The fool in the room.

Zi Tao met up with Ru Ai,who had become a helpless drunk.

"Why do you waste your time looking for your brother, he can be very elusive"Ru Ai said.

Ever since Huang Xiao disappeared,he had been searching for him,but it felt as if he just disappeared from the country.

"Besides,I thought you hated him"

"I want to look him in the eye and ask him why he hates me"Zi Tao said.

"Who wouldn't?"Ru Ai asked, obviously not scared of his cold hearted best friend.

"What was that?"

"Forget it,I have to go anyways"Ru Ai said,"are you still wallowing over that Feng Mian,a girl you met only a couple of times"Zi Tao said.

"I could say the same thing to you"Ru Ai said,"what do you mean?"

"Don't play the fool in the room with me,you met Zhi Ruo only sixteen times,or less,and yet you're killing yourself over her death, meanwhile,you have someone who loves you so dearly..."

"Pathetic, what a pathetic approach to get me to like your sister,am sure she put you up to this"Zi Tao said.

"It's not like that...."

"Am not dumb,it's a pointless strategy"Zi Tao said,getting up,"my sister loves you,she's probably the only one on the planet who still does"Ru Ai said,reminding Zi Tao of his lover's death.

He wanted to tell that he no longer cared,or he had lost all emotions,when it was all a lie,lies he fed himself.

"I'll pay you a good amount if you convince your sister to willingly leave our false marriage,any amount,you name it"Zi Tao said.

"You scummy bastard"

Ru Ai staggered to slap Zi Tao,but was too drunk to stand on his own two feet.

"Pathetic"Zi Tao said under his breath,watching the drunk and helpless Ru Ai on the floor. He would be the cause of his own downfall.


Yu Yan returned back to base,she hoped that she wouldn't run into Angela,but unfortunately got a welcome by Angela herself.

"Where were you?"

Yu Yan looked down,not wanting to answer. Dawei walked up to his mother,but noticing how messed up Yu Yan looked,it was obvious what she was up to all night.

"I went out".

Dawei couldn't help giving her an ignominious stare.

"Follow me"Angela said,and Yu Yan followed trying not to meet eyes with Dawei.


"Today I will teach you my first two convictions"Angela said, grabbing Yu Yan's attention.

"A spy must know how to Elude,and how to be Elusive,you must leave and never be found,unless you want to be found"Angela said.

"I don't ever want you to go to that restaurant,or ever meet that Huang Xiao again,and don't ever make the mistake of disclosing your identity to anyone else"

"How did..."

"Am one of the bosses of the most elusive secret organizations in the world,I can know when one of my agents becomes a night stand"

Hearing about her shameful actions made her feel repulsive towards her own self.

"Am sorry, please forgive my actions"Yu Yan said,bowing her head down.

"I don't want any more of Zhi Ruo,but I want you never to let yourself be seen ever again,you will live in the background, understood?"Angela asked.

"Yes,I understand"Yu Yan said.

"You must never communicate with that Huang Xiao again,and if you have any second thoughts on that revenge plan on his family,I want to give you a good sounding reminder"Angela said. Puzzling Yu Yan.

She picked up her tablet,and showed it to Yu Yan,"just take a good look at this"Angela said,with a cocky grin.


"Why are you surprised? They are husband and wife"Angela said,referring to the photo of Zi Tao and Ru Shi together.

"Now,tell me,who is the fool in the room?"Angela asked,Yu Yan looked away,"Answer me,who is the fool in the room?"

"Me,am the fool,it's me".

Angela gave her a stare,she pitied her,"yes,you are the fool,you are the fool because you admit you are"Angela said.

"Am the one who's dead and hurting"Yu Yan said,her face in her palms.

Angela rolled her eyes,and sighed.

"I can't get down to your level of self pity,but I bring you out of it"Angela said,making Yu Yan's stomach churn.

"First and foremost,disappear, understood? Don't ever stand the risk of being compromised"Angela said and left the room.

*Next Morning*

"Chynna, I'd like it if we could continue our training"Yu Yan said,Chynna chuckled.

"What's gotten into you?"

"I just realised how much more of an asset I could be,if I improved my fighting skills"Yu Yan said.

"What about baby Li Na?"Lee asked.

"My training won't stop me from taking care of her,and besides,I see how much you're fond of her,you can take care of her just fine"Yu Yan said, then faced Chynna fully.

"I'd appreciate it if you and I could start sparing right now"Yu Yan said,Liko came in the room.

"Let's go"Chynna said,and pulled Yu Yan out of the room.

"What is wrong with you two?"Lee asked,"I don't know myself"Liko said,and then stared at the baby.

"Who leaves a baby in the desert with terrorists?"Liko asked,"she must have been kidnapped"Lee said,"or...maybe there's more to this baby than meets the eye"

"Maybe,but we must keep her safe at all times"Lee said,Liko nodded, watching Lee fondling the child.



Yu Yan was helped off the floor by Chynna,"let's try again"Yu Yan said,"why?"Chynna asked.

"I wanna become stronger"


"To defend myself and my daughter"


"So,we can never live in fear?"


"No one deserves that kind of life"

Chynna stroked her chin,"you're not telling me something, say it out, why, what did you tell Angela that made her agree to keep you?"Chynna asked,Yu Yan looked away.

"You're not the best Fighter or Liar"Chynna pointed out.

"No,am the fool in the room"Yu Yan said pitifully.

"You want revenge,don't you?"Chynna asked Yu Yan didn't bother to hide her agenda any longer.

"Yes,with every last bone in my body"Yu Yan said,"you may just have something in common with our Yu Yan after all"

"What do you mean?"

Chynna chuckled.

"Did you wonder why she became a spy? It's because her family was murdered right in front of her eyes"Chynna said.


"When she turned 18, they had a party,it wasn't big,Yu Yan's parents were Simple minded people,quiet,very loving.

On the night of the party,her parent's huge gift arrived,all the lights went off,and when they were turned on,a huge box was in the middle of the room.

Liko just returned from errands,he rushed to open the box,but found another box,he continued in that manner. Till he unwrapped the last box,all his frustration vanished when he saw the gift."

"What was it?"

"Can't you guess?"

Yu Yan nodded negatively,"her parent's hearts"

It disgusted Yu Yan, and surprised her,that the slick and Sly Yu Liko had gone through all that.

She found a whole new level of respect for him.

"What happened next?"Yu Yan asked,unsure if that was a good question.

"Take a guess,try?"

"She wanted revenge"

"No,she tried to live her life,but that didn't happen,her baby sister was assassinated,his head sent to her. She had had enough,that broke her."

Chynna stopped talking to ascertain the reaction of Yu Yan.

"Pitiful,but what's more pitiful was when Angela found her,and decided to take her under her wing"

"She was trying to help her recover,and get on her feet"

"No, she's a manipulator,who uses the hatred in people's heart,as a fuel for revenge. Thereby recruiting them as her puppets,that sicko,she turned Yu Yan,a sweet innocent girl into a cold and heartless agent"

"No,that's not true"

"If you thread this path, remember,you will never to look back and quit,she will wrap you around her finger as her little pawn"Chynna said,with all seriousness.

"Tell me,why did you become a spy?"

"That's not for you to know,just know what you're getting into"

"Am tired of feeling like this, I want to change,I don't want to be the fool"Yu Yan said.

"Fine then, it's your choice,see you tomorrow, I've been assigned to train you by Angela"Chynna said."She did?"

"In other words, I'll stop holding back on you"Chynna said,then smirked,and walked out of the room.


Am sorry if I didn't post the chapter on time,I've just been so busy.

Much love🥰🥰🥰