"What if she's a...."a voice faintly said.
"But she lasted..."
"Barely lasted!"
Yu Yan heard these muffled whispers,and her body stiffened,she did faint,but she didn't want to stop fainting.
"I can't hide away from them,they will catch me,I'll have to come clean,and hope they don't feed me to Chynna...or worse,play Dodge the daggers."
Yu Yan slowly wriggled from side to side,hoping she would seem natural,she placed her hand on her head,and opened her eyes, to look into the face of a pistol.
"Am dead!"she thought.
"Let's hand her over to the organization"Lee said.
"And lose our ranks,no chance, she's seen us,and heard about project 22air, let's handle her ourselves"Chynna said,and cocked the pistol,making Yu Yan squirm
She Shivered,"wait"Yu Yan screamed.
"What"Lee asked holding the pistol back from Chynna,and sat beside Yu Yan.
"Tell us,who are you?"Lee asked,in a more relatable manner.
"And don't lie to me, I'll know"Lee added sharply.
Chynna was angry,and stood at the door,her pistol at her hip,she stood beside Liko.
"Am not sure who I am"Yu Yan said,trying not to croak or starmmer.
"Don't use that memory loss shit on us!"Chynna said,and hit the wall with her elbow,making Yu Yan take a shaky breath,and blink nervously.
"I remember who I am, but I don't know how I got here"Yu Yan said,trying to sound reasonable.
"So you just came here!"Chynna said.
"No,I don't know,am just as confused as all of you are"Yu Yan cried.
Chynna kept on firing questions at her,which she starmmered to,Lee tried to make sense out of it,but everything was a bust.
"How?"Liko asked, finally opening his mouth,all attention drifted to him.
"How did you end up in my sister's body?And who the hell are you?"
He took the pistol from Chynna and pointed it at himself,"don't tell me,and I'll burst my brain!"he said.
Those words killed Yu Yan,"no!"she yelled,and stood up,despite feeling sore,she came in closer to Liko.
"Don't comes any closer"Liko warned,Lee had a panicked expression.
"Tell us,or Liko dies,and just know if he dies,I'll end you"Chynna said.
"Am...Am..."she looked at all their faces,and got on her knees,bending her head in shame.
"Am Zhi Ruo,daughter of late Zhi Wu,and Zhi Lee"she said,Chynna took interest.
"How are you in my sister's body?"he asked,his attention fully gripped.
"I don't know,all I know is...is..."she fidgeted.
"Is?"Chynna asked,rather calmly.
"Is that am dead"she said,Lee shot a deadly glare at her,Chynna took the pistol from Liko and pointed it to the impostors head.
"So are you telling us you're.... You're a ghost?"Chynna asked,a little uneasy.
"No...I don't know. I died and woke up in this body I swear"Yu Said crying,Lee knelt beside her.
"If this really is true, then does that mean our Yu Yan is in your dead body!"
"No!"Chynna yelled,"she's a liar,a dirty liar,let me squeeze the truth out of her,I know she'll say the truth"Chynna said.
Yu Yan was too busy crying to give attention to Chynna,"you won't hurt her,no matter who she is,she is in Yu Yan's body,and if we want to move up in the ranks..."
"We can't keep her,she's useless,you saw how she fights"Chynna said,"You'll teach her then,guide her"Liko said not mincing words.
"Liko,she's probably got a family to go to"Lee said.
"she's in this body,and she'll take up the responsibility of it"Liko said.
"I don't have anyone,not anymore,my family is dead,and my lover betrayed me,if you throw me out, I've got no where else to go"Yu Yan said.
"Liko,you don't expect us to take her in!"Chynna still persisted.
"What do we tell the head of the organization,we showed our faces to a spy, and our leader is missing,we won't go down on the ranks, we'll be taken off,and you both know what that entails"Liko said.
Lee glanced at Chynna,who had a look of frustration.
"Can we even trust her?"Chynna asked,"we don't have any other choice,and if she turns out a spy,then.."he bent down and raised her head up.
"She'll answer to me" he said,starring directly into her eyes.
"What are we going to do with her..."Chynna stressed.
"I'll try and help you guys as much as I can, I'll cook and clean,and.."Yu Yan was interrupted by a sudden laughter.
Lee couldn't help laughing at that remark, Chynna placed her hand on her forehead,and shook her head from side to side.
"Liko,it's your decision not mine, anything that happens,it was your call"Chynna said,and put the pistol away.
"We start training at dawn,get prepared"Chynna said,and left.
"Get well rested Zhi Ruo,or should I say Yu Yan"Liko said,a little elated, and filed out.
Yu Yan was scared it went that well,and how level headed Liko was.
Lee was still in the room with her. She stood up,and wore a smile on her face.
"You better pull this off,our lives depend on it"Lee said.
"I have so many questions to ask you,who is she?How is she like?What are her likes and dislikes? Please let me know"Yu Yan said still on her knees.
"All that you'll discover in time,and by yourself,but for now,just rest.Yu Yan was always focused on her every mission,you should too,focus your mind and body on project 22air"Lee said,leaving the room.
"What is Project 22air?"
"There is a threat,a spy disguised as a model,in the top modelling industry, it's our job to find the enemy and take them out"Lee said.
"So their good people,they are the good guys,but how do they intend to carry out their plan?"Yu Yan thought.
"And what is Yu Yan's role in all this?"Yu Yan inquired.
Lee was at the door,about to shut it,and tilted her head back to reply.
"You're the one whose going to pose as a model and infiltrate the building"Lee said.
"This cannot be true"Yu Yan said under her breath,the door was slammed shut,the loud bang made her shudder.
"Zhi Ruo, you'll have to do this,if you want to stay alive. You're mission,is.... survival"
A/N:Thanks for reading!!!
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