To be honest....

Huang Xiao just landed,he had made some living arrangements with his close friend Hao Zhou,in his pent house.

"I never thought you would consider leaving China"Hao Zhou said,Huang Xiao his friend was very reserved and conservative.

"Well,I had nothing over there"Huang Xiao said,"how so? I thought you said you were going to try and win over the heart of your family?"Hao Zhou asked.

"How do you win the heart of heartless people!"Huang Xiao said.

"Forget that,get settled in,my girlfriend is coming over,and she makes the best...."Huang Xiao cut him off,by walking out on him

"I wonder what's wrong?"


The day went by swiftly,and Hao Zhou ended up persuading his friend to go out with him.

Huang Xiao refused bluntly,but his friend actually threatened to throw him out of his house if he refused him.

"What sort of friend are you?"Huang Xiao asked,his friend chuckled.

"The get your ass out of my penthouse kind of friend"

"Fine, I'll tag along, where are we going?"

"A karaoke restaurant"


"It's for people who like to sing and eat"

"More like people with a death wish"Huang Xiao said under his breath.


"So,our boss is okay with you being Zhi Ruo?"Lee asked,"yes,she even offered to train me herself"Yu Yan added.

"What could be the reason?"Lee asked,stroking her chin.

"I don't know, but am grateful for her wanting to guide me"Yu Yan said,while feeding baby Li Na.

"What about agent Dawei?"Chynna asked,"what about him?"Liko asked,feeling slightly jealous.

"Well,you have your dinner date don't you?"Chynna asked,"that's true,but am not ready,and I have no idea how am going to tell him that am not his lover..."

She saw the expressions on their faces,making her a bit perplexed.

"I mean to say that,how do I tell him that am not his Yu Yan, am sick of lying to him about it"Yu Yan said,and turned around,to see Dawei holding a bouquet of flowers.

"What have you done Zhi Ruo?"She asked herself,his glare was impenetrable,she couldn't see past those sad eyes,those disappointed,worried and confused eyes

"Dawei,let me explain"Liko said,but Dawei was impatient,and dragged Yu Yan with him.

"Am sorry,very very sorry"she chanted,but all her pleas fell on deaf ears.

He took her to his room,and slammed the door shut.


"Who are you?"he asked,she stood opposite him,whimpering in guilt,she was practically swimming in guilt.

"To be honest,I don't know"Yu Yan said,he held her wrists firmly in belief that she would be honest with him.

"I woke up in this body,am not your lover, am Zhi Ruo,and I've been lying to you..."

"How? Where Is my Yu Yan?"

"I don't know,I don't have a clue on how this happened or,why this is happening to me"

"Where do you live?"

She fell silent.

"Answer me,maybe my Yu Yan is in your body"

But she said nothing,he shook her vigorously,searching her eyes for a response.

"Tell me!"he demanded,trying not to cry.

" dead" he let go of her,and spread his fingers across his face,she couldn't console him,he was going through the pain she was going through.

"Am sorry for not telling you the truth any sooner,I swear that I had no cruel intentions towards you Dawei"

"Superior, understood! That is how you will address me from today onwards,am I clear?"he asked,"yes, Superior"she said,she knew he was hurting just like she was.

"Now, you're dismissed"

He said in a harsh tone,"it's for the best"She reminded herself as she left the room.

Outside,Angela was waiting for her,"You've told him, haven't you?"

She could only nod.

"That's good, you're breaking all relations that can weaken you"Angela said,"he hates me"Yu Yan said.

"He doesn't,he's scared"Angela pointed out.


"Yes, he's had his heart broken by a woman before,and it destroyed him. Meeting Yu Yan was the only good thing that had happened to him. That is beside me of course"Angela said.

"And now,I broke his heart"

"Yes,he's scared if he sticks around you,he might fall again,and hurt himself"

"I.. I need to go"Yu Yan said,almost in tears,"fine,go"

"But be back before twelve,or you'll sleep with the fish tonight"Angela said and walked away


The city seemed so beautiful, the sights,the smell,the people.

"Yan, do you want to go to the usual?"Peng asked,"Where is that?"Yu Yan asked,"I'll be happy to take you"Peng said.

The breeze was what Yu Yan needed,it seemed to good to her away from her life of solitude and isolation.

Anything was good to get away,to get away from him.

It was a restaurant,a bit classy,but had a touch of simplicity.

She went inside, the owner seemed to be familiar with Yu Yan.

"Am glad you're back, haven't been seeing you around lately"Mr Rexon the owner said as she was led to a table.

