The expression on everyone's faces was strictly priceless.
Wàngzî mèili was smirking at the thought of his fiancee carrying his seed,both parents were actually considering it as a possibility.
"I knew I liked this naughty girl,but now she's about to give us our first grandchild! Oh,am going to be a grandmother! I feel so old already!"
Chynna placed her hand on her head,she was having a bad headache from the lady's loud outburst.
Wàngzî mèili went to get her painkillers from the table next to her.
He gave her,holding the glass of water to help her take some.
"Son,you should have been more patient before planting the seed,I hope you will water the garden to keep it..."
The glass fell from his grip,he coughed,and swallowed hard.
"See how nervous he's getting about it"his mother pointed out.
"She's not pregnant"the doctor said coming inside, she's just having an allergic reaction to some pineapples."the doctor said.