat fast as his nervous arise and his mind went blank and the only thing he could ever think about was how can his family live in the street.

A flash of smiling face of his son and wife portraying in his mind that serve to be his motivation and give him courage not to give up.

He immediately grabbed the money and rash over to the bank to pay up his loan and renew the contract but he needs to wait since the manager Mr. Wilson is currently at a meeting.

He waited for almost 5 hours when the secretary called him to get into the manager's office.

Mr. Wilson, as usual, looking at the record while Robert seating nervously,

"Okey Mr. Collins since you were already done with your loan, I'll send some of my employees to conduct assessment again since your asking for an additional loan.

This day can't do since there are other clients being line up today, meaning you will wait within a week for us to cater to you." Mr. Wilson said with a degrading tone of voice while looking at Robert with a heinous plan at the back of his mind.

After hearing that Robert turned paled like all of his blood burst out from his body.

Those words like a thousand knives piercing in his whole body.

His heart beats faster and faster and his mind exploded several times

Those words that he doesn't have the courage to take.

His legs went numb and he doesn't even have the strength to stand up.

He nearly kneels down but when he realized that he needs to be strong for his family.

He doesn't have the endurance to argue with Mr. Wilson because he already senses that he was doing it on purpose.

There is an anomaly that Mr. Wilson and his father-in-law are conniving to push him in this kind of situation.

Robert walked out of the office wearing red eyes and leaving with his dignity about to be shuttered.

He didn't resort to kneeling down in front of that cunning person because it wouldn't change his situation.

He gripped his hand strongly that if he's gonna punch someone, it will surely die.

He swears to himself that he will never forget this experience.

Once Mr. Wilson saw Robert going out of the office, he immediately contacts Mr. Clinton.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

"Hello Mr. Clinton the job was done," said Mr. Wilson scoffingly.

"That's a great job, Mr. Wilson, I'll treat you to an expensive meal one day. Just tell me when you'll be available, haha. okay, then they both hung up the call.

Mr. Clinton rash over to Robert store in Foster Commercial street to invite Ginalyn and little mat mat into a meal. He will use this chance to trick his daughter.

"Daddy, what's bring you here?" Ginalyn asked,

"Oh, Am I did not allow to invite my gorgeous daughter into and a meal?, come on bring mat mat as well" Mr. Clinton innocently invited his daughter.

"But can we wait for my husband so that we can have a meal together with him?" Ginalyn insisted,

"Oh no problem, but we should go first since your mom is waiting for you and mat mat.

I'll send someone to fetch him up later. Okay?" Seems like Mr. Clinton plans to go is smoothly as he planned.

If his daughter agrees then Robert will never get the chance to see his family forever. Then he will successfully chase Robert out in this Jor-dain City.

"Okey then let us go." Then Ginalyn packed some toys and clothes for matmat.

She leaves a note for her husband to read and stuck it on the fridge, then directly went on the car with.

She didn't notice that her father cut the note into pieces and put it into the trash.