Jiàn Yi slept soundly,and still,taking steady breaths,his face was an epitome of peace.
He stirred,his legs wriggled on the mat he slept on.
*Ring *
He groaned,and placed the phone under his armpit,but it continued to ring nonstop.
He cursed under his breath,and with a look of irritation he looked into the phone to get even more annoyed.
The phone screen read.
Su Jun.
"What kind of curse is this!"he said under his breath.
The Tóu had given him strict orders,he was to follow the woman around like a lost puppy.
He reluctantly answered the call.
"What is it?"he moaned over the phone,scratching his head.
"Meet me up,we have a lot of work to do today me and you"Su Jun said over the phone.
"What work!"he said.
"Just get ready,am going to be near the camp grounds"Su Jun said.
"Does you even know the time!"He exclaimed.
"Do"she corrected.
"What! you're correcting my grammar at..."he looked into his phone for time.