True flames of fury

The mole made an attempt to escape,but Chynna knocked her out cold,and threw her into the control room.

Everyone scattered,the place was ablaze,the hysteria prompted the spies to speedily evacuate everybody from the building.

"Get everyone out of here, especially Ru Shi"Liko reminded them,still trying to pull a call through to the organization.

Yu Yan noticed all the doors were locked,they were trapped inside,and Lee kept ranting that her tracker was still picking up something,there were other bombs.

They went out of sight to try and open the door.

Liko did somethings from his portable laptop and tried to open the doors,not loosing his focus,which he successfully did.

The people ran out,Yu Yan surveyed the room trying to find Ru Shi and Zi Tao.

"Let's go"Lee said to her.

"Ru Shi is still inside"she said,and ran off,trying to find them both ignoring the calls from her teammates.


Zi Tao got up to answer a call it was his father on the line, suddenly the ground vibrated,he fell face flat,everyone scattered,he saw it,fire,the place was on fire.

His family.

Where his initial thoughts.

He found his mother,and his older brother who stayed far away from them.

They were trying to get out,but the doors were locked and someone changed the codes.

He ran his fingers through his hair,and placed a call,and he knew that help was on the way.

The doors opened,and Zi Tao helped to get his family out.

But his heart sunk as he saw Feng Mian run into the building while others evacuated.

Without thinking he ran back into the building.

"Zi Tao!"his mother yelled,but he didn't listen.


"Someone help, help me" Ru Shi yelled,she was inside the restroom, someone had locked her inside with the last bomb.

She banged the doors as if her life depended on it,yelling at the top of her lungs.

Yu Yan followed the sound and without doubt was certain that Ru Shi was inside the restroom.

"Are you okay?"she asked,but Ru Shi only kept on banging yelling for help.

"Am coming"Yu Yan yelled.

Yu Yan was everywhere,trying to find something to help her with the door,but nothing.

The smoke was also a barrier to her as she was choked on it heavily, but she was determined to save Ru Shi,she had an all knowing look and broke down the door with her foot—No one would die because of her ever again.

Ru Shi made her way out of the room without stopping to look at her rescuer,and didn't stop to mention the bomb in the bathroom.

Yu Yan heard the sound and swiftly made her way away,but the last bomb went off.

Yu Yan immediately took cover behind a pillar,taking deep breaths,trying not to fall unconscious.

She then realised that the pillar smelled like fuel,and in a twinkling of an eye,it caught fire, everything burned before her eyes.

She would have been destroyed,but she was swift and fast enough to get away from the vast approaching fire.

She saw a window,she was too choked up to think and decided to make the jump,but her dress was stuck in-between a rubble of the building,she fell down,and sprained her ankle.


She tried to get up, but she was just too weak to,the smoke had worked it's magic.

Just then she saw a figure rush into the building, coughing,his elbow bent in front of his face,covering his eyes.

"Help!"she yelled,she squinted,and despite the heat,flames and smoke,she recognized him,it was Zi Tao.

"Please help me!"Yu Yan pleaded.

But to her uttermost dismay and disappointment,he just ran away,he looked in her direction and ran away from her.

Her heart sunk,her love had hurt her again, worse than the outcome of the flames,she laid her head on the floor,the flame irritating her skin.

She tried pushing it away with all her might,determined to survive,but she was just too drained out.

Her vision was blurred,and everything spun around.

She passed out.

A hole was made through the ceiling,and a man zip lined into the room,looked down,at Yu Yan,then at the rubble which held her hostage.

He pushed them aside,and carried Yu Yan in his arms bridal style,and Zip lined up,away from the building,away from the flames.


Zi Tao ran into Ru Shi,who looked like a petrified wreck,he held her,trying to relax her,and get the exact location of Feng Mian.

"Calm down"he said,she hugged him,slowly calming down, her breathing slowly restoring.

"Where is Feng Mian?"he asked.

She gulped and let out a huge breath.

"She's still inside"Ru Shi said.

