Chapter 23: Accidentally involved

It's been a week already and Joseph has focused himself on training the 30 lions, he trains them really hard that they began to understand what Joseph wanted them to acquire, in a week of concentrated time with them is a tremendous change in their ability, they can now pass up to 9th level of the circular course, Joseph gives them another week to perfect it and minimize the duration for taking that course.

In the final week, Joseph taught them the basics of "deadly shadow fingers", since they already understood the course and they can use all their sense they easily adapt the basics of deadly shadow fingers but they way far from acquiring the full capability as Joseph can. As they standing straight and looking at Joseph. They are full of confidence that they can take anyone else.

"Everyone of you try to attack me at once and use all the thing that circular course taught you," Joseph instructed.

So everyone attacks like a lion that hunting their prey and Joseph lead them to the circular course and fight them, it is a really fierce fight but none of them was able to land strike to Joseph but their speed and reaction has increased than before, they were able to follow Joseph with their sense but they just couldn't catch him and hit him instead Joseph landed strikes with each of them making them lose their motion in a circular course,

The training was done and Joseph congratulated them though the 30 lions we're still in shock that even after what they have been through with that circular course they are still unmatched to Joseph. So all of them really looked up to him as the king of the pack.

"Alright! I'm glad that none of you had died from the training, So from now on I will assign a leader who will receive my instruction, I'll pick former SWAT captain Albert Rhodes, I'll call you the "pack of the lion". You will cooperate with the leader of "eagle spy eye" Scarlet Jensen. Okay! So as a reward for all your hard work I'll put your family under Stratton Group protection and all expenses of your household will be under Stratton Group's responsibility." Joseph announced them the good news.

So everyone bent over 90 degrees to express respect and admiration. Joseph just waives his hand.

Joseph planned together with Albert and Scarlet but the first instruction of Joseph is to always move in silence. So communication is very significant, every gadget, knives, and guns have been provided by Joseph and it is already at the arms depot. But Joseph prepares them to use a knifes or knocking devices.

As the day goes by after the conference that brought down the 2nd largest business group Joseph is leisurely having a nice meal at Oakmond Royale Authentic Cuisine as typical as every other ordinary customer.

Commotion is everywhere society in Stanford City has never been this a tangled but it's was the fall second-largest business group.

The video of the conference was already leaked out to the public. Joseph Randal became famous to the people in Stanford City.

"Is that the COE of Stratton Group eating on that terrace? Who does he think he is? Is he not aware of the danger awaiting him, I don't know if he is a brave one or stupid, tsk tsk" said a random man seating with other businessmen in a long table.

"I heard that Lord Marquis threatened him that he will kill him no matter what, he doesn't have any other allied that powerful enough to block the wrath of Exxon Group especially the illegal circle that is backing Lord Marquis, did he ever think about how Lord Marquis reach that far in this society, he will be dead soon" another random man.

"Boss! the CEO of Stratton Group is here at Oakmond Royale Authentic Cuisine, what should we do?" someone called and reported about Joseph's location.

"Tailed him! Don't lose him! We need more time we will barge into his house and gather information, I already send men to his house so call me immediately when he moves, okay!" said the man on the phone.

At Joseph's house, ten men are trying to break-in silently.

The house has high walls making it really hard to climb but the people who are trying to enter are an expert and martial artist, they successfully went into Joseph yard but they can't figure out how to break-in inside without making noise, they spend a lot of time figuring how to enter the house but little would they know that the pentagon already watching them using eagle spy eye and the pack of the lion is already preparing to move just waiting for Joseph command.

Joseph also watching them using his smartphone, he let them in by unlocking the door on the back because he is really curious who is this group that has the audacity to make a move on him and what they are looking for. He already figures out that they will take his laptop that he doesn't usually use. Then he is right they took it,

They are also careful they check if there is a tracker or something on the laptop but there is none so they immediately went out and jump off the wall but a Young lady saw them and confronted them,

The young lady is the daughter of Pete Randal caretaker of the house, her name is Jenny Brook. She was just passing by when she saw 10 men jumping out from Joseph's wall.

"Hey who the hell are you?" then she screams "HELP THERE IS A THIEF".

But before she attracted any attention she was knocked out by one of the men and they carry Jenny to the car and bring her together with them.

Joseph hurriedly finishes his food and simply went out of the restaurant but he notices someone is following him. So he secretly unleashed the drone and put a mini C4 bomb in the tire of the car scouting him.

"Boss he is in his car, we are waiting for him to move, " said the man.

"Alright just follow him we already got his laptop so make sure he will not sense us, I'm just waiting for those men I sent to come over here." Boss said then hung up.

"Boss! We will be there but we capture a girl she saw us while going out of Joseph's house, we don't have a choice but to bring her with us, " reported by the leader of 10 men who broke in Joseph's house.

"what? Okay! Hurry up we must know something with him or else we're dead, " Boss replied.

Joseph drive casually, he instructed agent Scarlet Jensen to interrupt the phone signal of the man following him.

In a few moments, there are 3 cars following him. He made a few more turns to lure them discreetly to an area that he can savage them.

They followed Joseph into an abandoned warehouse then they saw Joseph's car in the middle of the warehouse.

Eleven people went out of the car then except for the first man who tailed Joseph. They began to get curious and walk deliberately behind the car while carrying a knife and baseball bats.

While Joseph is watching them from above and said "are you looking for someone? Too bad you won't see him." he jumps in the middle of them but before they could react Joseph moves like a whirlwind swinging his leg landed in their faces sending them in the air flying and a rapid finger strike landed into their bodies putting them on the state of disability unable to move or even make a sound, eleven of them just got overthrown like that.

The leader who stayed inside the car witness how terrifying Joseph is, he never saw that kind of attack that can annihilate a group of combat-trained people like a shadow grim reaper that devouring each of them without giving any chance to escape like a flies that has been trapped inside the spider web. It was a precise move to ravaged them.

The leader doesn't know what to do as he suffers from a state of panic. He started the engine but before he could move backward the car tires exploded making him stock inside the car.

He startled and move out of the car hurriedly then he felt a cold blowing air dashing towards him so he halted and try to look behind his back but his strength became weaker and weaker as he heard a disastrous tone "where do you think you're going?" he doesn't know how to react because one mistake could cut his whiff from his throat. He kneeled down and repeatedly said "dont kill me I'll tell you where they are, where you can find my boss"