Tomorrow is the big day

Yu Yan didn't sleep an inch,she was wide awake all night,should she sleep and run the risk of waking up to another pistol.

She kept a broom beside her in case they changed their minds and came back to kill her for taking over their leader's body.

Her eyelids felt like elephants were having a pool party,she was drowsy,but at least the headache was gone.

She looked outside,it was dawn,she shruddered at the thought of Chynna coming in and finding her awake,so she stretched herself on the bed,and pretended to sleep.

Sleeping was never the same for her,her mind was depressed,Zi Tao had ruined it,and left it limp and hurt.

She placed her hand on her stomach, pretending to feel her baby,she cried,and sobbed into her pillow.

"No,you must not she'd these tears for him,he does not need them,he doesn't deserve them,he is now my enemy"

she wiped her tears,if anyone found her crying they would raise a brow,she had to blend.

Pretend sleep turned into real sleep,barely five mins,and she drifted off to sleep. She snuggled in, and cuddled the pillow,breathing peacefully,till the sound of the door busting open startled her out of bed.

Fully awaken,she she blink thrice,just to see it was none other than Chynna.

"Training starts now,get dressed"Chynna said and left,leaving the door open.

"Can't I even get some sleep!"Yu Yan exclaimed.

Yu Yan,slowly got up, lazily walking to the drawer,and opened it,she walked in and hit her head.


She found out the hard way that Yu Yan doesn't have a walk in closet. She held unto her head,"if you hurt this body, you'll suffer, remember that Zhi Ruo"

"Everything in here is so revealing... yikes!"she kept on scanning,till she found some joggers.

"Phew!"she thought.

She decided not to bathe,all the running might make them sweat.

She slipped into the clothes,and couldn't help admire her creamy legs,she had gorgeous thighs, flawless skin too!

"How can a spy keep this body in good shape,and a locked in the house girly girl like me,is wrecking it! I've got huge shoes to fill in"she noted.

She packed her hair in a bun,not minding the strands that strayed and went downstairs to train.

Liko and Lee were in the kitchen,"I think he's the only one who helps Lee out with the chores"She thought.

"Don't hurt yourselves"Lee said,"thanks"Yu Yan said.

She had taken a liking to Lee.

"Here"Lee said giving Yu Yan a water bottle,Liko gave one to Chynna,and Yu Yan could swear their hands were touching and he was smiling.

"Let's go"Chynna said taking it and leaving,Liko stopped Yu Yan,and faced her.

"Double cross us,you die, you're our temporal alternative for now,so don't get any cocky ideas"he said,breaking down Yu Yan's confidence.

"Beside that,good luck sis"he said,with a smile,his mood shifting immediately.

"I've never really seen Liko angry,I wonder if he gets angry?"Yu Yan wondered.

"You coming!"Chynna shot at her,she comically ran outside almost falling,but steadied herself.

"So..what exercises do we do...."but a kick in the gut stopped the words from coming out.

Yu Yan stepped back a bit,"Did you think that we would do yoga,come at me with all you've got,no holding back"Chynna said with a wicked grin.

"Don't hurt yourselves"Lee's words resounded in her head.

That was what Lee meant.

"Don't get too afraid,I won't aim for your face"Chynna said,and readied her fists,Yu Yan didn't want to be caught off guard again and readied her own fists as well.

"We'll see who gets scared"Yu Yan Said,and grinned as well.



"That's enough training for today"Chynna said,and stretched out her hand to help Yu Yan up.

"Don't hesitate,grab my hand"Chynna said, voicing out thoughts.

Yu Yan took the support and stood up,weak in the calves.

"You'll walk out the pain"Chynna said with a little concern,then stopped and retired inside

"I never knew Chynna could speak nicely"She thought.

She dusted herself and drank from her water bottle.

"Today is going to be a busy day"She thought.


