Chapter 18: The Arm Force

Muscular body covered by sweat flowing like a raindrop on the floor while continuously counting the number of push-ups.

2998, 2999, 3000

Joseph focused himself and think about those things that happened recently,

He can't forget how Lord William Oakmond stares at him while he was fighting those bodyguards.

Those brutal eyes that can make a normal person shake their legs and stuttered like a prey trying to outrun a predator.

As if he was waiting for something to happen, he was testing Joseph to kill someone like how Pete Randal perform in a war.

However, he was shocked to witness that Joseph can actually injure or slaughter a large number of the army in just blink of an eye like an assassin silently slaying in a daze.

Joseph saw the eyes of Lord William Oakmond and he realize that he should be more careful next time.

At the pentagon roaring, smashing, howling, and stomping, the 30 formidable moving rapidly trying to finish obstacle, however, they can't even pass at the 3rd course and it's been a week already.

They are all determined even though their bodies suffer so much but still no one bothered to stops.

Their eyes are filled with eagerness to get stronger like a ferocious lion.

Joseph arrived and everyone stops and form a line they are standing in front of Joseph and greeting in unison can be heard.

"Good day Young Lord Joseph"

Joseph sat on the chair and waves his hand as a sign that they need to go back to completing the course.

He watches them trying really hard to Empress the king of the pack which is Joseph nevertheless, they keep failing at the 3rd course which is extremely hard that they think it was impossible to accomplish.

Joseph stood up and raised his hand to stop them because they don't understand how to run the course properly.

Everyone stop and stand on the side,

Joseph put on a blindfold while running the course, he was fast like every single trap and obstacles are like a flat surface from course 1 to 10 he didn't even stop for a bit until the end.

He takes off the blindfold and said "I instructed all of you to use all your sense to finish this course not just your ugly body, yes you can endure the pain for now but it will kill you eventually if you not smart enough to follow my instruction.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

A call from Mr. Tadler and Joseph answer the phone "Greeting Young Lord Joseph, we are arriving meet us at the back of the warehouse, " said Mr. Tadler.

Joseph went at the field on the back off the warehouse and he saw ten fighter helicopters, two medic helicopters, and three helicopters that can carry autos.

At the highway, Joseph saw twelve or more black hummers moving toward the warehouse.

When the helicopters landed Mr. Tadler went out of one of it and bent his head 90 degrees as a sign of respect and every single people driving those autos and helicopter follow.

"here are all of listed as you wish Young Lord Joseph, All pilots and drivers are top-notch, also the medic and medical expert that you ask for are all present," said Mr. Tadler.

Joseph nods and said," Great job Mr. Todler now we can start our private arm force."

It was the idea of Mr. Pete Randal to create an armed force who can get on and fight with the Oakmond family, it was something that Joseph must accomplish in order to repay Mr. Pete Randal.

Mr. Pete mentioned that it was his lack of capability to build an army one of his biggest mistakes is that he battled the Oakmond clan all by himself because he was enraged with his emotion.

Oakmond clan used all their power to take down Mr. Pete Randal though he was a very taught and capable man to kill two of Lord William Oakmond brother still he suffered from right-hand man which they called phantom assassin.

Phantom Assassin is a vicious murderer of the Oakmond clan main family, he is a classified killer existing like a ghost. No background no profile hidden like a poisonous mist.

He leads the entire Oakmond clans military force. Legend said that Oakmond clan was number 10 as the wealthiest clan in Stanford City but abruptly their status rose drastically when they unleashed phantom assassin to conquer every family that was blocking the Oakmond Clans from being the top family in Stanford City.

The darkest night a man standing on the top of hundred corps, his body was bathing in blood but he was very brutal looking at the man wearing a mask full of confidence standing in front of him.

They both know that it will be a very fierce crusade, they are ready to kill and be killed.

Both of them run fast toward each other like a ferocious lion and panter that quarrel under the gaze of the moon.

One has a military knife the other has katana ready to slash the flesh of their prey. Every time they meet a rough sound of metal clung can be heard.

They are fighting like lightning, they move quickly and rapidly attack each other like wild beasts.

At the moment they stopped and both of them are wounded and injured, Phantom assassin left arms has a slash of knives and unable to move or even lift he was so angry because Pete Randal is the only capable person who can do that to him.

While Pete Randal has a wounded left leg hardly make a move but still wearing a ferocious-looking face and murderous aura was high as a hungry lion.

Phantom Assassin flips his katana pointing directly to Pete Randal's heart and throws it the full force of anger he shouted " Die you rascal, it will your body that will be buried in this bloodshed land.

Pete Randal saw it coming and throws his knife hurriedly to Phantom assassin however got distracted by a shout of a very familiar voice from the beautiful lady "No! Stop fighting" while running towards him trying to block the flying katana. It's was his wife.

Suddenly the moment began to slow. Every action was capture by Pete Randal.

That very tragic event that cost his wife to perish into his arms.

The memories were still vivid as it just happened yesterday. He remembers his wife smiling unbarring the pain of being stunk by katana. She's departing from this wonderful world.

She said "Pete I've been waiting for this moment for a very long time, to feel you and be with your arms again, I missed you like the way I feel with our son, wherever he is I only hope he is safe and sound if he in heaven then we will meet very soon but we must leave you now Pete for you to have freedom from this war. I love you and we know you love us more than anyone else but stop the war now it must end here because I want you to live you deserve it, Pete, WE LOVE YOU" then she kissed Pete deeply like every last beat of her heart was spent to make Pete feel being loved.

That is why Pete Randal went out of the city leaving his business and everything to Mr. Tadler and secluded himself to Bedrock County for a long time.

It was narrated by Mr. Pete Randal to Joseph when they are camping in the mountains.

He told Joseph to make a deep and strong foundation before battling with the tycoons of Stanford City.

Joseph spent so much effort to prepare for an unpredictable battle between him and Oakmond Family. To stand equally against them.

Joseph instructed Mr. Tadler to secretly recruits more capable people within a month.