Chapter 17: The Big Shot Party

The end of the month already time flies so fast and the most Luxurious place in City called "The Grand Palestine" was already decorated glamorously as they have expected all the business tycoon will be present especially the Oakmond Group or the Top 5 businessmen company CEO.

The festivity will start at 6:00 PM but some are already there early to mingle and discuss to other businessmen.

Stratton Group is still the talk of the City, all of the businessmen were talking about the billions of money that were lost for soaring down of the JRZ pharmaceutical company. They can't believe that the CEO still seating down and doing nothing to save the company.

They gossip that the new CEO was a Young idiot who doesn't know to handle the situation and always relying on his right hand Mr. Tadler.

They talking about all the investors that pulling out all their money to JZR pharmaceutical company. But seems like the CEO doesn't care about it.

They think that Stratton will go down in a short time by the way the CEO handles things.

It was already 6:00 PM and the host begun to call on those company and congratulating them,

The host called to start from the top 10 to 1

"May we call on the attention of the CEO's or representatives of the following major companies starting form

the largest telecommunication in the world the TelcoWorld international net-worth 100 billion

follow by the largest supplier of gasoline kyrogas corp, net-worth 150 billion

Largest mining industry the Olsten mining net-worth 250 billion also

the owner ports and jet planes Dynasty travel and port net-worth 260 billion

And the largest contractor in the world Megabuild contractor net-worth 350 billion

"Oh I'm sorry to let me call on for the 6 spots the CEO of Stratton Group of Industries, net-worth 330 billion

Joseph just smile and walked straight to the stage. Some are disappointed and looking at him disdainfully. He already expected that kind of reaction but he doesn't care at all.

Then the host called Cosco techno corp net-worth 370 billion and Ling investment net-worth 380 billion

then congratulated Exxon Group of Corp for jumping the second spot because Lord Marquis recently acquired some properties from other top corporations because he uses dirty tactics and they cant do something about it.

Net-worth 450 billion

Then finally the largest corporation the top 1 company, the Oakmond Group of Company. Net-worth 950 billion

They are top 1 but they are so mysterious they don't have much information.

So the party went well every businessman eat and drinks like they are not competing with each other but behind there thought they are talking to their enemy casually while waiting for anyone to blew some information so that they can have a plan ahead of time to conquer it or put on defense mode.

Every single CEO is cruel while smiling and talking like a friendly angel but they don't let their guard down because one mistake or one information leak about a big project they are working on will turn in to a wild dog fighting for a bone.

Since they are old and out of his league Joseph didn't give them much attention since he can privately spy them with his "lions eyes" in the pentagon. He just let Mr. Tadler mingle with them since they cant any information to him.

He sat on the corner and drink wine while having a good time by himself, then a lady came in and purposely bump in him,

"Ops I'm sorry, I was so clumsy" said by the lady

"Oh its nothing, are you okay?" Joseph replied

"Yeah, I'm okay, why are you seating here at the corner? Aren't you supposed to mingle with those businessmen?" Ask by the lady.

"Me seating there? Nah they are a bunch of old men, fooling each other. Do I looked old already?" Casually said by Joseph.

"Haha your funny, seem like you are new here in City, I never seen you before in most well known hung out places of this city. By the way, I'm Alexandrea Oakmond my dad is one of the old folks there fooling with other hehe." Alexandrea said.

"Yeah I just recently came here, I don't have much time this past few weeks since I have a lot of work to do, Maybe this following month I'll be free, oh how rude am I, I'm Joseph Randal," Joseph said.

"Randal? I heard your last name once but I can't remember when. Do I sound weird? Hehe"

"Yeah you sound weird," Joseph said with a bit of smile.

"Are you having fun here? I know a place nearby its quite boring here." You wanna come Alexandrea invited Joseph.

"Yeah sure, lead the way. Do we have to bring a car" Joseph ask, actually he was hesitant but he needs to explore so why not try?

"Yeah, but I'll ride at your car instead since I don't want my bodyguard following me.

"Alright, let's go!" Joseph insisted.

They walk out of the party then suddenly Joseph sensed two men followed them to the car park but he doesn't be bothered by just two of them but he guest they are the bodyguard Alexandrea telling him about.

They went to his car and Alexandrea amazed that she will ride a vintage car that was so incredibly manly and she said "Nice ride huh." Joseph just smiles and drove the car to Alexandrea direction.

Alexandrea is a young gorgeous lady with a very stunning vital statistics like an hourglass. She has a pleasant vibrant resemblance that very attractive for a young lady.

Joseph park the car and they both went to a disco bar where most of the young heir of a prominent company used to hang out. Can be noticed just by looking at those luxury cars at the parking lot.

Alexandrea called her friend to fetch them at the front lobby to saving time looking for them. In the lobby, another gorgeous lady came followed by a quite good looking young man he must be a young heir as well by the way stood.

The young lady is Alexa Ling daughter of 3rd largest company and the man's name is Jefferson Cosco 3rd son of the owner of Cosco techno corp.

Alexa notice Joseph and said "who is he? He seems new here in our City"

Joseph introduces himself "yeah I'm Joseph Randal and I'm new here, lift his hand for handshakes." Then Alexa politely gives him one.

