Chapter 10: The Journey to Stanford City.

4:30 A.M the alarm making noise but Joseph Randal already awake and packed all thing up,

Then walk out of his room carrying a backpack and medium-size travel bag.

He didn't bother waking up Mr. Pete Randal and he went straight to the door.

Outside the house is a black Vintage car Ford Shelby Mustang GT350 1965's a very smooth gorgeous domineering car that only a formidable man like him can seat and drive.

The car was waiting for him to roar the street going to Stanford City. Joseph Randal drove the car by looking back at the house.

From Bedrock County it is four to five-hour travel going to Stanford City but since he's using his Shelby ford mustang it will only take him less than 4 hours.

On the left side mirror, a 2 black Passat car dashing behind him engine roaring

and front light blinking like asking for a match of racing then suddenly someone throws a soft-drinks can on his windshield and accelerate fast

teasing Joseph Randal to follow them if he can but they didn't realize that they are asking a monster to catch them and tear their car apart they thought that the driver of the car doesn't the courage to take their challenge.

Joseph heavily steps into the accelerator and the engineer starts roaring angrily and screaming like a beast that will catch a prey.

In no time the 2 black Passat was left behind like a piece of trash thrown out the roadside.

Joseph Randal Swiss swatch beep. It is an army type of watch that was given by Mr. Pete Randal,

when it beeps it emits light like a signal telling him to stop for gas and eat something according to his usual diet.

Then he saw a gas station with a 7/11 convenient across the road then he stops and pomp in his gas tank then he park his car in front of the convenient store

He went inside to buy food and ate there, Joseph Randal was full and about to ride heading to Stanford City.

When the 2 black Passat arrived together with a BMW 7 series a luxury car immediately park behind his Ford Mustang prohibiting him to move backward.

then 6 people around 20 to 23 years old and another 30 to 35 years old wearing a black suit probably he is the private guard of one of this boy family

went out of their car and said "Cool car"

Joseph Randal walk beside his car then suddenly a man yelled at him.

"Hey, how arrogant and reckless are you. We almost got into an accident earlier when you passed us by.

Don't you want to lower your head and apologize to us or we will make you kneel down." A young man angrily shouted at him.

Joseph Randal has a tolerance for those kinds of people and didn't say anything

but suddenly the young boy's bodyguard dash toward to Joseph and throw a punch in him and 2 other men was about to hold him

but Joseph retaliate quickly swing his elbow so fast directly landed at the face of the young man on his right then

he bent forward to throw an uppercut punch to the man wearing a black suit then a fast side kick hit the young man on his left side.

Joseph Randal was so fast and three of them bleed and scream of pain can be heard loudly that frightened the other young men.

He moves very quickly that all of them were sent flying each time those heavy punches land on any part of their bodies.


After that he doesn't look to any of them and touches his nose and calmly pushes the car that was blocking his car then he went into his car and drives faster as there nothing happened.

Meanwhile, all the people who received his punches were still laying on the ground screaming out of pain, someone suffers from broken limb there is someone scoffing blood flowing out his nose and regretting to offend someone like Joseph Randal.

It is already 8:30 AM when Joseph Randal reaches the location of the old house own by Mr. Pete Randal but the house was still neat and maintain because.

Mr. Randal hired a maid to clean the house and even the backyard was good as a new house.

He went in and put all his belonging into the room and sat on the table to study all the properties and investments that were being transferred to him by Mr. Pete Randal.

Then suddenly he opens a document that has the name of Stratton Contractor company and the owner name written there was Joseph Randal.

He looked at the address write it in his small notebook.

Then he begun to install CCTV inside and outside the house and laser alarm was also being installed then he used his drone that he was purchase online to scout the place 200 meters diameter and took a couple of pictures. To monitor the area and be familiar as well.

He also set up 2 kinds of computer one is for his office work and the other one was set up in a hidden room for GPS tracking purposes.

It is already lunchtime when laser alarm whistled and he looks at the CCTV screen monitor

There is someone trying to open the front gate.

Then he went out and open the gate and saw a young lady trying to unlock the gate

The lady was shocked because someone opens the door from the inside.

"Who are? Are you a thief?" Fearfully ask by the young lady.

"Is it logical to think that If I'm a thief you won't see me standing in front of you.,

I'm the owner of this house, who are you? What you need?"

Joseph Randal asked with an interrogating tone of voice.

"I'm here to clean the house as a part-time job." But Joseph interrupted her and hand over 5000 as payment and said...

"No need to do that, Its already done, take this money and leave."

Then he closed the gate immediately and the young girl was shocked like she was splash by ice-cold water. She doesn't have time to react.

"Okey you bastard, who do you think you are.!" Then she leaves immediately and throws the money back over the gate and leaves hastily.

Joseph Randal smiles and went back to his room and prepare food and eat, he took a shower as well.

After taking a bath Joseph called a number on the card that was being stapled together with the certificate of ownership of Stratton Industries Company

Ring! Ring! Ring!

"Hello, I'm looking for Mr. Venson Tadler," Joseph said.

"Yes, Greeting to you Young Lord Joseph, I've received a call and instructions from Lord Pete.

He already informed me that you will come and inherit your father's company.

Everything was prepared and settled. Do you want me to send one of our bodyguards to pick you up?" Mr. Tadler said politely.

"No need to do that, I'm on my way," Joseph said casually then hung up the phone.