Chapter 13: The letters

A solemn night under starry evening,

wind blowing blissfully under the gazed of moonlight.

Joseph Randal sat on the antique chair uniquely designed with engraved art of flower-like bouquet of tulips that are very relaxing to sit on.

Looking at photo albums of Mr. Randal's simple family,

They are only three at the pictures most of the time, they live in a peaceful and quiet contented life with happy people around them.

Joseph flipping page after page when he saw a letter.

He opens the letter and saw that it was from Mrs. Susan O. Randal.

The paper was quite old, it was around more than 15 years ago.

A picture suddenly dropped on the table, it was a young boy about 8 years old.

He picked up the picture and begun to read the letter.

Dear Son,

It is been two years since we've lost you, two years of the agony of missing you here in my arms,

How are you, my son?

It is really hard without you on our side, I've been lonely and longing.

Getting weaker and weaker each day that's passed.

I starting to lose my strength and give up in this life but I'm afraid that your father will never forgive me for leaving him.

But it was my fault by not listening to him that is why I carry this kind of torment.

Now your father is turning this City upside down, but still, he feels that's not enough.

He knows you were there, it just that the enemy was too strong to separate you from us.

Its hurt deeply in my heart to think about that I already lost your father too.

I want to hug you as tight as possible and never let you go.

I know you are still there and we will find you, even if your father destroys thousands of walls hindering us from being together.

Because we love you so much and we will not give up. No matter what happens.



Looking at the small picture Joseph was very curious about what happened to Their child.

The letter was long its about 2 pages narrating what happen, how did it happen but since it was old he couldn't identify some words and phrases. So he keeps it and he will ask an expert to try restoring it.

He also saw some letters from investigators. Some news articles about a business tycoon child gone missing.

But he couldn't read them since it was old and some words and phrases are obscured already.

Continuously reading at the table while drinking whiskey to help him fell asleep.

He looked at the elegant old table of Mr. Pete Randal and pulled out the drawer when he found out a small black notebook.

A list of names appeared with some details corresponding to each name.

He saw a piece of paper carefully folded and it doesn't seem to be attached to this old black notebook.

Then Joseph picked up a letter from Mr. Pete Randal. Immediately read it.

To my beloved wife Susan,

I've been away for 3 years now but each day I live, I missed you so much that whenever I close my eyes your beautiful and lovely image appear and I felt even lonelier that I couldn't be with you this darkest time of our life.

I'm still chasing them those people who separated our family. I can't just sit down and do nothing for our child.

It wasn't easy to face our enemy, the worst thing is, it happened to be your family.

I don't really know why they are doing this to us. But if the reason is power, I can give it to them but I'm just really afraid that they will not stop chasing us.

Just please wait for me, when it is done, the three of us will travel as far as we can to live a peaceful life together.

Your dearest husband,

Peter Randal

Joseph curiosity grew stronger and said

"This time I'll help Mr. Randal to find his son. That is the least I can do to thanks him." Then he fell asleep.