Yu Yan was frustrated, Everytime she got an opportunity to lie down, someone would call her,she was suffocated,but had to be at their every Beck and Call.

Lee came in accompanied by Liko, holding a long tray,Yu Yan sat up, cursing.

"I know you might not like these dishes but I assure you that no matter how they may look,or however they may seem scary....."

"Oh,wise guru, she's already dug in!"Liko said,Lee who was talking with her finger up and her eyes closed opened them,astonished to see Yu Yan eating at a fast pace.

Yu Yan was hungry,and she usually ate all these dishes at home.

"What about stepmum?"she thought,wondering about Qing Shan.

"You have to practice"Lee said.

Yu Yan looked at her,her heart beating fast,"what kind of practice?"she asked,not parting with the food. "Strutting, catwalking,what models do"Lee said.

"I've already got all of that part registered"Yu Yan said.

"How?"Liko asked.

"Knowing Ru Shi is enough experience,and burying yourself with magazines is enough too"Yu Yan said.

"Prove it"Lee said,"how?"Yu Yan asked,and Lee took her to the living room.

Abandoning her breakfast.

Chynna was having breakfast too,Liko immediately sat beside her,and said somethings.

She growled at him,he patted her head,then purred flirtatiously.

Chynna punched him so hard, that he fell out of his seat.

"Chynna love,you don't need to hurt me so badly...."Liko said holding his cheek.

Chynna glared at him,he blew her a kiss,and she almost pounced on him,Lee was laughing from where we stood,and Yu Yan smirked at his jovial attitude.

"Balance"Lee said, handing Yu Yan a book,she nodded and placed the book on her head.

"You're a natural"Lee said,Yu Yan had done this countless times,"having a super exotic foreign dance instructor was worth it"she said beaming with smiles.

"Let's test how good she is"Liko said,and threw two books at her,she almost lost her balance,"hey"she said in distress,she caught the books and placed them on her head.

Liko grinned,and went to the bookshelf,and started throwing books at her,which she caught with struggle,and quickly placed on her head,she was like a robot,catching and balancing.

Till Lee had to stop him,Yu Yan closed her eyes,and book balanced all books,with Grace and Poise.

"Fancy trick"Liko said,Chynna got up, clapping,and chuckling.

Grinning from ear to ear.

"Good,it's all good,but don't forget...."she threw her plate at her,she quickly dodged,the plate crashed against the wall and broke.

Lee and Liko looked at the direction of the broken plate.

"You're a spy not a model"she said.

"No!no!no!"Yu Yan said to herself,she knew what was coming.

Plates came in,flying around like discusses,all at her,she dodged, but the books on her head were a hinderance to her.

Chynna kept on throwing plates,but once she saw Yu Yan was able to dodge,despite the struggle,she forced Lee and Liko to join in.

"Someone save me!"she squeaked.

Plates came in from all directions,her eyes blinked worriedly,she slided from the first one,the books wobbly, before she could restore balance the second one threw her off guard,but she scraped through.

Before she could calm down and catch her breath,she met the third plate,she dodged it,but fell on the ground,all the books falling on her.

"Sorry Yu Yan,guess you didn't know Knowledge hurts so much!"Liko said laughing,Lee rushed to her aid.

"Are you hurt?"Lee asked,"am okay"Yu Yan lied,"but a little drowsy"She saw constellations in the air and passed out dramatically.

"Oops!"Lee shrieked,"guys we drained her out"Lee said sympathetically towards her.

Chynna smirked and left.

Lee took her inside.

"Wait,whose cleaning up the mess!"Liko yelled,he was left alone.


The next morning,Yu Yan woke up to find a jug of milk in the room,Lee must have sent it,it was still warm.

It had a note,which read;

"Get well rested, tomorrow is the big day"

She drank the milk,and snuggled in, covering herself,and she immediately drifted off to sleep,she had earned it.

A/N:Do bless this author and shower her with your gracious gifts. Leave a comment if you please.