That's my decision!

Yu Yan was carried onto a camel,and led away from the hot flames, she fell unconscious a little while back.

Liko had her in his arms,Lee held unto the baby and looked at it,wondering what they wanted the baby for.

Three helicopters arrived and took the spies away,their next stop was the organization.


Zi Tao was going through some documents and stumbled upon a file.

He immediately invited his assistant into the room.

"Get the project manager here now"Zi Tao said,and his assistant took to his heels and in a flash returned with the project manager.

"Sir Huang..."

"What is all this?"Zi Tao asked,and flung the papers at him,he picked them up and went through them.

"Sir,it's the papers that concern our latest project"The project manager said.

"Now explain to me why we're building on land that belongs to some locals"Zi Tao demanded,and his assistant's eyes widened.

"Sir... I.."

"You mean to tell me that you forced those people out of their homes?"Zi Tao asked,his anger rising.

"Sir,yes,well...I mean,the land...was.."Zi Tao cut him off.

"Now,let me sound it into that thick skull of yours,don't let this ever happen again"Zi Tao roared at him with a loud thunderous voice.

"But wanted the site for.."

"Did I make myself clear?"Zi Tao asked not wanting to repeat himself.

"That's not your decision to make,it's mine"Zi Tao roared at him and dismissed him.

"Sir,really is considerate,he's not so bad"His assistant thought as he led the project manager and himself out of the office.


Yu Yan woke up on a bed,Liko sat beside her,she slid up the sheets and sat upward,still warming up to the brightness of the room.

"You passed out,but your okay"Liko said.

"Where is..."

"The baby?"Liko asked completing her sentence. She nodded.

Lee came in almost immediately holding a baby girl in her hands.

"Hi Yu Yan"Lee said in a high pitched voice holding the baby's hand making her wave at Yu Yan.

Yu Yan's heart melted,"How is she?"Yu Yan asked.

"She's alright now thanks to you"Lee informed her and sat down beside her.

"The blast made her hearing a little poor"Liko chipped in,and it saddened Yu Yan.

Yu Yan looked around they were back at the organization again.

"How long was I unconscious?"she thought.

"What about the hostage?"Yu Yan inquired,pushing her hair back.

"He's been here for two days,we haven't got any feedback from Angela about him"Liko said.

Lee handed the baby over to Yu Yan who was a bit reluctant to hold her,but steadied her shaky fingers.

"Such a cute baby,poor thing"Yu Yan thought.

"She likes you"Lee said,and the door slid open.

"Angela needs you"Chynna said sternly and left the room.

"What could she want?"Lee asked, perplexed.

Yu Yan got out of bed and packed her hair in a ponytail.

Wondering how Angela knew she was awake already.


Angela had on an orange fur coat and blue leather pants,she was directing orders but stopped when Yu Yan walked in.

Accompanied by her teammates of course.

"You called?"Yu Yan asked.

"Yes,tell me why that thing is in Agent Lee's hands!"Angela demanded.

"I found her at the desert!"Yu Yan said,offended that Angela referred to her as a thing.

"Was that part of the mission?"Angela asked,and Yu Yan looked down.

"No..but she was in danger"Yu Yan said

"And it's our job to protect..."Angela cut her off with a miniecal laugh.

"It's as if am talking to another entirely different person!"Angela said,confusing Yu Yan.

"Good guys?"Angela asked not expecting a reply.

"Who ever told you that!"Angela said,striking fear into Yu Yan's heart.

"What!"Yu Yan thought and glanced around at the people who she had recently started living with,and at everyone around her,she became anxious.

"Abdul Kabeer is a wanted man,and you helped us get him into our custody!"Angela said.

Crushing the soul of Yu Yan.

"Good guys! There's no such thing!"Angela said.


Zi Tao's phone rang,and he picked it up without caring to identify the caller.

"Zi Tao what is this am hearing about you not pushing through with our new project!"his father roared at him over the phone.

"Father,the property doesn't belong to us,it's for some people and they were forced out of their homes!"Zi Tao said.

"Who the hell gave you the right to make that call, it's my decision not yours, mine alone!"Huang Wei said over the phone.

Zi Tao was astonished at that remark from his father.

"But father..."Zi Tao tried to explain.

"Shut up!I did not raise a weakling who can just be tossed about like the wind"his father said.

"My apologies"Zi Tao immediately cut in.

"Don't let sentiments cloud your business mind.

And if you must know,then those locals you're calling people,are all free loaders,living on land that I payed for! Living on my property,and they got what they deserved.

And besides,they were served a notice,but those stubborn cockroaches refused to move,and I had to take steps"Huang Wei said.

Trying to win over his son's mind.

"My apologies,I had no idea"Zi Tao said.

"You'd better be,don't forget that am still the boss!"his father said and ended the call.


"I thought you of all people should understand your place and know how to play your part"Angela said.

Yu Yan was battling with tears.

"Make no mistakes, we're no bad guys,we don't fall into either"Angela said,raising the hopes of Yu Yan a bit.

"Yes we have a criminal in our custody,but we need him for the information he has.

He knows were strategic bombs have been placed and we need that information"Angela said,and Yu Yan looked up. 

"We may not do things the right way,but we're not doing the wrong thing"Angela added at last.

"Thank you for reminding me"Yu Yan said.

"Then let me also remind you that you're not allowed to make decisions that I haven't approved yet,I am the boss around here,am I clear?"Angela asked with force and authority in her voice.

"Yes madam"they all said in unison.

"Now,we have a baby on our hands"Angela said.

"Am sorry for intruding,but can I take responsibility for the child?"Lee asked.

"No"Angela said firmly.

Chynna gave Lee a dreadful stare,making her keep quiet.

"Then if not Lee then let me take responsibility,it was my fault we're stuck with her,so let me take care of her"Yu Yan said.

Dawei walked in,his fist bloody,he just finished "interrogating" Abdul Kabeer.

"No, you can't"Dawei said.

"I can"Yu Yan said but he was adamant.

"I said no,"Dawei said firmly,trying not to yell,but was already doing that.

"I don't take orders from you"Yu Yan snapped at him,and gasps were heard.

"Why am I getting so bold?"she thought.

"She's right,so both of you stop that bickering at once,your agents,not children"Angela strictly said.

"Alright then,you can have this baby,see to it that she's not a hindrance" Angela said,before walking away.

"And that's my decision!"Angela said before Dawei could say anything else.

"She's alone and hurting,just like me,it's my decision to take care of her..."Yu Yan thought looking at the helpless infant in Lee's arms.

A/N:Am hoping that you guys are happy with my chapters,forgive the errors please! Much love🥰🥰🥰