Chapter 21: The Entrapment

Everyone is waiting at the main door of the build but they didn't know that Joseph already arrived and currently seating in the conference room waiting for all the Director.

He called Mr. Tadler and said that he was already inside and they don't need to wait like that in the future.

So everyone was surprised that they didn't even notice Young Lord Joseph. All the Director's looked at each other with questions, then Mr. Tadler instructed everybody to go back to work and all directors will have a meeting in conference room.

So they knock on the door and they heard a voice " come in everyone, I was really excited to come in the office today as we have a deal with Lord Marquis Exxon this will be the start of a good relationship between our company and the Exxon Group, So everyone may take your seat."

Director Gordon smiling saliva dropping like a dog waiting for his big bone to bite.

"Before we start I want to commend Director Gordon for making this possible work with Exxon Group"

Director Gordon stands up proudly and "I'll work hard for this company and bent 30-degrees."

"that is the best leader, a leader that can turntable for this company, for that I want you to hold this contract and personal host the contract signing." Joseph said and commended Director Gordon for his achievements.

Mr. Tadler hand over the sealed document to director Gordon and he immediately carried it like a boy holding his lunch box.

"I want everyone to accompany me going to Exxon Group and witness the contract signing." Joseph requested

Everyone agreed by behind their thought it was a stupid decision to lose a billion-dollar company like JZR pharmaceutical company. Except for Managers Gerald Lee, Mark Deacon, and Andrew Pitcher.

Dozen of the luxury car went to Exxon Group and every executive of Exxon is also present as well.

"Greeting Stratton Group welcome to Exxon Group" unison greeting of all employees of Exxon Group.

Joseph went out of the car and Lord Marquis greeted him and they walked straight to the conference room together with all legal departments of both companies.

They sat parallel to each other with Joseph and Lord Marquis is at the middle of the table, beside Joseph's right side is Mr.Tadler and on the left side is Director. Gordon.

Joseph and Lord Marquis exchange their documents but when Joseph hold the documents of Lord Marquis gave he went directly to his name and signed it.

Everyone saw it that Joseph just directly signed the documents like an innocent child that trying to write his full name.

"Young Lord Joseph don't you wanna read them first?" Lord Marquis ask nonchalantly.

"what Lord Marquis do you have something that I need to read before we can get through with the process? You might wanna read the documents Director Gordon made for you? Don't you?" Joseph replied casually.

"Oh Director Gordon made this for me, So I trust him for a number of years he is a great businessman a reliable one, let me quickly sign this document." said Lord Marquis smuggling expression.

" well that great then, because director Gordon here is the pillar of our company, he made this possible to deal with a crashing company like JZR pharmaceutical and turn it into profit and good relation with Lord Marquis, Right?" Joseph narrated.

"haha yeah right! Young lord Joseph you really value your people hehe." said Lord Marquis while looking at all the documents that were already done.

So the lawyer that serves as a witness for the selling and contract signing and transfer of asset was successful and he announce that everything is done and both sides have their own copies of the transaction they made and decided.

Joseph and Lord Marquis shakes hands and congratulated each other. Lord Marquis can't hide the happiness of buying the JZR Pharmaceutical company just what he thought. Both of them bid farewell and Joseph went back to Stratton Group together with all his executives.

Lord Marquis, on the other hand, went to the Oakmond Royale Authentic Cuisine to celebrate together with other businessmen and CEO of top companies in Stanford City.

Everyone was talking about how stupid Young Lord Joseph to agree to sell the JRZ pharmaceutical company that has 20 billion revenue.

Everybody praising Lord Marquis for acquiring another valuable asset. They propose a toast to Lord Marquis happily.

Then suddenly breaking news appeared that Director Gordon was arrested due to embezzlement and multiple counts of money laundering,

A press conference currently being held on Stratton Press Conference room and all the major news stations were present and waiting for Mr. Tadler to speak.

"Good day everyone we are turning Mr. Gordon to the government officials as we filed charges of embezzlement and money laundering by using our company assets, As evidence, we have submitted this videos and other copies of the document to the authorities." announced by Mr. Tadler.

Every businessman celebrating with Lord Marquis was shocked to see that Lord Marquis is on the video evidence that Stratton Group submitted and right after that they also saw a recorded video of a businessman that was shot in a cold blood by a man wearing a black suit but as the video proceeds, they saw that the car windshield slowly open and shockingly Lord Marquis was theirs.

It was him since it was a unique luxury car that only Lord Marquis has that kind of car and the plate number can be clearly seen in the video.

Abruptly a group of Police riding SUVs surrounded the Restaurant and the Police approach Lord Marquis handing him the arrest warrant.

Lord Marquis didn't get a chance to respond and the next thing he knows he has handcuffs on his wrist and Police is restraining and escorting him to the mobile.

Everything happens so fast and everyone was dumbfounded felt goosebumps that electrified all of their bodies.

In such a period of time Lord Marquis was put on very hard situations.

The next morning at the Press Conference Room of Stratton Group they announce that they successfully acquired some assets from the Exxon Group as they reveal the contract that was signed by Lord Marquis on yesterday's meeting and it was witnessed by honorable lawyers that attended the meetings. So half of the Exxon Group assets successfully and legally transferred to Stratton Group.

Young Lord Joseph shakes the business society of Stanford City. All the businessmen were alarm that this Young man is not an ordinary one.

Joseph was the main topic of the City, in every headline of newspapers, he dominates that top 2 largest groups of companies at Stanford City in just one day.

Time goes by all other small business that was being bullied and take advantage of Exxon Group has to appear and bring them down and get a few benefits to what Joseph Randal did to this tycoon.