Chapter 16: The Two Old Idiot

Several days have passed.

Exxon Group of Corporation or ExxonCorp. Is currently the top 4 corporation in Stanford City.

It was managed and owned by a 50-year-old vicious man CEO Lord Marquis Exxon. The great competitor of Stratton Group.

Lord Marquis Exxon had been eying all the property of Stratton Group that he doesn't have like JZR pharmaceutical company in order for him to advance into number 3 at the lists of top-notch corporations in Stanford City.

Lord Marquis have some conflict with the Oakmond. 5 years ago they have collaborated with a project but eventually, their relationship got shuttered when Oakmond snatched the large portion of shares.

Lord Marquis put so much effort into that project because it will raise his status to the top 2 on lists. But he didn't imagine that Oakmond Group was so cunning to manipulate the situations and kick him out of the project.

He holds a very deep grudge to Oakmond Group since the and they started to clash in every business venture and endless battles in terms of properties, money, connection, and territories.

But because of the power of Oakmond Group as top 1 business corporation, Lord Marquis need to think twice before he moves or sabotages the company that is why instead of focusing on them. He turn his eyes to the sleeping lion Stratton industry that was being handled by Mr. Tadler.

Mr. Tadler knows him very well that is why he was able to defend the company from him. Until Director Gordon became drown in money and quietly making things possible for Lord Marquis to snatch the JZR pharmaceutical.

Mr. Gordon had been tricked by Lord Marquis using money to get his loyalty.

The plan was to stop the pharmaceutical from production by crushing all the equipment and paid someone from the government to make an audit about the standard of the laboratories and warehouse to deplete the sales and lose market then Lord Marquis will buy the JZR pharmaceutical company and rebuild it since it has already had a large market in just several years he can stand up to face the Oakmond Group.

But what Lord Marquis didn't know is that Joseph had everything under control.

He will let Director Gordon do according to their plan.

The JZR pharmaceutical company begun to decrease production because of the failures of machines and equipment they also getting trouble with the delivery in just two weeks' time.

The company was suffering from major losses and some other business companies are noticing that the market value of JZR pharmaceutical was going down in a consistent behavior as the week goes by.

Some other business laughing at how the new CEO performing after inheriting that large company. Joseph's name was a word of the day for them and consistent badmouthing him in every business gathering.

Corporate meeting at A Stratton Industry, everyone is talking about JZR pharmaceutical company and everyone thinks that the CEO didn't know what he's doing. If this continue they will lose that company and billion of dollar revenue will be gone.

Joseph arrived and they can't hide the disappointment in their faces. Even though they have to be polite and greet gorgeously to the CEO.

"Greetings Young Lord Joseph," all said in unison.

Joseph waves his hand and everyone seat with awful fame and seems like they are losing confidence to Joseph.

Joseph began to talk and give an update about other businesses that are striving prosperously, Then he asks "Is there any question, suggestion, or violent reaction? Now is the time I will not mind it."

A brave Director raises his hand and speaks "what about the JZR pharmaceutical company?"

"Oh that company? I already got the report from Mr. Gordon and Check it and it seems like that was actually destined to happen, as of the moment I don't have any solution yet, but let me ask Mr. Gordon he submitted a proposal and it seems like it was a great thing to do to cope up with loses."

Everyone thinks that the CEO was too naive and looked at Mr. Gordon and he speaks with confidence since Joseph was agreeing with him.

"I suggested that we sell asset JZR pharmaceutical company for 80 billion since their still a corporation who is willing to bid that high price for that asset because if we're kept holding into it we might lose more than what we can imagine." Mr. Gordon proudly said that.

Joseph asked all the Director "what do you think everyone? It's a great chance to get something in return right?" Then everyone agree.

So Mr. Gordon please send all the documents needed to sell that company and the proposal from the highest bidder. You've done a great judgement for that. I

Joseph praised Mr. Gordon.

"Right away Young Lord I'll send it to you next week, Don't mention it I'm just doing my job."

Mr. Gordon was smiling heinously seems like every single million of money he pocketed will vanish in thin air. Hehehe.

Joseph said but wait, Mr. Gordon, suddenly Mr. Gordon felt cold and sweat run down his face a little bit when he heard Joseph.

"Don't send it to me next week since we all need to attend the anniversary party I don't want to make your work in that special occasion, Looked at the face, it seems tired or something. How can you attract beautiful women in the party." Then Joseph laugh and everyone laugh as well.

"Okay! The meeting is done, everyone takes good care." Joseph calmly said.

Mr. Tadler was just listening and admiring he handles business matter without spewing pressure and how pretentious Young Lord Joseph was while toying old fellow Mr. Gordon.

Meanwhile, he went back to the warehouse base where his infantry was training and when he went out of the car, everyone stopped and greeted him but Joseph waves his hand and said continue.

Everyone continues while Joseph watching the struggle to passed the obstacle through the circular curse, some are wounded some have a swollen face and breathing heavily but they still could reach at least half of the curse.

Joseph shouted stop and they stopped and they stand straight and form a line. They cant looked at Joseph they all embarrass about they current state.

Joseph laugh a little bit and said "Looked at this ex-soldiers Mr. Tadler is this the best people you can find? How disappointed."

