Chapter 22: The Roar of Joseph Randal

The business world of Stanford City was roaring, there is disruption everywhere about the Exxon Group disintegrated.

The Top 10 businessmen had a discussion on this matter inside Grand Palestine with the assistance of Stanford City Business Council (SCBC).

These councils provide a unbias discussion between any Group of companies in the City that erecting a conflict.

they are also very influential with the backing of other powerful nations.

This council usually doesn't oversee much if the turmoil is not a big issue but this time it is the second-largest group in the City that was being taken down. It might trigger a massive war since the council knew that each in every one of this top business group has a private army that can skirmish with each other.

The SCBC was established after the Oakmond clans and Pete Randal clash, they formed this council to deter a tremendous loss of lives.

It was really organized and the SCBC constraint perfectly and it is the first time that a big group like Exxon Group received a massive attack after a long period of years.

So they immediately called for a conference subjecting to the top 10 companies to give attention to this circumstance.

Governor Adam Baxter as the head of SCBC is an honorable man that values life and treats every CEO equally in his eyes.

The protocol is like a judiciary hearing to make a thorough justification of what is certainly occurred between companies that are involved with the incident.

There are limited seats for other business tycoons that are not included in the top 10 business groups.

The discussion starts and all the necessary people are their especially Joseph Randal.

"I expected full cooperation of all CEO's present at this conference. It was a very long time ago that this kind of occurrence emerged in this City." said Gov. Baxter with conviction.

"Yes, We conceded to the SCBC ordinances and principles in order to make this society more peaceful for us" Everyone replied in unison.

Then Gov. Baxter starts to open the table for discussion.

"Let us start the discussion with Lord Marquis's complaint about the negotiations that happened between Young Lord Joseph of Stratton Group, I now hereby open the table for Lord Marquis to speak for himself." said Gov. Baxter.

Due to wealth and power, Lord Marquis is able to attend the conference since he pleads not guilty for murder as it was seen in the news and he bailed to get himself out of prison.

"I Lord Marquis of Exxon Group denied the documents containing the transfer of half of our company assets to Stratton Group since it was acquired illegally without my consent, I Lord Marquis will present my rights in this conference to charge Stratton Group for conspiracy and falsification of all documents subjecting my properties to be transferred to them." angrily petitioned by Lord Marquis.

"Everyone knows that this table is equally looking on every evidence and indications of both the accusing side and defendant part, now I'll open the table for Young Lord Joseph of Stratton Group to defend himself for the allegations of Lord Marquis." Narrated by Gov. Baxter.

"I Young Lord Joseph of Stratton Group plead innocent and virtues for the declarations of Lord Marquis that we falsified any documents that substantiate the legitimacy of buying and acquiring half of Exxon Group assets, practicing my rights to acquire properties that lawfully transported to us with all evidence that we have and able to present right now together with all the lawyers that witness that transaction happened under Lord Marquis presence without the use of any force or illegal actions." Joseph said with honesty and integrity. There was no emotion attached to him, it was a calm proclamation of full authority and liability about the statement he made.

Everyone in the room was frightened realizing that Joseph Randal never swayed to speak in front of SCBC and all other business tycoons. He is steady and reasonable in every word he said.

They thought Joseph is an amateur businessman to think that he agreed to sell JZR pharmaceutical company to Lord Marquis and some of them withdraw investment with Stratton thinking that it will be the end of that Group since it was handled by a Young man who just recently inherited the Group of company.

They are all blinded by the idea of losing their money from investing to Stratton Group but Joseph has more than it meets the eyes. Now all of them are stunned unable to recognized Joseph and behind their minds are mysterious thoughts and questions about how Joseph turntables from losing to succeeding scheme in front of business tycoon like Lord Marquis Exxon.

However, there are still some people who think that it was a wrong move to battled someone like Lord Marquis Exxon a second top CEO and wealthiest in Stanford City.

"I Governor Adam Baxter recognized statement of both parties, therefore I will open the table for the presentation of evidence in order to support both side argument, May I call on Lord Marquis to present his proof or offensive statement to his allegations to Young Lord Joseph of Stratton Group."

"Thanks you, you honor! I Lord Marquis of Exxon Group strongly believe that all the document they currently have for claiming the half of my company assets is a falsified document, I have been in this business society for all my life and I will never sign any documents that will put my company into other authority and ownership. The day that they are talking about, it was the day that I bought JRZ pharmaceutical company and it wasn't I who sell a company, it was them! They badly needed to sell off the company because it was losing a tremendous profit beside all machinery and laboratories are outdated maintained to provides profits that benefit their company, that is all the reasons they have when they sell the company to me and I was being generous to offer 80 billion for that JZR pharmaceutical company. But in the end, they are taking advantage of my current situation involving me to murder cases and some illegal transactions that were never happened. I Lord Marquis of Exxon Group did not commit any crime to put my Group of the company in tight situation. I hereby present the all the documents and contract the I signed during the day of transaction it is complete sealed and I haven't even open it ever since we signed this contract, That is all your Honor!"

