Huang Xiao's new manager

"Mr Xiao you've rejected the five new managers we just sent you"His agent said over the phone.

"Are you calling to tell me what I already know?"

"Sorry sir,but there are so many managers around"

"Get me a new manager, and where are my assistants!"

"We're on it sir"

"You have till the end of today"

"Yes sir"

Huang Xiao dropped his phone,and watched the news,Ru Shi was on it,still looking so beautiful. He switched off the television and went to bed,tired out from meeting the recording company.

He slumped on his bed,"I should have made a bet with that bastard,no one would care to visit,just like I thought"

He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

*Four hours later*




Huang Xiao rushed out of bed,he took out a gun,thinking thieves had invaded his house.

He lived alone,he refused to stay in a hotel,he stayed in a huge apartment.