The lights were still on,Yu Yan walked casually into the house,hoping for the best response from her housemates.
She turned the door knob,and the housemates all yelled, alarming Yu Yan,she jumped but was caught by a strong hand.
Waston Dawei.
He had the darkest pair of eyes,and a well clefted chin,he looked Asian and a bit European,but not too much.
He pulled her to himself,and cupped her face,Liko walked up to them and handed a glass of wine to Yu Yan.
"You must be surprised,seeing Dawei,he just showed up"Liko said.
Dawei still had his hand wrapped around Yu Yan's waist.
He barely took his eyes off her,which made her self conscious and tensed.
"What can I say?I just really missed you guys,and I had nothing to do,and I heard,you guys were rapping up this mission. So I thought why not pop up,and visit"He said.
"Well,I missed you Dawei"Lee said,smiling broadly,even Chynna was happy, grinning even.
"Well,not just yet,we still have an event party to attend,and try catch our mole.."Liko said.
Chynna wanted to squeeze Liko for exposing their status like that.
"Are you going to be staying here?"Chynna asked.
Yu Yan wanted to escape his grip,but didn't know if that was wise,she decided to listen and learn.
"Sadly no,am not entirely here for you guys though"Dawei said.
"Ouch"Liko said.
"I'll be lodging at a hotel,would you care to join me tonight?"he asked looking directly at Yu Yan.
Her eyes widened,and she got giddy
"What?Why would Yu Yan want to go with him?"she thought.
"No"Liko quickly said.
"What Liko means is that,the event is tomorrow,and she's a model,so she needs all her energy."Lee said.
He looked disappointed,but smirked
"I ran into her today,she was with some thugs,but I wondered why she didn't try and defend herself"Dawei said,he was getting suspicious.
"It would blow her cover"Chynna said.
"Are you okay?"Dawei asked,making Yu Yan finally speak up.
"Just tired, I'll go get some sleep,I've got a mission to focus on tomorrow"Yu Yan said,trying to reply as Yu Yan would have.
She loosened herself from his grip,then walked towards the room,wearied out.
"I'll have to learn how to act like Yu Yan" She thought,and retired to her room.
Dawei couldn't help staring at her,his eyes followed her till she closed the door.
"How long will you be staying?"Lee asked,but his attention was stolen.
The industry was busy, everyone was scattered,the stylists,designers,artists,interior decorators,even up to the janitors they were all busy.
"Am so excited"Shi Ling said to Yu Yan,she was selected to join Ru Shi,and her eyes glittered with excitement.
"You deserve it"Yu Yan said,sharing in her glee.
"Thank you...."her attention shifted,her eyes widened,Yu Yan followed her eyes,to reveal Ru Ai,holding a bouquet of flowers.
"I'll see you later"he said and dropped the flowers, Lilys to be precise.
"You are soooo lucky!"Shi Ling squealed,Yu Yan had other things on her mind.
"I must be focused and fish out this mole,this will be my last chance"She said to herself.
*Night time*
The event kicked off splendidly,the flashes of cameras almost blinded Yu Yan.
The sound of glasses clicking and heels clanking were in the air,the chatter of the esteemed guests was the music.
The Huang's arrived,Huang Wei was the only absentee,he rarely left his house for social gatherings of no importance.
The arrival of the Ru's was the next attention stealer,but the show stopper was when the special Huang guest arrived.
All eyes were on her.
The music stopped,and people myrmured.
Her dress was bold,fierce,and innocent. She had a look,which spelt confidence.
Yu Yan seemed as if she was in her natural habitat.
She walked beaming brightly,careful not to trip over herself.
"So this is what Ru Shi gets,this is how it feels..."Yu Yan thought,still not able to accept her reality.
But her resolve was broken when she trailed her eyes around for the mole,but saw a sad looking Zi Tao staring at her.
Her heart skipped a beat,but she disregarded it immediately.
She sat at a table,close to the Huang's,which made it more difficult for her to focus,as she felt the stare of Huang Zi Tao.
She looked away,and spotted a man in a tux,and dark shades,which she recognized to be her brother,with his red hair date, Chynna.
Lee was dressed as a waiteress,they all blended in,Lee served her,and dropped a piece of paper on her table.
Ru Shi clutched unto Zi Tao,which made Yu Yan sick.
she stood up to go to the restroom,but collided with Ru Ai.
"Sorry"she quickly said.
