Chapter 9: The Recovering

Floating like plastic in the middle of the ocean hanging on the top of styrofoam cover in the middle of the night.

The ocean is calm under the gazed of moonlight while the wind is blowing slowly for some reason the water was warm and gentle like a drop of tears from a helping god healing the storm inside the body of a pitiful man floating and struggling for justice.

A small boat of a fisherman appears in the midst of the ocean he saw a struggling man hanging but unable to speak and suddenly became unconscious.

Without question, the fisherman lifts him on the small boat that only 2 people can carry.

The Fisherman rashly bring the boat to the seashore and shouted for help.

Several fishermen came over to help a man with an arrow stunk of his left leg and it is looking horribly painful,

They rashly went to a public clinic emergency room and the man got treated immediately by a Doctor.

The fisherman who saves Robert was Mr. Pete Randal he was a retired marine that serves his country during the civil war.

Mr. Randal is a strong and intelligent person he already senses and analyzes that the person he saves was a victim of a crime just by looking at Robert's face.

So when he lifted Robert's body he searches for his belonging to get to know the personal identity that is why he keeps the small belt bag that Robert's only property.

Inside the bag, there are I.D cards, ATM, and the gift card that still remain sealed and a very happy family picture.

So he didn't show it to the Doctor for the safety of the person he saves. Then he lists the man under his custody so if ever the police need detail they can come to Mr. Randal's house.

Robert screams loudly in a small room there is a man seating beside the bed preparing tea and some medicinal herb.

"Where am I? Who are you?" Robert asks while lifting his body to properly seated on the bed.

While pouring some tea in the cup,

"You have made it this far, You have a strong survival will Mr. Collins." Mr. Randal said while handling a cup of tea to Robert.

Then Robert slowly holds the cup and drink it.

"How do you know me?"

"You have a bit of luck floating near my boat." Mr. Randal said while peeling some fruit and mixing it with the herbal medicine and slowly hand it over to Robert.

But Robert suddenly remember what happened and he slowly has begun to cry quietly and tears run down his face with a bit of shock that he survived those tragic events.

"Whoever you are, Thank you. I owe this second life to you" said Robert softly.

"Warriors are being measured on how many battles they've survived. Some were able to win but lost there spirits, but the strong one will continue fighting even if they only one arm to strike through."

"You don't owe something, We both survivor, it is destined for us to bound. As for the reason?

I don't know yet, rest now and tomorrow we'll talk."

Mr. Randal said while turn carrying the tray leaving out the room.

Robert remained seated while staring at the wall. All the memory of a tragic event were still fresh in his mind.

but he doesn't know what to do or how to start living life without the most important thing in his life which is his family.

The next morning Robert Collins can stand up and walk slowly.

He went outside his room and he saw the living room was neatly arranged and seem like there are no other people besides him and Mr. Randal,

The wall down the stair and look into the wall where a family picture displayed cleanly without even a speck of dust then turn his head on the right side facing a wall where several guns, knife, and the sword was displayed properly.

Then he saw a dog-tag name Captain Pete Randal beside is a picture of several strong looking soldiers and Mr. Pete Randal stands in the middle of them looking more formidable.

"I lost all of them, its painful, too painfully that even I ask God about my purpose of staying alive."

A sorrowful voice of Mr. Randal.

Robert turns and saw a man over 50 years old and he suddenly felt like he was reunited with his father.

Then Robert told Mr. Randal what happened to him, how he suffered so much from the hand of unfair, injustice, and powerful people in his City.

Mr. Randal understood Robert's grievance but he never looks at him with pity.

Because he saw a man that full of hope and determined to get back what he lost, stand and fight back after being destroyed multiple time,

He saw a man that he should be like when he lost everything.

From that moment Mr. Randal swears that he will help Robert in every possible way he could.

So he started to train Robert and teach him how to fight how to survive and how to get stronger physically, emotionally and mentally.

While on the other hand, Robert went to the library every day.

He focused on reading books that are filled with knowledge about different kinds of business to armed his mind.

One thing that he focused on is the stocks and foreign exchange industry, real-estate, Trading and he also acquire knowledge about law and politics.

For several months he focuses on combat training, observing, and analyzing a person's behavioral character and business strategies so that no one can ever bully him again in terms of physical fight or even competing about business strategies.

Mr. Randal helps him with his principle and how to carry his emotion under pressure.

As the day goes by Robert Collins transformed himself into a very formidable man that no one dares to be offended.

With just him, he can able to put down a large company.

Its been 9 months, all the books in the library have been red by Robert Collins and all the combat techniques and skills of Mr. Randal had been acquired by him as well.

A very quiet evening under the moon and stars while wind blowing blissfully at the bonfire outside the house.

Robert and Mr. Randal sat down while having a good shot of whiskey.

"Are you ready?" Mr. Randal asks.

"It been so long, I already planned how could have my life back. I wonder how my family been doing but I know every single moment that I've been away this is worth it.

My purpose is clear as water in a very calm lake. I'll be never swayed nor be threatened by all the people who cause me to live in a very sorrowful life.

But I'm still glad to bound with you in this life." Robert Collins respectfully said to Mr. Randal.

"Very well, seem like the time has come for you to soar and shock the business world of Stanford City.

You can continue as the way you planned and I already arranged your new Identity as Joseph Randal.

As a gift for you, here are all the documents that prove you are Joseph Randal from birth certificate, family background, social media and bank accounts and all the investment that I made for my son that my wife and I lost 17 years ago.

Here is all the key that you need including my old house in Stanford City.

Its all yours but remember to protect your life from all your enemy and don't even give them a hint of who you really are. Okey?

I have a little favor to ask to visit my wife grave in Stanford when you are there bring her a bouquet of tulips flower for me." Mr. Randal talks like bestowing power and recognition of a formidable knight.

Robert accepted all the handwork that was done by Mr. Randal for him and just simply thanks and raise a toast to Mr. Randal as a sign of farewell.

Now with the new identity Joseph Randal a very formidable, fearless, intelligent, smart, wise

A confident person that cant be sway or even push back by anyone.

He will rise and shake Stanford City like an earthquake dominating business and eager to grabbed all the wealth so that he can buy Jordain City and all the people who cause him to be lonely will pay at a terrible price.