Chapter 7: Darkest day of Robert Collins

Slowly walking in a daze wearing sad and helpless looking face Robert's mind was blank.

He felt like he's running out of time and no way to solve his financial problem.

He suddenly stops and sat on a chair in the parking space out of the Jordain investment bank and slowly tears run down his face.

His mind continuously shouting and blaming himself for being too weak.

Having no power to speak in front of Mr. Wilson.

He hates himself and said while his eyes closed

"Why don't you just die, your a trash and weak, you can't even fight for your family to strive a better life."

"When will you have the courage to stand in front of this storm, wake up you cant kept taking this kind of blow in your life."

Then he looks up and then he suddenly remembered that Dr. Aireen Fosters were waiting for him to pay up the rent.

He nervously runs going to his store when he saw that Dr. Aireen's security men padlock his store and his wife and son were nowhere to be found.

"Dr. Aireen this is illegal, you cannot hold off all my belongings just because I don't have enough money to pay for my rent, I'll sue you for this." Robert angrily burst out his words.

Then a hard slap came from a muscular security guard of Dr. Aireen hit his face sending him into the ground with blood in his face.

Then a loud voice yelling at him "I warned you already that you will suffer from these consequences.

"You can sue me but there is nothing you can do you are a useless piece of trash, where can you find a power to go against me? Huh."

"You don't know what's good for you and you don't even listen and protect yourself from every possible risk and you even offended your Father-in-law."

"Now you'll get what you deserved, You brought this upon yourself."

"men chase him out in my commercial street."

All security guards hold Robert and push him out of the commercial street, ragged his clothes with a stain of blood all over his body.

A loud scream cursing everyone can be heard.

"One day I will come back and revenge for what happened to me and my family, I'll put this commercial street down.

"Not only this but all of your assets I'll shatter them into pieces mercilessly."

"I swear to god all of you who humiliated me and bullied my family will suffer from my retaliation."

"You are all doomed to get what you deserve one day and you will only see the darkness of my cursed."

Robert cursed and shouted while all guards are holding him into the ground.

"Huh dream on, men leave him there don't bother that idiot who only knows how to speak and shout words without weight"

"That kind of dog only knows how to bark but doesn't have the ability to bite. Hahahaha". Scornfully said by Dr. Aireen.

Robert remains lying on the ground for a couple of minutes.

He stands up and picked up those bag of clothes that was thrown by the security into the trash.

He went to the Jordain park where a public comfort room located to fix himself and after that, he went to Clinton's resident.

There is no one there even if he shouted loudly. He sat down in front of the gate.

Suddenly a van stopped in front of him and men's wearing black suit came out and hold him, tie his hands and throw him inside the van with his head covered by a black bag that even small light can't penetrate.

He couldn't even react since those are people experts and trained to restrain even wrestlers cant oppose their force.

The van moves and he doesn't have an idea who these people are and where they taking him.

He even thought that it was the end of his life.

Meanwhile at the rest house of Clinton's Family, luxurious places with a large swimming pool and relaxing atmosphere a great place to celebrate and eat food.

Furniture is all expensive antiques and some paintings are signatures creation of famous painters.

Ginalyn and mat mat were happily eating and waiting for Robert since his father already sent a driver to pick him up.

Its been a couple of hours and Robert still not yet here.

Ginalyn start getting worried that there might be something bad happened to his husband

She remembered that today is the day that Robert supposed to pay for their monthly rent.

When Mr. Arnold Clinton notice that his daughter sense that his husband was still not here.

He quickly snaps his phone and called Robert the store.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

a female voice answered the phone it was Dr. Aireen " hello, who's this?" Answer by Dr. Aireen innocently.

Then Mr. Clinton put the phone on loudspeaker then said casually "this is Mr. Clinton and I'm looking for my son-in-law Robert Collins, is he there?"

"You mean Robert Collins? I'll already pay him 100 thousand and deducted his rent 30 thousand and he rashly takes a cab and I don't know where'd he go,"

"Seems like he was afraid of something he kept watching on the door afraid that someone might barge in and then before he left he takes a looked left and right before he went to a cab.

"I'm afraid that he is in big trouble because someone from illegal lending came asking for him," Dr. Aireen said like he was reporting to someone."

She created that story for Ginalyn to hear when Mr. Clinton call.

Ginalyn heard that he felt like she was struck by lightning and a big wave of water flash her out of consciousness than she worriedly snatches the phone to her father and said loudly while tears run down his face.

"that not true, you're a liar, Robert never gonna turn himself to ask money on illegal lending. That is not possible As I've known him for so many years."

"You are a cunning person Dr. Aireen stop your bullshit story about my husband."

"What do you know? As a wife, you even looked like a maid,"

"You don't know how your husband's behavior because you've been fooled by him for so many years you've been blinded."

"Wake up already, Your husband left and run away without considering you and your son because he can't give you a better life."

Then Dr. Aireen hung up the phone and a loud slam can be heard as the phone call disconnected.

"That ungrateful shameless bastard, I knew it, Since the very beginning he is a coward,"

"He doesn't have the courage to bid farewell to you and your son. How irresponsible he is. I can't believe that I let you married him."

"What a trash, what a big humiliation in our family. Ginalyn how can you explain this?"

Contemptibly shouted by Arnold Clinton toward what happens and stare on his daughter as he will explode into anger.

"No dad it cant be, he cants do this us. He loved and cherish us more than anybody else could do."

"Nobody ever does that to us even in this family, We've never felt that kind of love express by my husband. He has some shortcomings in terms of financial but he is not a coward who will leave us." Ginalyn defended her husband.

"Oh come on, You still defending him he already left you and your son, he is a good-for-nothing son of a bitch, I hope that illegal sector finds him and torture him mercilessly." Cursed by Arnold Clinton.

Then suddenly the doorbell rang.

Ginalyn rash over to the main gate and excitedly open the door expecting Robert is on the other side of the door. But shockingly a man in a black suit standing in front of them holding a piece of paper and said

"there a letter for Mrs. Ginalyn Collins from Robert Collins."

"Who are you? Where is he? Where is my husband?" Asked by ginalyn while tears flowing on his beautiful face.

"After paying the money he owes us in our lending company. He asks me a favor to send this letter then he took off and ride a motorcycle and I don't know where the hell he will go." Said the man wearing a black suit.

After hearing that Ginalyn cried but this time there no sound can be heard, she cried like tremendous of mixed emotion bursting out while moaning deeply her heart has been broken shattered like a paper thrown in a grinder. A soft voice suddenly can be heard from Ginalyn while she's facing the ground.

"All of you are lier, he'll come back sooner or later and turn all your skimming lies will slap all your faces." Then walk inside the house and lock her and his son inside the room.

"Mom, why are you crying? where is dad?" Ask by the innocent and lovely voice of a young boy her son matmat.

Then Ginalyn looked at her son and said "Your dad will return to us he just needs to go on a business trip but he'll return and come back to us when he succeeded."

Then she hugged mat mat tightly and warmly "always remember your father will come back to you and save us from misery. Okay?"

"Okey mom" mat answer while nodding.

She continuously hugs her son hiding her tears and sadness in her face.