Old sentiments...

Zi Tao drove senselessly to the hospital.

Yu Yan was alright,but Zi Tao wanted to make sure of that,he wouldn't let anyone else die.

The doctor immediately went after the hurt Zi Tao,but was beyond shocked when Zi Tao refused him,and insisted on Yu Yan getting treatment.

Yu Yan was staring at him all through everything, and couldn't keep focus.

"Does he truly care so much about this Feng Mian,he hates?"she asked herself.

The doctor begged him to get treated,but he insisted on Feng Mian before him,so the doctor took her inside,a nurse accompanied him.

The doctor too was admiring her,she was outstanding,her skin was flawless.

"Are you feeling any pain?"The doctor asked,Yu Yan replied with a negative nod.


"Where is he?"Ru Ai asked,he got a call from Zi Tao.

Ru Shi accompanied him,but the screams of Ru Shi made it known she had arrived to the whole hospital.

"Doctor where is my sugar cookie?"Ru Shi demanded.

The doctor would have looked confused, because he didn't speak Ru Shi,but the entire country knew Zi Tao was Ru Shi's sugar cookie.

"He's fine,but he needs to rest"The doctor said.

"He brought in a woman, could anyone of you take a look if you know her,I think her name is Feng Mian"the doctor said.

Ru Ai looked like a caged tiger.

"What room is she?"he asked expecting an immediate response.


Yu Yan was busy trying to locate her phone and call her housemates,but a thought struck her.

"They were able to find me the first time I went missing,but,now..."She placed her face in her hands,not able to finish her sentence.

"Maybe they don't want me any longer,everyone has rejected me"She thought.

The serenity of the room was slowly crushing her soul,she retreated to the patio.

Luckily there was ice cream vendor outside the hospital gate,they only had banana flavour,but Yu Yan had to buy it.

It was night time already,the bench she had a plan on sitting on was occupied,by someone with ice cream.

"She has strawberry ice cream! Maybe she'll share with me!"Yu Yan thought to herself,but she noticed the person was sobbing.

She went in closer about to tap on her shoulder but the person saved her the trouble and tilted her head upwards.

"Oh no,it's her Ru Shi,my enemy"Yu Yan said,but the main idea was that she was in tears,alone on a bench.


16 years ago

"You can never have all the money Zhi Ruo owns,and you won't have your own huge house like her. You will have to work hard to be the best. You are not a princess!"Ru Shi remembered the words of her mother.

She sat on a bench,away from Zhi Ruo's birthday party.

She had her banana ice cream in her hand.

She was crying,her eyes were puffy,and her nose red.

All she wanted was to be called a princess,she wanted love,she never wanted to be a model,she just wanted to be her father's princess,not his pawn.

"Hey,if you keep crying out your eyes like that you won't look pretty anymore"A voice said.

Ru Shi traced it to be Zhi Ruo's.

"Get away!"Ru Shi said,but instead,Zhi Ruo sat down beside her.

"I don't like banana ice cream"Zhi Ruo said.

"Well I do,and eww,what's that strawberry,no wonder your ugly"Ru Shi said,and looked away.

"Am not ugly"Zhi Ruo said.

"You are"Ru Shi said.

"Am not"Zhi Ruo said.

"You are"Ru Shi said.

Both girls flared up,till Zhi Ruo grabbed Ru Shi's ice cream and did the oddest thing.

She mixed both ice creams together,and gave it back to her.

"Why?"Ru Shi asked.

"I like strawberry,and you don't,you like banana and I don't,so I thought we both try something new,without leaving out our favorite flavor"Zhi said.

Ru Shi looked at the ice cream and watched Zhi Ruo already start licking it.

She hesitated,but joined it,and both had the best ice cream they've had.

"My parents thought me to say thank you,so thank you"Ru Shi said,and stood up to leave.

"Are we friends now?"Zhi Ruo asked her as she walked away.

Ru Shi smiled,but not to Zhi Ruo's face.

"No silly am the model remember"she said.

"And am the princess"Zhi Ruo said,not knowing how deeply her words killed Ru Shi.


Present day.

"Hey,are you alright?"Yu Yan asked while sitting,Ru Shi sniffled.

"Yes,am okay"Ru Shi said.

Yu Yan knew she couldn't start mixing ice cream flavors,it might stir up confusion.

"I just came to apologise,your fiancee was hurt because of me"Yu Yan said.

"Sure, whatever"Ru Shi said, absentmindedly,looking into the ice cream.

"And am sorry I ruined your brother's birthday party"Yu Yan said,not sure why she was trying to cheer up her long time enemy.

"You talk a lot"Ru Shi said.

"You're one to talk"Yu Yan said,making Ru Shi look away.

"Am sorry that came out wrong"Yu Yan said.

"Just leave me alone Feng Mian"Ru Shi said,about to get up.

"Here"Yu Yan said,her last attempt,she gave the ice cream to Ru Shi.

"I really like strawberry,so could we switch?"she asked innocently.

Ru Shi took the ice cream and dropped hers.

"You know there's an event tomorrow,if I were you,I'd keep my appetite for such sweet things aside,and focus on looking my best,don't make,my sugar Cookie's industry look bad"Ru Shi said.

She dumped her ice cream in the dumpster.

"That girl is gone"Yu Yan said to herself,referring to the little girl Ru Shi used to be.

She sat on the bench,she couldn't lick her ice cream,she left it on the bench,and left to get her things and face whatever she would get at home.

But walked into a troubled Ru Ai,who embraced her tightly.

"Ru Ai..."she said,but he still held her firmly to himself.

"Ru Ai....if you keep hugging me,am afraid I'll pop"Yu Yan said.

He finally let go of her,and held both her shoulders.

"Tell me your okay"Ru Ai pleaded with her,he had been searching for her,but he couldn't find her.

"Am okay,am okay"Yu Yan said,trying to relax his nerves,he hugged her again.

"Ru Ai...."But she could sense he was genuinely worried and returned the hug.

"Wait"she said,and pulled out the gift from her knee socks.

"Happy birthday"she said.

The gift was some thing that Ru Ai needed but was intending to buy.

But was just too caught up in his work.

All his life,he got things he wanted,she however got him something he needed.

"Thank you,so much"he said to her,she smiled back at him.

"I have to go home now,but I'll see you tomorrow at the event"Ru Ai said.

Yu Yan wasn't so sure she'd attend,but covered her uncertainty.

"Of course"She said,and watched him leave the room.

She tried to find her purse,she looked around,but no purse,she turned around,and a hand dropped it on her bed.

"Him"she said to herself.

But this time,he was neither happy with her,or mad at her,he just gave her a look.

"Stay away from me"he said,breaking her resolve.

"I mean it this time"he said,with force in his voice.

A/N:Tell me what you think about the book.

Love you all darlings.🥰🥰🥰

Shout out to JamJam!!!!