Lee as a journalist

Lee took off her contact lens,and decided to go with her glasses.

She packed her hair up in a bun,and went with a short skirt,and heels.

The location was hard for her to find,it was the slums after all.

Yu Yan was guiding her over the phone the whole time.

Lee needed a good distraction from Liko,and playing someone else might just be what she needed.

"No one should live here"Lee said,as she approached the camp grounds.

She found it impossible that in a modern world people still lived in such conditions.

The place had a stench,a stomach sickening stench,which she almost couldn't stand.

She walked carefully,trying not to trip over an empty can.

That was just the entrance,she walked into the heart of the camp,her heart ached.

Lines of worn out clothes,some injured people on the floor,laying lifelessly.

Some kids were crying,holding out their hands,some women were busy making something in one large pot.