Am Such A Fool

Huang Xiao just finished his meeting with the record company,Hao Zhou got the song both him and Yu Yan performed on Video,and he performed in front of the producers.

They liked it,to them it seemed indifferent and different,he bagged the three year contract he hoped for,and was promised other contracts,by other music industries.


"You've been happy ever since you sang at that restaurant,and of course you.... CRASHED in my car!!!"

Huang Xiao had his hand behind his head,he really did not know how to stay angry for a long period of time,"am saying sorry for that one time"Huang Xiao putting stress on one.

His friend's eyes widened,"how many times have you messed my car up!!!"

"So,are you and that Yu Yan girl an item or something?"

"Who? Me?"

"Don't toy with me,so are you two dating or what?"

"I don't know anything about her,and we're both just two adults who took a decision to have intimacy in a vehicle,at the dead of night"

"You bloody bastard! My vehicle!"

"But jokes aside,she makes you happy my friend"Hao Zhou said.

"She made me happy"

"What do you mean?"Hao Zhou asked.

"The one I love can never be mine,she's so close to me,but yet so far away, there's always been that inexplicable feeling I get around her I just can't phantom a day without her...."

"Stop with all that trash! Geez! Why do you have to go all dark love soul on me. Are you dating Yu Yan or not?"

"You fool, you'd never understand anything! Am here trying to explain to you that am madly in love with my brother's wife,and you're busy being a...".

"The Ru Shi,the model? She's the woman you love?".

Huang Xiao kept quiet.

"You must really be unlucky,very unlucky, her family is so involved with yours,yet you didn't get her. She was even the ambassador for your family business,you couldn't bust a move. Now she's your sister in law,were you cursed or something?"

"Shut Up! That's love,seeing how Zi Tao made her happy made me realize that I always want her to be happy"Huang Xiao said.

"Is she really happy?".Hao Zhou asked.

"You told me that Zi Tao had a girlfriend or something like that,um....what's her name,Zhi Ruo,right? So how can he love two women?"Hao Zhou asked.

"Zhi Ruo passed away,and he's always been engaged to Ru Shi"Huang Xiao said.

"You see,more reasons you should take another look for love,maybe you were blinded by beauty and made a wrong call. Love could always just be in front of you,but being my blind friend you won't notice it"Hao Zhou said,and left,he was a veterinarian. His dad was rich to some extent and got him his penthouse as a birthday gift.


Zi Tao stormed into his house,his mother tried to stop him,but he was furious,he was angry at everything,he already fired one third of the staff that day. And in order not to loose any more workers he went home.

He threw his tie on his bed,angry,stressed,"how dare he talk about my Zhi Ruo!"

The way she died was what haunted him more than his love for her. She was deceived,to the extent that she and their baby died,it killed his soul.

All he saw was in red,still fumming with rage,he made his way to Ru Shi's bedroom.

She just finished having a bath,water dropped from her hair down,she was wearing only a robe.

"Oh,Zi Tao, you're here..."

He drowned her voice with kisses,making Ru Shi perplexed,but when the realization that she was in the arms of her sugar cookie hit her,she was more than ready to accept him.

It was her first time being with someone,as unbelievable as it may sound,she was still a novice.

Zi Tao took her that night,and there was nothing romantic or gentle about it in any aspect.

*Next Morning*.

Ru Shi was sore all over,she had pleaded with him to be easy with her,but he bluntly refused,she needed pain killers.

But despite the pain,just looking at him sleeping brought joy to her heart,"he's finally accepted me"Ru Shi said,her heart racing.

He moved.

She covered herself,not wanting him to see her in that state,he rubbed his eyes with the back of his palm,and slowly sat up.

He turned around,and saw her beside him,smiling at him,he grabbed her into another kiss,catching her off guard.

"My sugar cookie is very loving"She thought,and he took her yet again.

After he finished she was gasping for air,she finally recovered her breath.

She went closer to hug him,but he threw her off the bed,she fell hard,almost hurt herself.

"Don't touch me,ever"he said,he got out of bed,and out his clothes on.

Ru Shi was confused,hurt, betrayed,she rose up,clutching unto the blanket for covering.

"I don't understand,why can't I touch you,when you've proven to me that you love me..."

Zi Tao's laughter cut her off.

"Love? There's no such thing as Love,and listen,my kitten puppy, you're just my play toy, alright,I just slept with you"Zi Tao said.

A tear fell from Ru Shi's eye,"what?"

"I just wanted you to know that,there is nothing serious between us,and I can come take you anytime I feel like,since you are my wife to the world"He said,and fastened his buttons.

He pushed her,she fell on the bed,her eyes locked with those fiery eyes of his.

He walked to the door,opened it,then looked at her,"if you get pregnant,I will not take responsibility,that will be on you,so I advice you to make sure you never get pregnant"Zi Tao said and left.

"Am so stupid,so so super stupid! I should have known! He does not love me! Am such a big fool!"She smashed everything in the room,she rolled on the bed in pain,he had come and gone in a flash, hurting her again.


Huang Xiao was already at the restaurant,he got a rose for Yu Yan. He was willing to have a fresh start with her,he deserved some do over.

Mr Rexon was anxiously awaiting her arrival as well,there was a crowd that night.

Secs turned to mins,mins to hrs,but still no Yu Yan,till it was twelve midnight.

Huang Xiao took some bottles,he had too much,he placed his head on the table,knocked out,he took steady breaths now,trying to be in good shape to get home.

"Sir, we're closing"A waiter said to him,he struggled to get up,he staggered to the door,almost fell countless times,till he passed out in front of the restaurant.

Just then,someone pulled over on a motorcycle,she took off her helmet,it was Yu Yan.

She helped him up and put him on her bike,then took him home,with Peng's help of course.

She got to his front door,his arms around her,she rang the doorbell,the lights were off.

She rang it again,till a light turned on,she turned to leave,but he held her hand.

She struggled but even in his sleep he firmly held her.

The door opened,light coming out,a head popped out,Hao Zhou,he saw his friend on the porch,looking drunk to stupor.

He alerted his girlfriend who came over,and they took him in.


Waking up to the greatest hangover in history,he tried to recall how he got home, but it was all a blur.

"You can't even tell how you got home!"he friend said,amused.

"You poor thing"

"Well,maybe it's your guardian angel that brought you home,it might even be that Yu Yan you spoke about"Hao Zhou said,but Huang Xiao didn't find what he said funny.

"She's just a fling"

"That you buy a rose for?"


Every Friday night Huang Xiao would still perform at the restaurant,in hope to come across her,but he never did,fate wasn't so kind.

Each night he'd leave her a rose, he'd place it on the piano,the regular customers and new guests even hoped he'd find his run away pianist.

But what he didn't know was that every night she was the one who would watch him perform,from the vent in the restaurant.

Till the last night he performed and never showed his face again at the restaurant ever.

"Goodbye Yu Yan"was what he named the song,and it was one of his best selling albums.

"Goodbye Huang Xiao"Yu Yan said,as she watched him leave the restaurant,his soul broken at last.

A/N: Thanks for reading. Much love🥰🥰🥰🥰