Who is the runway heir?

Huang Xiao just landed at the airport,all his fans surrounded him squealing uncontrollably, some even attempting to bag his hair, He smiled at them all,and blew a kiss to a girl who almost fainted. His security led him to the hotel he would he lodging in that night.

But his countenance fell when he discovered that the hotel was owned by Huang Inc.

"Who booked this?"Huang Xiao asked,his manger and his three assistants we're all shaken up.

"Sir....um....it was me"one of his assistants said,Huang Xiao took off his shades"get out you're fired,infact you're all fired!"Huang Xiao said.

"But,you can't fire me,am your manager"his female manger said,"you're also my bed warmer I can do fine with your replacement"

She bent her head down in embarrassment.

He put a call,"get me a new manager and three assistants immediately"Huang Xiao said and disconnected the call.


"We're back to this little house again"Lee said,as she opened the door.