"The committee acknowledges the statement and record it for further outcome of this conference. Now I will open the table for Young Lord Joseph of Stratton Group to present his evidence or statements to defend himself or Stratton Group."

"Thank you, your Honor, I as the CEO of Stratton Group I will present all this evidence containing recorded video of contract signing since all the lawyes were here,

your honor, I would like to ask for their participation to confirm the legitimacy of my most valuable evidence before I declear it, " Joseph asked,

"Request granted" Gov. Baxter response

"thank you, your honor, for my most valuable piece of evidence I would like to call on all legal lawyer of Exxon Group and most importantly CEO Lord Marquis on the floor." Joseph requested.

"Granted" Gov. Baxter reply immediately.

"Thank you, your honor, Now everyone is witness, the evidence I'll show is currently at the possession of Lord Marquis, May we present the legal documents and contract we both signed and all lawyer who witnesses it kindly confirm that it is the legitimate documents and contract, " Joseph insisted.

All the lawyers that attended the contract signing unsealed and verified all articles and signature of all people representing both parties who signed the papers and it is valid and legitimate papers.

Joseph required the SCBC committee to read the content of the said documents and contracts.

One of the committees read the full content loudly and everyone listened attentively. As they listened they began to understand that it is really a transfer of half of the assets from Exxon Group to Stratton Group in exchange for the old factories and laboratories of JZR Pharmaceuticals company. Everybody looked at each other like questioning how did this happen? It is really a mystery to solve that Exxon Group can't crock.

A loud shout came from trembling tone of voice of Lord Marquis, " it is impossible, You tricked me, I clearly read the content of that documents and contracts, " but before he finishes what he is yelling for,

Another loud and domineering voice cut him out and it was Joseph who shouted,

"did you really read it? When?"

everyone was terrified they are focused and waiting for Lord Marquis to answer the question. But he couldn't make a single sound since he knew for a fact that its Director Sheridan Gordon who let him read the old contract that was eventually switched by Joseph spies. He couldn't blurt it out since it was classified meetings with Director Gordon, they might be subject to conspiracy, and there are also some matters that he doesn't want to bring up from that event.

"Your Honor, I want to request for the recorded video of contract signing to play and let us all watch it, since Lord Marquis claiming that he read the contract already, the video will serve as proof if Lord Marquis is telling the truth or not" Said by Joseph calmly,

"Request Granted, " then Gov. Baxter waives his hand and someone from the committee played the video.

it was clear that Lord Marquis and Joseph didn't read the contract while signing it and happily chatting. All people watching it got shocked to figure out that Lord Marquis was lying.

"Your Honor, I would like to make a statement that Lord Marquis wasn't lying when he told us that he read it, Your Honor I want to play another video that I submitted as evidence" Joseph blurted casually.

Again everyone was dumbfounded and their mind was blank and questioning that " what is Young Lord Joseph agreeing to Lord Marquis claim that he read the contract, what is this man doing?"

Lord Marquis currently on the state of shock his mind went blank then he felt a sudden frightening information about to leak out. So he shouted "you are a terrible liar piece of crap I'll kill you,"

"Everyone silent! Lord Marquis shot your mouth and wait for your turn to speak and defend yourself, Alright, the request Granted, committee play that video" Gov. Baxter response.

On the widescreen, it was the unmistakable view that Lord Marquis and Director Gordon conspiracy to bring down the JZR Pharmaceutical company and other businesses under director Gordon, and the video proved that Lord Marquis does read the contract and he didn't object.

"No! No! No! That meeting didn't happen you fabricated it you dumb son-of-a-b*tch I'll invalidate you godd*mn, " angrily shouted by Lord Marquis but then again Joseph interrupted him and shout loudly.


"Your Honor I presented all necessary evidence to acquire the right to claim all the transaction that was compelled are all legitimately done in accordance with the law, I acknowledge the presence of SCBC with this matter however since I have all the legalities stating that Stratton Group-owned half of Exxon Group assets we will proceed with procuring them out of anyone here concern." Joseph speaks convincingly with any resemblance of fear in his face.

Then the SCBC end the conference in favor of Joseph Randal and Stratton Group.

It was a devastating defeat for Lord Marquis and Exxon Group was just eradicated in front of all business tycoons by a very young man CEO of Stratton group.

That event builds fear for each in everyone who attends the conference except Lord William Oakmond.