"I've been too busy to come"Yu Yan said,"oh,work I presume?"

"Does he know?"she thought to herself,"yes, work"She said.

"Well have a good night"he said and left to his other customers.

"Karaoke?"she thought to herself,then spotted a young man playing the piano.

"That's where the background music comes from?"she thought, and walked to him.

"I'd be grateful if you could possibly let me try"she said,she was a skilled pianist.

"Sure...."he said,and left,she sat down,and felt a sudden sense which she could name,a sense of familiarity.


"Where is your girlfriend?"Huang Xiao asked,"she's inside already"Hao Zhou said,"why did I even agree?"Huang Xiao thought aloud.

"Because you don't want to sleep on the streets"Hao Zhou reminded his friend.

The restaurant had a well defined decor,which caught the eye of Huang Xiao.

"There she is"Hao Zhou said,and went over to a girl,maybe in her late twenties.

"Babe,meet my friend Huang Xiao"

"Hi, he's told me so much"

She stretched out her hand,but Huang Xiao refused it,and sat down,wanting the night to end.

But that was far from possible.

He couldn't stand the name calling,the handholding,the brief kisses,it all made him sick.

He would do anything right about now to get away from both of them.

"Why don't you go up and grab the mic?"Hao Zhou asked his friend,"yes,baby has told me how good you are"

"No,am good"Huang Xiao said,just then a beautiful woman,not over twenty two walked in, Huang Xiao glanced at her,and returned his gaze back to his companions. "Hopeless"he said to himself. The next thing that followed was the music,it captured his emotions,it pulled him into a trance. The melody,was one that fitted his depressed soul perfectly.

He traced the sound to the skilled pianist,the beautiful woman.

She had a look,which spelt his mood.

He left the table and took the mic,and started some rough lyrics in his head,the pianist stopped,looked at him,for moments they stared at each other,till she continued playing.

He sang,and she played,the listeners were intrigued by the wordings,and the notes.

They both complimented each other.

A soft appluase followed,he led her down from the podium where she played,and led her away.

Mr Rexon came over to them both,holding a glass of white wine.

"That was a wonderful performance"He pointed out,"you two captivated the crowd"Me Rexon said,but both said nothing.

"I'd appreciate it,if both of you could perform again next week"

The woman seemed reluctant to answer,"sure"Huang Xiao said,"good,thank you, you'll certainly draw a crowd"Mr Rexon said,and left to the entertained guests.

"What gives you the right to answer?"Yu Yan asked,"to be honest with you,am drawn to you"he said,and used his fingers to play with the contours of her face.

"Why?"she asked.

"I don't know,maybe it's our similarity"he said,coming in,closing the gap.

"Which is?"

"Our matched souls"

"Excuse me?"Yu Yan asked,finding his answer funny.

"I just mean how we both share the same pain,and how we express it. We are both hurting,and need a way out"he said,and brought his face to hers.

She watched his eyes,"to be honest...."she said,"I think you're right"she said and kissed him.

He kissed her back,and led her to Hao Zhou's car.

There they spent the night together in each other's arms,venting out all their pent up emotions. No promises were made,no alliance was set up,just two broken souls trying to be set free and let loose,together.

Yu Yan knew he was Huang Xiao,he was the brother of the man she loved to hate,and hated to love.

It made this fling even more unbearable,but much more relaxing for her.

Huang Xiao was different,he kissed her,but it felt like a cry,a plea,which she was responding to.

They continued till they both got tired and slept off.

*Next Morning*

She woke up,and gasped,"I actually slept with him,what does this mean!"she panicked,"Angela said come home before twelve,oh no!"

He moved,she quickly put on her clothes,"what is he doing here?"she thought.

"Hao Zhou will be so mad..."he thought.

"You're up",he said while putting on his clothes,"listen,last night..."

"What's your name?"

"What do I tell him?"she thought,he might have heard of Feng Mian,but she never recalled meeting him in this body.

"Yu Yan"she said,and he came in close for a kiss.

"No,I'll call you my white tigress"he said,and both of them got out of the car.

"I don't love you"Yu Yan said,arranging her hair,"Same here"he said,and kissed her on the street. She pulled away,in embarrassment.

"This won't happen again,right?"Yu Yan asked,"to be will happen more often than you think"he said with a mischievous grin.She blushed.

"We'll perform every week"he said,making her feel stupid for thinking something else.

Both turned away,and left, still feeling a little bit better,but still that feeling of emptiness was just lingering in their minds. In their hearts.

A/N:Thanks for reading,this is a love story, don't expect any scut.

Much love🥰🥰🥰