Chapter 11: The Heir

Wearing a Luxurious silver-white suit, expensive brown leather shoes, and black sunglasses.

A very sophisticated man and strikingly cold domineering figure driving Shelby Ford mustang GT 65's arrived at the build of Stratton Industries located along with top-class buildings at Stanford Business Center.

All of the employees and executive are in front of the building formed a straight line waiting for the heir of the company,

Joseph Randal went out of his amazing car and all of the women eyes were glaring and admiring the look of a very handsome man standing in front of them

Everyone is bent down 90-degree position and then suddenly a greeting in unison can be heard loudly at the business center.

"Welcome Young Lord Joseph to Stratton Industries we are here to serve you."

Joseph nodded and a formidable figure at 50's plus age rashly walk in front of him then lower his head while introducing his name

"Greetings Young Lord Joseph, I am butler Venson."

Then Joseph nodded and walked straight to the large door of the building while everyone follows especially all the executives of the company.

He reaches the lobby of the building and everyone gives loud applause.

Then Joseph raises his hand for them to stop and everyone gets quiet, waiting for him to speak.

Joseph speak with conviction while looking at every single facet of the employees and executives

"Everyone thanks you for your greeting but starting from today I'll review every single employee's performance from securities up to executives of this company. So for now may I ask all of you to get back at work."

Then Joseph walked directly to the conference room and seat on the very end of the table facing all the executives standing in front of him.

"Gentlemen, can you join me on this table?" Then everyone sat and Mr. Tadler hand over a list of documents.

Joseph quickly read all of them then called out for some name.

"Gentlemen if I called your name please stand up,

Mr. Lee

Mr. Deacon

Mr. Pitcher

Start from today I'm demoting to a managerial position since there is some document that has an unclear outcome and that is one of the things I hate the most UNCERTAINTY.

Those who are against in my decision can come forward and explain the document I have here

If you give me a satisfying answer and justification you can regain your position."

Joseph said with ice-cold glaring eyes looking on each executive but no one has the audacity to come forward and speak for himself since they already know what's good for them.

"Is there anyone of you? If none?

The three of you can go out and I'll send some tasks to your new desk for you to make up and regain my trust. Once you received it report to my office immediately "

Joseph instructed them with seriousness in his face. Then he continues reading and after he was done.

He segregated the task according to what he plans for the future of the company and the remaining executive was glad and admired him for his strategies and point of view.

Then the meeting was done and Mr. Tadler accompanies him to his office.

At the office, Joseph hand over a box of tea to Mr. Tadler as a gift from Mr. Pete Randal and said

"Mr. Tadler my father wants to give you this box of tea as a gift for serving him and this company properly for a number of years he was personally mixed and made that tea for."

"Thank you, Young Lord Joseph. You shouldn't trouble yourself for this." Reply politely by Mr. Tadler.

Joseph nodded and order Mr. Tadler to send the document and ask for the three executives to come into his office. Then Mr. Tadler calls out for those Three.

Mr. Lee, Mr. Deacon, and Mr. Pitcher are in their respective office and they don't really know what's going on.

They are blank as a white bond paper and currently feeling of mixed emotion since its the 1st days of the heir of this company then they got demoted just like that without even proper explanation.

Those three directors were the most honest and hardworking out of all the executives however they are low profiles and always got bullied by others especially by a very cunning and vicious director Mr. Sheridan Gordon.

Mr. Gordon handled a big project worth 500 Million and those projects were the once bringing Billions of money before

but eventually, Stratton Industries has been losing profit but the record was clean and properly done somethings really off about it.

because they don't have any proof that Mr. Gordon is doing illegal things and pocketing money from the company.

Joseph Randal needs 3 honest people to infiltrate and investigated those 3 departments under that project to get evidence and kick Mr. Gordon butt out of the company.

The 3 executives already went inside the room and now they're nervously waiting for Joseph Randal to speak up.

While slowly bowing down their head "Greeting Young Lord Joseph, how can we help you?."

They greet Joseph in unison and bids of cold sweat can be seen in their flowing down in their forehead.

Joseph wave his hand and walked through the end of a small dining table or tea table and sat at the very elegant chair that only his butt is fit to seat in.

"Gentlemen please be seated. I need honest, wise, and intelligent peoples who can work out on this very special company matters."

Said by Joseph then lift up his hand and a 3 folder appeared and throw it to each of them.

The three managers curiously holding a folder that has a written file name project restructuring and their eyes get widen and looked at each other.

"Open the folder and read your objectives thoroughly and this must be classified only the Five of us in this room knows about this including Mr. Tadler,

if this leaked out I'll finish your career here at Stanford Business Center. Now read and study it tonight and you have up until tomorrow morning to decide and you will only directly report to me through Mr. Tadler, Understood.?"

Joseph said with conviction then he stands up and orders those three to get out of his office then Joseph went back home.

The project was about the JZR pharmaceutical company that owned by Stratton Industries that currently under the management of Mr. Sheridan Gordon,

Mr. Gerald Lee is assigned to infiltrate and investigate the pharmaceutical marketing department.

Mr. Mark Deacon is assigned to infiltrate and investigate the pharmaceutical laboratories.

Mr. Andrew Pitcher is assigned to infiltrate and investigate the warehouse and product inventory.

They are got bullied by Mr. Gordon so it will not hard for all of them to make a decision by tomorrow.

Joseph Randal went out of the room and Mr. Tadler is currently waiting to send Joseph home,

while walking in the corridor going to lobby of the building everyone is respectful to Joseph and Mr. Tadler.

"Mr. Tadler please prepare a bouquet of Tulip Flower tomorrow and accompany me to my mother's grave," Joseph said.

"Yes, Young Lord, consider it done." Mr. Tadler politely replied.

when Joseph is about to leave he told Mr. Tadler that there is no need for him to accompany on his way back home, Mr. Tadler lowers his head a little and said: "Okey, just be careful Young Lord Joseph".