A/N: Sorry about that,a draft got published accidentally. So to make up,I'll try and make this chapter longer,just a little longer.
Yu Yan alighted the car,the security outside couldn't help but stare at the beautiful woman that came out of the car.
Huang Xiao noticed this immediately and seized her by the arm possessively.
"Huang Xiao has in his company a very beautiful woman"one of the security officers said to the other.
"He's a superstar what do you expect from him?"The other scolded.
Huang Xiao led her inside,not willing to let her out of his grasp.
The place seemed busy,last minute checks were being conducted.
Yu Yan was analysing the place,trying to find a potential spot that the assassin could try to use to take out Huang Xiao.
She figured that the killer wouldn't make his move till the concert,hence she had to be extra careful,and not miss anything.