You will be strong for me

Lee arrived at the hospital,she actually had arrived twenty minutes ago,but had waited outside,fighting back her tears.

She didn't want to be seen as weak willed.

She got the room number from the nurse,and sat in the waiting room.

There was a woman standing opposite her,that she hadn't taken out time to even notice.

The woman walked to her,and sat beside her,and squeezed her hand.

Lee knew instantly who held her hand.

She hugged the person,the person of Chynna,and Chynna accepted the hug.

"It's okay with the crying!"Chynna cautioned her,she wiped her tear,and a smile played on her lips.

"It's not the first time she's been shot"Chynna said,Lee sniffled.

She always panicked whenever any of her teammates were hurt.

"Am just worried,what are we going to do about Li Na,how will she take it!"Lee asked.

"We do what we can,you be there for her"Chynna said.

"How are you? Are you okay?"Lee asked,Chynna always found Lee's concern cute,but would never tell her.