"No,am sorry,are you hurt?"Ru Ai asked,but just at that moment,her eyes sighted one of the goons from yesterday.
He was also a waiter,she followed him,not listening to Ru Ai,she walked out on him,and followed the goon.
She tried to keep out of sight,and followed him down,to the control room.
He looked over his shoulder,but Yu Yan quickly hid behind the door,her heart beating uncontrollably,she tried to steady her breathing,before she was found out.
She peeped,and noticed him do something,but his body blocked her view,she wanted to go in and get a closer look,but her hair was yanked.
She turned around in pain to see the mole.
"Thought you could stop my plan"she said feeling cocky.
But Yu Yan was determined,and a cat fight sprung up
Both ladies exchanged kicks,and blows, groaning and grunting.
Yu Yan pushed her against a wall,and faced her fully.
"What is your plan?"she asked demanding an immediate response.
"Hey, don't you think those guys look too buff to be normal waiters?"Chynna asked Liko,who was busy ogling the ladies.
Chynna slapped his head hard,"My love,you can't hit me at parties,are you trying to blow our cover?"Liko asked.
"Look at that...he's been standing really close to Ru Shi since the event began"Chynna said.
"Now that you say it out loud,I think you're right"Liko said,and both noticed how he slowly brought out a little dagger from his pocket.
Before they could do anything,a clumsy waitress had spilled some drinks on the waiter.
Courtesy of Lee.
Lee followed him,Liko and Chynna took eight minutes,before getting up in hand in hand,Chynna gently caressing the neck of a fairly drunk Liko.
Zi Tao went up to give his speech,he said little words,as it wasn't up to a week he had owned the industry.
He used his eyes to search the room for Feng Mian,but she was no where to be seen.
He came down from the podium,to meet a hug from Ru Shi which he had to return lovingly.
"Where is that classless loud mouth?"he thought to himself,busying his mind with thoughts of her.
Chynna and Liko rushed into the kitchen to find Lee holding a frying pan,and three men whimpering in pain.
Liko took their pics,and sent them to the organization,to hunt them down.
Chynna wanted to try and get them to reveal their motives,but Lee had a serious look.
"My tracker has been acting up and I think I know why,it's because..."
"What is your plan?"Yu Yan asked,and the mole laughed.
"Well,I gave you a preview,but since you still don't know,am going to blow this place up!"she said.
Yu Yan lost her focus,and everything turned around on her.
The mole kicked her,sweeping her off her feet.
The mole chuckled,she thought she got away,but unlike last time,she was unfortunate enough to collide with Chynna.
"You're through"Chynna said,and kicked her face,and pinned her down to the ground.
"I might be,but so are all of you,my bomb will go off in the next five minutes"she said wriggling.
"We have to evacuate everyone"Lee said.
"In five minutes?"he asked,Chynna grabbed the mole,and dragged her into the control room.
"How do we turn it off?"Chynna forcefully asked.
Liko took out the buff waiter.
Yu Yan's heart rhymed with the ticking sound of the bomb.
" I won't say"she said.
"Then you will die"Chynna said.
Lee sighed and took deep breaths,and walked over to the bomb,with an uneasy face.
"Am going to try to disarm the bomb"She said.
"No"Yu Yan said under her breath.
Tension rose, everyone's heartbeat was in sync with the ticking sound.
But Lee was hard headed,and from her deep pockets brought out some tools,she never went without.
"Be careful"Liko said,and all Lee could do was nod.
Lee wiped off her sweat,and started the process,Yu Yan had her fingers crossed for the best.
Lee was nervous,and all the attention didn't help matters.
"Two more minutes..."Chynna said,she had lost her patience,and to retreat would be the best possible solution.
Liko whipped out his phone,but Lee stopped him.
"Don't break my focus,"she pleaded,and the disarming went on.
"Give it a..."the words were cut off by Lee.
"Done"she said,holding a red wire.
Yu Yan hugged her immediately,relieved.
"To the organization with you,and I'll make sure you never see another sunrise"Chynna said.
Liko called for her to be picked up by the organization.
While about to leave,a sound deafened them for a brief second.
"What's happening?"Yu Yan asked, everything was blurry,and she had a ringing in her ears
She tried to figure out what went wrong,she saw moving figures,she presumed to be her fellow spies.
She closed her eyes,then almost immediately opened them to realise what was going on...a bomb went off!
A/N: Thanks for reading lovelies!!!
See you all in the next chapters!!!