Chapter 14: The Grave

Joseph woke up early and prepared everything and waited for a couple of minutes for Mr. Tadler.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Joseph open the remotely opened the gate for Mr. Tadler.

"Good morning, Young Lord, here are the bouquet of tulips" Politely said by Mr. Tadler.

"Yeah put it inside my car then follow me at my mom's grave," Joseph said casually.

Joseph drove over to a private cemetery outskirt Stanford that can be mistaken as tourist placed.

Because of its location uphill clean view mountain and overlooking site on the Stanford City.

Although its a Cemetery it has a relaxing sense of atmosphere.

"This was your family old house before you went missing," said Mr. Tadler while walking uphill stairways.

"Your father made it as a private cemetery for your mother not to be lonely and left alone here." Mr. Tadler narrated.

Joseph just nodded and slowly continuously walk as well. He doesn't know what to say since he is just using this identity.

But Joseph felt a bliss of wind while walking towards a grave that has dry tulips on the top,

His eyes redden while standing and staring on the grave, he felt the loneliness of being alone and longing for his family.

When he red the letter last night, Joseph imagines how hard for Mrs. Randal to be alone and he feels the same way too.

He kneels down for respect and prays for the happiness of the soul and spirit of Mrs. Randal in heaven.

Joseph stayed for a couple of minutes and drove over to the office.

At the office, Joseph was seating on the chair while looking at the report and decision of those three managers.

Mr. Lee reported first, Pharmaceutical Marketing department was really great at creating ideas for the medical supplies and medicinal herbal.

But what's getting my attention is. There is a lot of marketing material that is overpricing and some are not even existing.

Mr. Deacon reported pharmaceutical laboratories. Young Lord base on the information I have our laboratories are continuously providing good service and producing a lot of product that has a great profit in our company.

However, I've noticed that all the equipment and types of machinery that we have were a little out of date and I figured out that our company already provided a budget for those new machines and types of equipment. I'll research more once I visit other Labs outside Stanford.

Mr. Pitcher Young Lord, yesterday I already visited our warehouses and at some point, it was the same as our Lab. Our equipment should be updated and those delivery trucks however that new equipment that we order are not yet being delivered. It was almost a year delayed but no report coming from Director Gordon.

Joseph let them leave after they report the situation of JZR pharmaceutical Company.

He called Mr. Tadler and ask the finance department about the account of the company and its stability.

He asks for the graph of profit and lost then figured out that the pharmaceutical company should be earning at least 5 to 15 billion revenue.

however, due to high company expenses of like machines and laboratory equipment, they are losing half the target income for a year

still doesn't have any return for the investment of new equipment that was already paid by the company.

Joseph realized that its either fully covered up by someone intentionally to pocketed the invested money for that equipment.

He needs to have more evidence and more document to get to the bottom of this.

Sensing anomaly and ulterior motive Joseph need to monitor Director Mr. Sheridan Gordon personally.

Knock! Knock!

Come in Mr. Tadler.

"Young Lord Joseph I received an invitation for this coming Stanford Business Center 30th anniversary. It will happen by the end of this month."

"Alright! We're coming"