Chapter 15: The Infantry

At the old warehouse owned by Stratton Industry located outskirts of the city.

Group of 50 formidable and intelligent people, 10 men and 10 beautiful ladies with high attainment in terms of technology, tracking, hacking, infiltration, spying, and combat skill.

Mainframe computer was set up the hidden 2-floor underground basement.

30 strong formidable men, medium build body that was trained in different martial art techniques most of them are ex-soldier, marine and DPA police that has a clean record and good intention and aware of both legal and illegal sector of the city.

They were carefully recruited by Mr. Tadler as per the order of Mr. Pete Randal two months before Joseph inherits the company.

They are already scattered to every possible threat to their industry and even their own company they have a position as well as JZR pharmaceutical company.

Joseph anticipated all of it ahead of time, his mind was futuristic as it was like a lion planned to corner prey.

Its was Joseph who got the idea to form a group of a trusted subordinate as his offense and defense hid card for battles.

They will be his arms and legs on the ground and eyes and ears inside the enemy's compounds or company.

For almost a year Joseph trained by Mr. Randal to be formidable and he was like born for this, his body strength was made to shuttered any kind of enemy, his mind is as calm as the pyramid under the surge of a sand storm.

He was a prodigy in battle and a genius conquerer.

That moment Mr. Randal looked at Joseph as a ferocious warrior that can savage a battalion of the army, he was strong, fast, attentive, calm, and always has the best judgment in every situation.

Joseph arrived at the warehouse together with Mr. Tadler.

The 30 men form a 5 lines standing straight and greeted "Welcome to hidden base Young Lord Joseph" while leaning 30 degrees.

Joseph nodded and to test their abilities and capabilities. He order them to attack him at once.

30 strong men looked at each other afraid that they might injure Young Lord.

Mr. Tadler shouted "didn't you heard what Young lord said? Did I recruited 30 deaf stupid people in this infantry?" Just then all of them moved and throw a punch to Joseph.

Joseph reacts fast, his eyes were sharped that all of the 30 men move in slow motion.

In an instant, he dodges all of them while launching a quick hit using his two fingers he landed a strike in their vital part of the body.

At that very moment Joseph ends up in the back of all of them unable to move and in unison, they scream in pain and find themself laying on the ground.

All of them were shocked and Mr. Tadler's mind was blanked asking himself what happened? Looking at Joseph with dazed like seeing a shadow monster.

Me. Tadler said to himself "oh my where did Lord Pete Randal find this monster?"

Joseph said it was a technique of an assassin in china called deadly shadow fingers.

I just hit the part of your body to injured, but If I want too, I cant hit the part that will kill you slowly within 5 minutes.

Everyone was frightened at how terrifying Joseph martial art skills.

If I hit that part your blood will unable to circulate and all of them will flow directly to your heart in 5 minutes your heart will explode.

Joseph said while healing them with old Chinese massage techniques and each of them started to stand up.

He pulled up an old notebook and said "this is the technique and I will teach all of you."

Everyone attended and excited about what skills they can acquire from this training.

But all of the need to develop speed, accuracy, stamina, endurance, and most important is your senses. You need a quick mind to react at a certain strike of your enemy.

If you don't develop that you might perish, so if anyone here would like to back out you can walk away now.

Everyone was standing firmly and strongly decided to stay even if they already know that they can vanish through training.

Joseph looked at everyone expressions, "seems like all of you decided to stay huh"

Then Joseph asks Mr. Tadler the contract for them to approve. Mr. Tadler hand over it to them

All of the bodyguards are stunned seeing how Joseph benefits them as every single aspect in life they needed has been bestowed by Joseph all they need to do is sign the contract.

Then Joseph asked Mr. Tadler to build a training curse and he shows a complete construction plan while they are walking down the basement.

Joseph will give the step by step instructions when they finished building the training curse.

In the basement, there is a big screen portrait of the entire Stanford City. With a complete view of all CCTV in every street and corner. Also, they can also hack in and penetrate the database of a certain company.

5 ladies agent were present and 15 of them were already deployed and can be seen in the screen using a tracker and can be contacted using a multi-function smartwatch.

When he arrived the all of them stand up greeted Joseph.

Joseph sat on the front of the mainframe and test the capability of them.

He instructed to hack the CCTV inside his house but the agent cant penetrate his computer guard. They were amazed by it and looked at each other like questioning what did just happened.

Joseph replaces the agent and input some unique codes then suddenly they can view almost all the CCTV inside his house. But there are some areas that still hidden.

He encodes another unusual code that enables access even government places in and Joseph called it the "eagle spy eyes".

Everyone was amazed by how intelligent and smart Joseph is when it comes to technology.

He called the place a hidden pentagon.

Joseph stand up and assign who will be the leader of their team since he is the one who actually scouted them and is recruited by Mr. Tadler.

He assigned Ms. Scarlett Jensen as the leader of the team responsible for spying and tracking as she scores the highest in analytics and logistics tests in addition to her military skills.

Joseph called her "Eagle shadow conquerer" as a code name.

But he will choose leader of his pack of lion after a week of training they need to improve faster so that they can be rewarded and be at Joseph's companion for the rest of their lives.

Joseph gave Mr. Tadler a list of equipment that he needs to purchase, several Big Van that they need, and helicopters fighters for airstrike battle if necessary.

After he was done with his infantry, he told Mr. Tadler that he will back after a week to check and personally train them.

He went home and rest in a while drinking his herbal tea then spend time for yoga to clear his mind and be more focused.