Almost had her!

Ru Ai rushed towards Yu Yan's bedside,and held her hand, looking into her eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asked her, beyond worried.

"Am fine, there's no need to worry, really" Yu Yan said,he was genuinely worried over nothing.

A nurse ran in,her eyes bloodshot.

"Thank goodness you're here doctor! There's a woman who just arrived,and she's in labour! You're the only available doctor around,you have to help her!" the nurse shrieked.

Liko shot a frightened glance at Chynna,then Lee,he took a huge gulp,and rolled up his sleeves.

"Lead the way" he said, trying not to croak,Chynna and Lee following behind.

Ru Ai was still searching for any damages done to Yu Yan.

"Feng Mian..."he called out.

Yu Yan almost didn't answer,she had forgotten her name was also Feng Mian.

"Yes"She said.

"Am thankful that you saved my sister again, I'd loose it if anything had happened to her,am very grateful"Ru Ai said,still holding her hand.

"And... the day after tomorrow is a party at my house,it's actually my birthday,and I'd love to have you come over"he said.

Yu Yan's looked away,her mind was scrambled,if she turned him down,he might start getting suspicious of her,she had to cook up a good excuse.

"Ru Ai, I'd really like to attend,but am still not feeling too well,and the doctor said I should rest"Yu Yan said,hoping he doesn't push it any further.

"Alright,but,can you be my plus one at the anniversary party?"he asked beaming with a half smile.

"Ru Ai, you're a really nice guy,but am not looking for love in my life right now,I've got to focus on making my career better"Yu Yan said.

Trying to let him down easy.

Ru Ai looked disappointed,and downcast,"is that a no?"he asked for one last time.

Yu Yan pursued her lips,"it's just not the right time,it's too soon"Yu Yan said.

Ru Ai's eyes lit up.

" Then I'll wait till whenever you're ready for me to court you"he said while standing at the door.

"Ru Ai"Yu Yan called out,he looked back at her,still smiling.

"Just wishing you a happy birthday" she said.

He looked at her then said;"See you in my dreams"

She blushed after he winked then left.

Yu Yan's heart skipped a beat at that remark,she felt a bit empty once he left the room.

"Zi Tao,you caused all my problems,you dirty bastard,I'll get back at you,I swear it"Yu Yan told herself.


Later on,Yu Yan left her hospital room to go get a glass of water,she was going home tomorrow.

She had started getting used to calling where she lived her home.

She was asleep most of the day,after Ru Ai left,an hour later Liko had returned,crying about how he had to deliver a baby.

Swearing he wouldn't want his Chynna to suffer like that,and how she'd have just one daughter.

Chynna gave him a deserving trashing,but Lee intervened.

They soon had to leave as well,before doctor Liko got another patient.

Yu Yan walked by,the nurses were at a meeting,and the doctors were all in ambulances,a blast happened,and there were countless casualties.

The nurses were delegating who would stay and who would accompany the doctors.

Yu Yan had water from the dispenser,and retired back to her room,lazily scratching the back of her head.

She passed by a room,which she recognized as Ru Shi's room,but her details were no where to be seen.

And it was dark inside.

"I'll go see how Ru Shi is coping"Yu Yan said.

She walked in,and heard a noise,she switched the light on,and a woman was inside,holding a syringe.

"Hey!Get away from her"Yu Yan said,the startled lady,quickly turned around and her eyes widened.

"So, you're the Mole"Yu Yan said to her.

Ru Shi was sedated,so there was no chance of her hearing or seeing them.

"And you must have been sent here to fetch me"The woman said, she was a model,one of Ru Shi's rivals.

"You must have been behind the bomb blast to lure everyone away from Ru Shi!"Yu Yan exclaimed.

"Took you long enough,and the light,and the snake,and now this!"she said,with her triumphant smile.

She was about to inject Ru Shi,but Yu Yan quickly kicked the syringe out of her hand.

"Why do you even bother?"Yu Yan asked,but a punch came flying in,she blocked it,Yu Yan looked around for cameras,but their mole had disabled all the cameras.

Yu Yan was swept her off her feet,but she quickly got up and struck her gut,Yu Yan grabbed her hand and threw her down,but as usual waited for her to get up.

The mole got up,and the fight went on,till Yu Yan used the EKG to damage the mole's left leg.

Seeing her leg sore,she made her escape through the window,leaving her syringe behind.

Yu Yan found it,and quickly hid it in her dress,she tried to clean up,as much as she could,but she had to leave before anyone finds her in Ru Shi's room and questions her.


"I almost had her,but she got away"Yu Yan said,to her housemates.

She handed the syringe to Liko,to find out what was in it exactly.

"But you seeing her face is our greatest achievement,we can take her out now"Lee said.

"But we must be cautious,and know if she's the only one, we have to take on,try and stay close to her,try and listen in on her conversation from time to time"Chynna said.

"You promised me,that we would go to the anniversary party"Liko sheepishly said.

"How are you going to get in?"Yu Yan asked.

"Liko can do that without breaking a sweat,you busy yourself tomorrow with resting"Lee said.

Yu Yan played with her hair and looked down.

"Liko..Ru Ai told me,that his birthday is tomorrow,and that he really wants me to attend"Yu Yan said.

"Um...what did you say?"Liko asked confused,his real sister never bothered him with such questions and issues.

"I turned him down,it wasn't good for my mission"Yu Yan said.

"You should have said yes"Chynna said,and everyone's eyes were on Chynna.

"Chynna, you're the one who says she should maintain a low profile"Lee reminded her.

"Yes,but for now,it's what's best,the mole will most definitely be there,and Ru Shi's life is still endangered,our best chance of getting the mole while staying off the grid would be at that party"Chynna said.

Yu Yan was about going to her room,but something Lee said haunted her.

"That Huang Zi Tao,sure is hot"Lee said,which made her squirm,she had had enough of hearing about him,and his heavenly hotness.

To her,he was nothing more than a rich spoilt arrogant brat,who would go to extreme lengths to get what he wanted.

She wanted to get away from him completely,he had hurt her,and their baby too much.

"He isn't all that hot"Liko said.

"Yu Yan what do you think about Zi Tao?"Lee asked her.

"Nothing,I think nothing about him"Yu Yan said meaning every word she said.

"Now,you will vote,send gifts, and comment!"The author said to the interested and diligent readers of the story.

"See y'all later"said the author

"I love you all"the shameless author said,hoping for a review from her explosively cool readers.