Chapter 8: The Escape

In a dark room, you can hear the wave sound loudly and wind blowing heavily that coldness that piercing deeply reaching his bones.

Robert tied in a rope that causing his wound to flow stream of blood on the floor.

A horrible sound of voice suddenly woke him up from sleeping a mysterious man in the dark blowing clouds of cigar smoke.

"haha, that's what you get for offending people that are not on the same level. Now you are gonna perish like your ambitious father who doesn't know how to behave properly in this society."

He heard that loud and clear, why does he know my father and what does it sound like he did something to my father.

He was tied badly that he couldn't even retaliate, he wants to grab that mysterious man to figure out who he is.

The room is so dark that he can't even see the one who speaking, all that he can see is the hand of that person with a small cross-bone skull tattoo with a bit of scar surrounding the tattoo.

The mysterious man took his phone and dialed a number.

Ring! Ring!

"Boss, what do you want me to do to him?" Heinously said by a mysterious man.

"Do what you do best." Said the man on the phone.

Robert heard that but he is resting and didn't even bother to retaliate.

He is waiting for an opportunity to escape since the blood flowing on his arms help him very well to loose rope and untie his hand.

His eyes are filled with revengeful spirit and right now he is willing to kill his way out just to escape from these horrible people.

Outside the boat is a hard wave bouncing left and right of the boat and rain pouring heavily while strong thunder and lightning banging above the sky that can be also compared to Robert's emotion.

The mysterious man orders his men to take Robert outside the room and throw him in the cold water.

Then two men didn't hesitate to carry him outside the cabin.

Just when they about to throw Robert into the sea.

He quickly unties the rope in his wrist and throws a powerful right-hand punch on the face and landed on the eyes of the person holding his left shoulder immediately to send that person flying.

Then Robert swung his right elbow hitting the face of the person on his right side and a loud sound of jaw bone cracking can be heard.

The rashly Robert throws a box of styrofoam cover into the water and forcibly jumps into the water carrying only his clothes and a small belt bag where he hides his wallet left in him.

He dove under the water and immediately grabbed the styrofoam cover and swim rashly away from the boat. His eyes now are emotionless filled with a vengeful coldness that can kill a person just by staring.

The Mysterious man heard a loud slam and banging outside the cabin so that is why he rushed over.

Looking at what was happened, then he saw these two muscular men laying down in ground aching and screaming out for pain with their face bursting blood continuously flow from their eyes.

He saw Robert floating in the water and immediately he grabbed a crossbow and loaded it with an arrow then he shot Robert and got hit in his left legs then they use light to spot Robert and check if he's still alive but all that they can see is red water scattered in the water.

"Thought you can scape huh, dream on if I didn't kill surely all the monster sharks here will feast with your flesh hahahahaha."

"Let us go back you two he pointed on the two men who carry out Robert and said both of you are stupid you got injured by that weak and good-for-nothing trash."

"Why did I fed such idiot men like you two. Tsk tsk tsk, hurry to get up and let us go I earned a lot of money for this very easy job we'll eat and drink later" The mysterious man shouted loudly with confidence.

In the middle of the ocean, deeply wounded but he didn't even bother by how he was hurt physically, instead what he can't bear was the thought of being separated with his family,

The fact that he doesn't know where his family if they are safe or not, he missed them already that was the most painful thing that happened to him and it hurting him deeply as he fell asleep.