Chapter 19: The Conflicts

At the Oakmond Mansion.

"I told you to stay away from strangers but you never listened to me, do you have any idea who he is?" angrily scolded by a man having a loud and terrifying voice.

A young lady answered "I don't care who he is, who does the audacity to oppose this family? All of my friends are fake they only see me as a backer or stepping stone to have connections in these families for something that they don't have. So maybe I could trust him better than anyone in this society." then the lady walks and went to his room slamming it hardly.

It's was Alexandrea and her father Lord William Oakmond disputing matters about Joseph Randal.

Lord William Oakmond is a very wise man and being on the top of the society in Stanford City he developed a characteristic that everyone saw him as a man always ten-steps ahead of them.

It's like there is nothing that can be hidden to him, everything is in his grasp because history made him a living legend in the business society that no one can obstruct his presence.

It was Mr. Pete Randal that has the audacity to confront the entire family but it was already been erase in history since Oakmond Clan's constrained the business world to discuss it or even gossiping also restricted.

It only took one word from Lord William to buried the disastrous incident that was caused by Mr. Pete Randal.

That is how powerful and influential Lord William is.


On the other hand, Mr. Pete Randal was a well-known hero since he served the military during the war.

He was recognized as the most capable man in the war that he had annihilated a thousand terrorists and completely end their interest to conquer the City.

So after the war fame, recognitions, and all the attentions were directed to Mr. Pete and then he met this simply adorable lady that only took a delightful smile that tamed the horrible beast inside him and turns it into a good loving man.

He became a reputable citizen of Stanford City, then he builds his businesses and persuaded a lot businessmen to conspire with him.

The business eventually became massive that started to prosper as a monarchy. It grows so rapidly in any aspect of businesses.

He was very determined to be successful in order to be the right man for the one he loves Ms. Susan Oakmond.

Lord William saw him as a threat to his position, he doesn't accept the fact that Mr. Pete is excelling in business society that even his own father is looking up to Mr. Pete as his future successor.

Lord William is an ambitious man, he will do everything just to be at the peak of everyone. Anger and hatred build inside him.

his mind filled with insecurity and jealousy because of the fact that an outsider can take away all the hard work he has done for their company.

He works so hard for his entire life just to be recognized by his father and yet someone like Pete Randal will take everything from him, it's not acceptable.

So he began to create an egregious plan to frame Pete Randal into a situation that his whole family will feel hostility toward him.

Ms. Susan Oakmond the stunningly beautiful lady who capture the wild beast eyes,

She was pure as driven snow absolutely virtuous, genuinely attractive like pink tulips in a blissful bloom field under the gaze of sunlight.

Pete loves her so much that he changed his personality from being wild to gentle, harsh to civilized and even his appearance drastically went on a major change.

They love each other like a pancake and butter. They always look good together like flowers and vase. A combination of love and loyalty is the perfect way to describe both of them.

With the bestowed of Oakmond clan's elderly and Susan's father, they got married. Live happily for a couple of years,

Then William the eldest brother of Susan began to make a move for his plan. He wants to chase Pete Randal out of the family. While Pete and Susan are living comfortably unable to sense the danger awaiting them.

William starts to falsified documents to make it look like Pete is scouting most of the Oakmond big projects to be transferred to Pete Randal property. He was so prepared that most of the shareholders believed in him.

With the support of shareholders, he reported it to his father but his father didn't believe in him so in order to succeed he put a pill on his father's whiskey, a pill that capable of causing a heart attack.

He left his father alone with all the documents framing Pete Randal to be the cause of the heart attack.

The plan executed smoothly his father drinks the whiskey then suffered from a heart attack he points all the blame to Pete Randal.

Pete Randal doesn't get a chance to explain himself because William already poisoned all the minds of his entire clan especially his two younger brothers. The two brothers went rogues and hunt Pete Randal.

Pete and Susan leave everything and run far away from them, even if it's difficult they both Lived together without thinking the tragic incident happened until Susan gave birth to their son and named him Joseph Randal.

They successfully hid from the cognition of the Oakmond clan's but never would they thought that William has a vicious plan to abduct their son.

That when Pete Randal went back from being an upright to wild frightening creature they could never imagine.

The conflict between Oakmond Brothers and Pete ensue dramatically resulting in the death of 2nd and 3rd Oakmond brothers.

Pete doesn't have any choice but to fight to protect his own family. His son was nowhere to be found so he decided to push through by himself to the gates and compound of the Oakmond clan's however William was really a wise man to counter him and went to the outskirts rest house where Pete hid his wife Susan,

Once it comes to his sense Pete rush back to his rest house but it was guarded by hundreds of private army securing that he will not get his wife back to his arms.

Pete went insanely outraged and devour every single individual restraining him but he can't find his wife.

He looked everywhere until his feet lead him near the cliff, he heard his wife voice but when he rush over into the middle of the ground thinking that his wife is the one seating on the ground he suddenly got surrounded by a group of people that has a low-level martial art capability but still he is on disadvantage and outnumbered.

Then the sound of the vicious man said " you fell into a trap again, you are losing your senses warlord, seems like it is the end of your journey." the man ordered his men to kill Pete.

It is a blood bath battle but all blood was coming from all the men that Pete slice using his jungle knife.

Then Phantom Assassin came out and the tragic death of Susan happened.

Pete runs out of the city leaving everything including his properties and businesses.

Lord William Oakmond still remembers what happened that night his only sister perished because of his greed but he doesn't care about it anymore.

All that he cares about is that he succeeded in his plan to overthrow Pete and presently Joseph Randal appeared and he felt the same as the way it was with Pete.

"damn that scoundrel I want to know what he is here what is his plan." Lord William said.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

"Lord William the one you would like to be investigated is also like me he is a shadow that no one knows anything about him" voice from the phone that has a very horrifying tone, it was a phantom assassin.

"that is impossible, keep on investigating I want to know his weakness and how I am gonna devoured him if he opposed me" convicted by Lord William.

"don't worry I will watch him personally and he can't escape me like his old worthless fake father." the phantom assassin replied,