Chapter 24: The Rescue

Darkroom that filled with smoke smells like carbon coming from a mouth of deathly awful hooligan. A young lady was shackled barely move and breath but she's using her all might scream out her resentment to release her.

"shut-up! If you want to live, it's your fault for taking action on things that don't concern you. Now your gonna parish here. Haha," loud voice from the hooligan.

"Boss we can't crock the code from this laptop, it has an unusual keyboard that we don't really know how to operate it." another hooligan speaking like an idiot.

"god damn it, all of you are dumb it's a small piece of the device but you can't figure out how to open it and get information? We can't report back to our base if we have nothing in hand. Do you all want us to be dead?" voice out with the disappointment tone of the boss of the group.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

"its been an hour where is the information that is our clients looking for? The elders of this family are someone we could not afford to offend so we must really have something to report or we will perish together." Another Boss called yelling them to get more information then hang up the phone before the boss of the group reply.

"Damn it! Why it is so hard for us to get information about this man and how did he manage to put down a hard blow to Exxon Group, he is so clever for having this unique keyboard than we never encounter in the past." the boss mourn.

Outside the building where the group of people who kidnap Jenny Brook is a 30 wild beast waiting for a command to attack their prey. They have a ferocious aura their eyes are full of hunger to unleash their potential in the killing. They were prepared like it was really organized tactics to annihilate a large number of groups.

Albert Rhodes as the captain of the pack is very detailed as he receives the blueprint of the building and with the use of heat imprint device that enables them to locate the position of every man inside to strategically execute a silent attack as Joseph always instructed them.

Albert Rhodes is an expert strategist on his former job as SWAT of Stanford City. Due to the injustice of some higher department head, he was terminated for not following the directive. He was instructed to kill a group of people that has a criminal profile but when they already arrested them he figured out that they have given false information and these group of people is just a worker of a big company that has posses enormous evidence to uncover a company illegal doing. So he decided to let them go then he was court-martial that is why hatred and despised was built towards the government of Stanford City.

Meanwhile, there are 300 people inside that three-story building, each floor has 50 to a hundred men carrying guns and other deadly weapons guarding every passageway. They are combinations of gangsters, trained varmints, and wanted criminals.

Albert Rhodes divided his team into six to surround the facility. He leaves a team equipped with a suppressor sniper rifle they are position in every possible escape point of the facility and an ambush team is also position hidden. So twenty of them are ready to barges at any time they receive the go signal.

Albert Rhodes reported the situation to Head of eagle eye spy Scarlet Jensen. She will interrupt any outgoing call encase the enemy tried to call for back up or report to their main base. They are carefully instructed that they should be hidden in the sense of their enemy.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

"Young Lord Joseph, we are ready and waiting for your go signal." Scarlet called Joseph and he replies "continue as you plan".

Then the pack started to engage and all sniper shot and silently wipe out all lookout the guard in every entry point. Captain Albert and the front line team silently barge in. They move like a breeze of wind stunning every single people they saw inside the first floor by using the basic shadow deadly finger they are like grim reaper ninja. The invasion of the first floor was so noiseless. It only takes 2 minutes to clear them out. Preparing for the second floor Albert instructed to bring out their claw and fangs so twenty of them took out their shiny sharp military knife. This time it's gonna be a blood bath so quickly slash and kill them because the people on the third floor might sense us so move as quickly as possible, sniper and ambush team prepare yourselves.

In my count we will savage them, 3, 2, 1, everyone moves the snipers took shot all the men that they have clear visibility and the twenty frontline team slashes throats and head to silent them. Albert instructed two separate teams with five members to guard the stairs and fire exits and wait for the people on the 3rd floor to come down. Albert and 9 members climbed the wall going up to the 3rd floor surrounding all possible entry points.

"Boss there is some noise on the second floor." a man reported "go and check it" so 50 men went down some use the fire exit and main stairways. But as soon as the 50 men reach down the 2nd floor a flash bomb startled them out of nowhere disabling their visual and the two teams unleash their fangs and claws like a wild beast successfully capture their prey then stinks of blood can be a smell in the atmosphere while the remaining 45 people were alerted by the sounds of flash bomb they rashly went out of the room leaving the Boss and device expert who currently trying to get information on Joseph laptop. Out of their senses, Albert's team already guarded all the way going to the second floor and they discharge their killing intent that every one of the enemies was surprised unable to respond and the next thing they can see is darkness bestow upon them.

In the middle area of the build, there is a room that was covered with thick glass walls. Captain Albert open the door and throw a flash bomb and the Boss scream out of fear he was shocked that they did not even sense that they are already invaded. He was knock out by Albert same as the other four men holding the laptop.

The young girl that is seating on the chair wrap up tightly with rope has no clues about what going on. Albert unties her but she was still blindfolded to protect her mind from trauma. Albert called Joseph. "Young Lord Joseph we are done here, about the young lady what are we going to do with her?" Joseph sigh and said "assign men to drop her near my house don't let her see the event. I'll be there in a couple of minutes".