Jokes Aside!

Early that morning,Chynna had woken up to a call,an actual call from the organization.

They needed their team to wrap-up their mission in China,and proceed straight to Afghanistan, there's a terrorist hiding there.

Chynna had no clue on how long it would take the new Yu Yan to catch the Mole.

The competition was today,the event in three days, she only hoped that Yu Yan knew what she was doing.

"Lee,how are those guns you and Jackson Jong were making?"Chynna asked Lee who was working on their van.

"Chynna...we won't need those kinds of guns for this mission"Lee pointed out,still working on the engine,some drops of oil had stained her white hair.

"Not this one...we were assigned a new mission last night in Afghanistan"Chynna said.

Lee crawled out from under the car,and wiped her head.

"You can't tell her...she won't be able to focus,she going on a steady pace...."Lee sympathetically said.

"I wasn't going to tell her or Liko,keep it between us two for now,if that girl in Yu Yan is not to be trusted Liko wouldn't notice" Chynna said,and walked out.

"Liko,she didn't...."Lee tried to explain.

Liko came out of the van,and watched Chynna walk out.

"She really doesn't trust my decisions" He said under his breath.


Shi Ling and Chynna were delayed,their hair stylists hadn't showed up yet,and time was running out,the competition was in an hour!

"Feng scared we won't be able to take part in the competition,it looks like we'll be left out"Shi Ling complained.

"No,we won't,I'll go find us another hair stylist then,one available"Yu Yan claimed.

She left the dressing room,and went around searching for a stylist for their hair,but all the C-CLASS models were all busy getting dolled up.

And till she somehow ended up knocking on the door step of Ru Shi's dressing room.

No response.

She crossed her fingers and went in, luckily the door was unlocked.

She proceeded inside,only to discover a lifeless Ru Shi on the floor! And a snake besides her!

Yu Yan immediately went to her aid,but the snake bit her leg,but that didn't stop her.

She tackled the snake,and used a hot curling iron to fry it's scale.

Chu Ci walked by,and alerted the security,she yelled at the top of her lungs"there's a snake in Ru Shi's dressing room!"

That was enough to send the whole place in a hurricane.

Ru Ai was the first one to get to the room,and met a snake slithering around,and his sister being attended to by his Feng Mian.

Yu Yan had done first aid classes at home,she knew what to do.

She made a cut,and started sucking the venom out of Ru Shi.

Not minding the venom in her system.

Ru Ai carried Ru Shi in his arms and led her downstairs, to his car,he quickly took her to a hospital.

Yu Yan was left alone,the security had taken care of the snake,but she hadn't told anyone that she was bitten.

Her vision was blurred,she felt the poison quickly spreading,she staggered to the door,if she could get to Peng,she would be saved.

"Feng Mian"

"Feng Mian"

Voices called out simultaneously,her head was spinning terribly,her body stiffened,but she tried to walk past them to her bike.

Her legs felt like noodles,she lost her control and fell!.


The light in the room was bright,she blinked multiple times to adjust to the brightness of the room.

She tried to make out her surroundings,but it was all too soon.

She heard a beeping behind her,and saw a blurry figure walk up to her.

Gradually her vision restored,and she was able to make out that she was in a hospital.

She remembered vividly what happened,but not how she got here.

"Nurse...water please"Yu Yan said dryly to the nurse.

"Sure sugar"the voice sounded familiar,she focused on the figure, till she recognized her as Lee.

"Why are you here?"Yu Yan asked.

"Miss Feng Mian,am here to check your vitals"Lee said, pretending not to know Yu Yan.

"Are you a part time nurse?"She asked,and Lee slapped her head.

What confused her even more was when she met doctor Liko.

"Hmm..pulse seems normal"Liko said placing the stestescope on Yu Yan's wrist,Chynna used her folder to thunk the back of his head.

"Nurse,status update.."Liko said,Lee rolled her eyes,the door opened,and a certain Billionaire came in.

"Doctor,is she alright?"Zi Tao asked,Yu Yan's heart sank.

"Why is he here?"she asked herself.

"Yes,it's a good thing you brought her in,or it would have caused a deep internal wound in the mid section here"he said demonstrating on Chynna's chest,close to her breast,but he received a whack.

Zi Tao furrowed his brows at them,and walked up to Yu Yan.

"You idiot! You were bitten by a snake and said nothing,if you wanted to die,you should have just asked me"he said,with anger,hiding his tiny worry.

Zi Tao wasn't so bad,as everyone thought,he was just hurting from the loss of Zhi Ruo.

"Talking to you is like a death sentence already"Yu Yan quickly added.

"You've got some guts,I just came here to tell you that you've been exempted from the competition"Zi Tao said.

Lee, Liko and Chynna didn't like to hear that.

"That's unfair,I'll go complain to the owner of the industry, he'll reconsider" Yu Yan said.

"You're speaking to him" Zi Tao said.

"Where is he?" Yu Yan asked,pushing Zi Tao aside,trying to get a better view.

Zi Tao used his handkerchief to dust off her touch.

"You loudmouthed fool!"He said angry,Yu Yan had to match that anger.

"You're arrogant momma's boy"Yu Yan shot am him.

Meanwhile Lee was doing something on her phone,which she showed to Chynna and Liko.

"Mr Industry X owner, please don't mind Miss Feng Mian,it's the venom in her head"Liko said.

Yu Yan froze,he actually owned the industry.

"Wait,you own the industry..." But he didn't let her finish,he walked out on her.

"Feng Mian,I expect to see you at the anniversary party as a Huang mother's orders."he said,and shrugged.

" Just don't show up being your lousy loud mouthed unreserved uncultured misbehaved wild self"Zi Tao said and left the room.

Ru Ai entered immediately.

"From one cute boy to another"Lee said under her breath.

A/N:Thank you readers for being so faithful!!

See ya in the next chapter.

But Jokes Aside truly, your ambitious author has entered Spirity and reads and votes in her new story.

Am trusting you guys my awesome readers to help my entry get recognition.

"Glass Hearts: Their Story"

That's the name, please check it out and help the book rise to fame. And help your ambitious author as well. Thanks a lot munchies!