Seriously the curse seems to be not hard just by looking at it. But when they have tried it all body parts were moving and all muscles were being tackled at once and their eyes were very busy all senses are being used and that what they have been struggling they are not focus enough to run the curse smoothly.

Joseph turn around and walk to the starting line close his eyes and began to run.

Everyone was really shocked when they saw Joseph completed the curse in just a moment of time without even get injured and have his eyes closed.

They suddenly realized how terrifying Young Lord Joseph when it comes to combat.

"Joseph raise his hands if you completed the curse the way I do, I reward you big time but if

not I'll replace you and you can say goodbye to the high salary and good fortune that I offered you but if you can finish it in just good enough and I'm satisfied you'll stay and prepare to be part of something big." Now continue and I'll be back to check you all after 2 weeks."

Joseph went straight to the hidden pentagon,

He stayed for a while and give instructions to focus on Mr. Gordon and Lord Marquis, he wants everything like a copy of the illegal document, bank accounts, and every single evidence that can be used to trick Mr. Gordon and Lord Marquis.

So the spy on Lord Marquis was his secretary.

As a signal ordered by Joseph, she moves hastily but carefully.

when they saw the contract made by The most trusted legal department of Lord Marquis.

The spy already switched it with the contract that was made by Joseph recently and got printed by the spy with the logo of Exxon Group.

The spy hands it over to Lord Marquis and since he thought it was from the legal department he signed it excitedly.

after that, he hands it over again to the spy and the spy went back to the legal department to have a signature since Lord Marquis signed it.

So everything was approved by Lord Marquis and his legal team.

Now the contract was sealed and no one can open it only Joseph Randal since he is the last one who will read and signed it.

Lord Marquis ask his secretary (spy) to book a restaurant, of course, she was instructed by Joseph to book a restaurant that secretly owned by Joseph Randal.

Afterward, Mr. Gordon has been contacted by Lord Marquis for a dinner,

They went to a Luxurious place named Rand's Resto-bar, across Oakmond Royale Authentic Cuisine to hide their meet up from other businessmen.

Joseph relaxingly watched them at the monitor like the director making a movie.

At the room, Mr. Gordon handed over a contract and proposal to Lord Marquis and read them excitedly and said "that is a great job, Mr. Gordon"

"I'll have this signed up by the legal department tomorrow so that there won't be any problem next month." The he put it in the a sealed suitcase that he is the only that can open.

Then Mr. Gordon proposed a toast to Lord Marquis for the success of owning the JZR pharmaceutical company.

"That amateur CEO just lost a big property just like that haha haha how stupid he is." Said by Lord Marquis while both of them are laughing.

"I have good news for you, Lord Marquis, Don't be a surprise to much if you hear this." Said by Mr. Gordon.

"Oh you've done a great job and now you have more good things comings, surprise me, Mr. Gordon, I like surprises haha haha," said Lord Marquis while drinking wine and chewing meat.

"I'll be transferred to real state company by that stupid CEO and I handle most of the Hotels, Villa and executive villages outside Stanford City, so prepare to acquire all of them as well ha ha ha." Heinously said by Mr. Gordon.

They eat and drink the whole afternoon and Joseph was watching them while preparing all the documents and evidence of all illegal doings of both of them.

Every single scene was recorded.

Since Mr. Gordon bit the bait hardly, he won't get enough of it and really excited to get it done.

The next morning, Mr. Gordon came early at the legal department and submitted the proposal and documents needed a signature of the legal personnel.

He let his secretary get the sealed document however before he knows it, it was already been switched by the spy secretary then hand it over to the legal personnel.

The legal personnel said "It will take a while"

Then Mr. Gordon nodded.

Joseph called Mr. Gordon to his office.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Come in!

"Greeting Young Lord Joseph," said Mr. Gordon confidently.

Joseph wave his hand as a sign that he recognized his presence and let him seat on the chair.

"You've done a great job Mr. Gordon and here are the documents I want you to study for your next assignment, you will handle our biggest real state company at the south, so prepare yourself." Said by Joseph calmly without any sign of tormented plan on his face.

Mr. Gordon accepted it like he won a lottery worth 100 billion.

"By the way Mr. Gordon where are the proposal of the JZR pharmaceutical company?"

While Mr. Gordon is about to answer that someone knocks on the door.

Joseph said come in, the door open and the legal personnel brought over the contract together with the proposal.

The legal personnel said, "it did we read everything and signed it as well, we need Mr. Gordon signature and your signature as well Young Lord." Then walked over to Mr. Gordon to have it signed every single paper and the move to hand it over to Joseph and he signed it undoubtedly without even blinking an eye.

He put it inside the sealed folder that no one can open only Joseph or Lord Marquis. The walked to the safety bold of his office. While walking Joseph said

"I admire your hard work, Mr. Gordon, after this, I'll give a reward, how about having a vacation using our company cruise ship for the entire month?"

Mr. Gordon ears were swollen when he heard that and stand up and bent 90 degrees and said "That is a very generous reward Young Lord Joseph, I'll work harder in the future."

Joseph smiled and said, "okay you seem happy for that little reward, you may take your leave, I still have some document to sign."

Mr. Gordon went out of the office and walked while his head is high full of confident with arrogant looking face. In his mind he said

"What an idiot CEO dumb like a beginner hahaha"