"Where?"Zi Tao demanded.

"No, don't, there is a bomb,let's go!"Ru Shi said,pleading with him.

He shrugged and walked past her,running,trying to block all the smoke.

He was relentless,not willing to give up,till he heard a cough,which turned to multiple coughs,he followed it,hoping,just hoping it was her,and she'd hang on much longer.

He heard her call out,and followed it,to find a helpless Yu Yan,but worst of all she was surrounded by fire,he wanted to go rescue her,but he couldn't get close enough.

"Fire extinguisher"he thought,he saw one on his way,he ran off to go get it,he smashed the glass and took out the extinguisher.

But a huge part of the building fell in front of him.

He took a step back,and his arms were pulled back,he looked behind him to see three men in Black.

"Let go of me!"he demanded,but the men disobeyed his order.

"Your father has ordered us to get his family home,without a scratch"one of them say.

He fought them off,but he was immediately tranquilized,and led outside out of the building to an awaiting car.

"My son..."Huang Yue said.

"Zi Tao..."Ru Shi said under her breath.


The building blew up into bits,but Yu Yan was in a helicopter in the arms of the man who saved her, alongside Liko Lee and Chynna.

"Will she be alright?"Liko asked.

"Yes"Dawei said,still holding onto her, not willing to let her go ever again.

"The mole's finally gone.."Lee said looking at the burning building,Chynna crossed her arms.

But kept her eyes on the building.

"Let's hope so"Liko said,and shot a concerned look at Yu Yan.

"Project 22air,completed"he said under his breath, knowing fully well that he now had a new mission on his hands.

"I will have to protect her, she's now my responsibility,I will never let her suffer"Liko said.


Fragments of the bombing came back to Zi Tao,and how he was brutally taken away against his own will.

He slowly stood up from the bed,in his bedroom,and placed his hand on his dresser.

He bit his lip,and clenched his jaw,last night's event haunted him.

He left her behind,alone,Zi Tao felt anger,pure rage,fury against himself,he broke into tears,facing the mirror,he reminisced the death of Zhi Ruo,his lover.

"I've destroyed people,am useless,I hurt those around me"he said and hit the dresser,trying to vent out his pent up anger.

"Zi Tao,you will be cold and ruthless,you will never get close to anybody,you will stay away from everybody to keep them safe."he said.

He sobbed some more,life had played cruel tricks on him,and he was tired of playing,no longer would he let his guard down,he would never lower his defences.


*Two days Later*

Dawei never left Yu Yan's side,he helped her recover from her fever, although she was still unconscious,he stayed beside her,depriving himself of sleep and food.

Lee offered to help him nurse her back to health,but he refused,he was adamant that he would be the one to take care of her.

"Yu Yan wake up"He said,while caressing her palms,having his hopes up.

He touched her forehead,her temperature shot up,he made his way to the kitchen to get her a hot towel.

As soon as the door shut close,Yu Yan sat up,and buried her face in her palms,and tears flowed,she wiped them away,but they flowed faster.

"Zi keep on hurting me,am ruined, I keep on believing all...all...I keep on believing those eyes,those deceptive eyes.

But Zhi Ruo won't be a push over any longer,she will surely get her revenge on you,her flames of fury have been ignited"She said.

While she wiped her tears,she walked to the little mirror hung on the wall,and looked at herself once again.

"You will no longer be weak,you will be strong,and you will get justice,no, revenge,no more tears,you are going to chase after your fears"Yu Yan said,and placed her hands on the dresser.

The door opened,Yu Yan looked over her shoulder to see Dawei holding a tray with a hot towel.

"You're awake"he said under his breath,he dropped everything in his hand and rushed to hug her,but she pushed him away,and faced him fully.

"Get out"she said,filled with spite and bitterness.

A/N:Am so grateful to all those of you guys reading and who added this book to your library.

Much love from me to all of you.

And a huge thank you to Npooja🤗

Pls don't mind the errors you might stumble upon,am still a rookie.😅