Jefferson Cosco smile sneering at Joseph and said "Newbie are you from a suburb? Never heard one."

Alexandrea said "hey Jeff can you be more polite don't act like an uncivilized person. I invited him to come so stop your bullshit."

Jefferson react "what did I do? I just asked him."

Then Joseph just smile and went inside together with them.

Alexandrea's friends are all heir to a company that is why they always used the VVIP room in this disco bar. Every bouncer guard here is treating them respectfully as they don't want to offend any of them.

At the room there are other young people seating and drinking having fun and talking about places they been through, some are talking about cars and other stuff.

While Joseph casually seating on the couch and drinking wine leisurely.

Alexandrea sat beside him and ask "why so quiet? You looked so manly when you are serious. You want to dance?"

Joseph just smile and said "Dance? Like that one?" He pointed at a young man dancing at the floor and they both laugh.

Then a Young man interrupted them because he thought that they are laughing at him.

"Hey are bro. Seems like you really having fun huh? What so funny? Are you laughing at me?"

That young man is Darren Exxon 2nd son of Lord Marquis Exxon.

"Hey, Darren shot up were not laughing at you," Alexandrea said.

"I'm not talking to you, Hey you don't pretend you didn't hear me, you have a mouth to stretch but doesn't know how to speak." Said Darren provoking Joseph.

But Joseph taking him as a joke and said "is there something to laugh at you? Why don't you put something in your face to make you look funny since you insisted on it." Laugh a little bit.

Darren rage with anger when he heard Joseph saying those words and said "you really have some guts huh, we'll see later if you can still smile like that."

Alexandrea interrupted and said "why are guys picking at Joseph? What your problem huh?"

"Nothing we're all good here, let's go, Jeff." Said by Darren.

Darren and Jeff are good friends and Darren secretly has felt with Alexandrea but she wasn't interested in him.

On the other side, Joseph purposely made them angry so that they know how he will retaliate when they did something bad,

he senses that there will be a big fight later and he was ready for that and a little bit excited as well since it will be nice to teach some people with respect.

After the two went out Joseph and Alexandrea drinks and talked some personal matters and Alexandrea kinda felt like he is very mature and easy to get along with,

The night goes by and they already have a good time and went out of the disco bar, Joseph said to Alexandrea to wait at the front of disco bar while he is getting the car ready.

At the car park while Joseph is walking they saw a lot of men waiting for someone and when they saw him they scattered and Darren and Jeff came out lighting a cigarette and said: "that him, that is the bastard teach him a lesson."

After what he said about a hundred men went out in front of Joseph.

throw punches but Joseph wasn't afraid of how many of them ganging up to put him down because even if 300 people with his ability to fight no one can hurt him.

Joseph dodges then strike so fast that none of them can react,

Joseph strike using all pointed part of his body like elbow, knees, and fingers


one by one they are screaming with pain for just taking a hit from Joseph

in a short time all the men were laying down, all are injured and wounded.

Alexandrea felt something is not right, so she went to the car park and witness those people laying down on the ground.

Darren and Jeff are the only ones remained standing, they were shocked for what they have seen, one man taking down a hundred people.

Then Joseph walked in front of them, the two were dumbfounded unable to react and speak.

They felt like they going to be dead if they speak one word, after seeing Joseph staring at them like a grim reaper.

Out of shock and fear they run as monsters have chased them.

Then a lovely voice worriedly said, "what happened?"

Joseph turned around and saw Alexandrea fearfully standing in the middle of the injured people.

Joseph just smiled and said "We're having fun but they lost so they have to suffer from consequences. He hehe. Come on let us go I'll send you home."

Then Joseph looked at the part where the two bodyguard hiding.

When they saw Joseph looking at them felt being pierced with a cold knife unable to move. "What a ferocious man is that we need to report this" Said the bodyguard.

Then Joseph and Alexandrea went to the car and ride going to Alexandrea house.

At the gate of the oakmond mansion, Alexandrea father was waiting together 20 formidable guards.

Joseph went out of the car and open Alexandrea door. He greeted the man in the middle with respect

"Good evening Lord William Oakmond, I have personally escorted your daughter here in your mansion"

"You have guts Young Lord Joseph, how is Lord Pete Randal doing?" Said by Lord William.

Joseph calmly said, "He's doing fine, stronger like a lion."

Alexandrea was surprised to found out his father knew about Joseph's father "Dad you know them?."

Lord William replied, "Yes, how can I forgot Lord Pete Randal the lion that I tamed, You know Young Lord Joseph this is not a usual place where you can come and go just as you wanted ."

Joseph senses something and he said in his mind "Its a test." Then reply to Lord William "Yeah I figured that out, there must be something I need to accomplish to be entitled to step in this ground. So what are they waiting for?"

Then All the 20 ferocious guards move fast and try to restrain him with brute force but Lord William never would have thought that his 20 men will end up being stock after Joseph landed a finger strike to them.

Then Joseph said, "it might take a week before they can move properly".

then he went to his car and drove his house.

Lord William already expected that but he expecting to be a blood bath like Lord Pete Randal but

surprisingly and mysteriously Joseph got out without even a single injury instead leave them with mysterious moves making Lord William feel unease.

"That sly old fox, where did he found this mysterious monster." Then he called a number and order to investigate Joseph.