Chapter 20: The Ambush

Nine-month of studying the electronic circuit, robotics, and mechanism Joseph gain a better understanding of technologies of his time he was engaged with the idea of future warfare will be a battle of knowledge in eras of technology.

The premium advantage is that you possess the capability to track, penetrate, and execute your plan without the deployment of humans.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Sounds banging inside the old garage, Joseph was focused on inventing a fully capable assassin drone skilled to take down the enemy without being trace.

Joseph knows the fact that Lord William has the ability to stalked him so he is pretty much prepared to use this kind of trick to mysteriously devour people who will follow him.

That way he won't have to reveal his arms force to Lord William.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

"Greeting Young Lord Joseph, today is the contract signing of Lord Marquis and everything is prepared as you plan." informed by Mr. Tadler

"Great job Mr. Tadler, I'll be at the office within an hour, call all the directors for a meeting especially Mr. Gordon" instructed by Joseph.

Joseph is almost done with his first mini surveillance robotic drone. It is really small but functional, the dimensions 12 inches long with 12-inch wings look like a dirty-white colored pigeon able to camouflaged into the wall.

he uploaded it with an AI control interface with a belt in sound recognition that can be controlled via wireless earphones that only Joseph's voice can recognize and a sunglasses for clear visibility.

it was done according to what he expected he loaded it with 2 GPS magnetic chips, 2 mini C4 magnetic bombs, and five round of 9mm bullets with a sound suppressor and test it to make an aerial strike from 20 to 30 meters accurate distance silent strike and successfully hit a bottle of water.

It has a heavy-duty battery that can last for 2 days of flying time.

Joseph was done cleaning himself and ready to drive his magnificent vintage mustang going to the office but before he went out he deploys the drone flying 50 meters above him.

While driving he senses that 2 SUV automobiles tailing him very carefully if it was a normal person they wouldn't notice but they can't hide from Joseph's senses.

So Joseph simply turns and drove to a diversion road that seldom motorists will enter.

" looks like we got lucky for this stupid kid to make a turn in this secluded road." said the vicious-looking man tailing Joseph.

Using the drone he attached one magnetic c4 bomb into the gas tank of the last SUV following him.

He is very prepared and waiting to reach the first hard left turn.

he reaches the hard left turn then he boosts his speed into 250m/h to abandon them and launch the assault.

In the blink of an eye, Joseph went missing then a loud BOOM can be heard. The 1st car stop to take a look at what happened but the driver went out of the car he was shot in the middle of his forehead then everybody screams" damn, it an ambush"

But it was very mysterious that they don't even see or locate the shooter, they thought that it was a sniper so the remaining three killers went out of the car rapidly and take cover on every big rock on the sidewalk.

Little that they know it was Joseph drone striking them silently like a sniper. The drone hiding on the top of the tree fired and kill the two stupid killers. Leaving only one left to tell tales to whoever sent them. Due to Joseph's cleverness, he put GPS magnetic chips to locate their base.

The drone perfectly controlled by Joseph while driving the car 150 meters away. it is really an amazing trick to kill them.

Joseph smiled with viciousness and drives going to his company.

The killer that survived with Joseph's wrath went back to report what happened to them, he was trembling while driving his car going back to their base.

In the darkroom, a man is seating comfortably while his big arms shackle a nice figure lady and kissing her.

Tok! Tok! Tok!

"Boss the people we sent arrived but only the leader remained alive" hurriedly inform by a gangster with bulky voice.

The Boss immediately lift his but from seating lazily on the couch and said "what? That is impossible, where is that idiot?"

In a small room, the killer who went back is already crouching out of terrified expression on his face.

The Boss kicked the door open and loud voice can be heard "you stupid good for nothing dog, why did you come back alone? Where are the others?"

"Boss, boss, I don't know what happened, we are tailing him smoothly and suddenly the second car behind us was bombed and we don't know if it was a land mine or whatever, then we want out to check with them but the driver was shot in the head and we can't locate who did it. It is really a mysterious incident that I can't explain to you. All I can say is that we got ambush by a sniper." said the killer while having a frightened complexion.

"that bullsh*t, how did he know that you were tailing him and prepare for an ambush in that short period, kill this f*cking idiot" ordered by the boss.

The Boss called a classified or unknown number. "Big Boss we failed to kill him, it's my fault, I miss calculated his capability. Big boss, he is not an ordinary one. My men died without a trace of the killer."

"I expected that don't do anything stupid again or else I'll end you, leave that place if you want to stay alive." the Big Boss said and it is Phantom Assassin.

"yes Big Boss!"

Joseph arrived at the company but he personally parked his car and waited for a phone call.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

"Greeting Young Lord Joseph, we located the base of that person who bothers you, and all CCTV cameras surrounding them has been tapped, currently they are moving on high speed going to a secluded area where out of our visibility but we capture some image I'll send it to you" reported by a lady on the pentagon.

"Okay! Good job" Joseph said. He went out of the car and go straight to the especial elevator directly to his office.