Li Na gets a dreadful fright:The peacock spreads it's feathers.

"The journalist is here!"Mengyao said to Jiàn Yi,his friend startled him causing him to slip and land on his back.

Mengyao chuckled at his friend's clumsiness,and helped him up.

"How is it?"he asked.

"It's okay at the very least"Mengyao said, Jiàn Yi adjusted his collar and walked out of the tent to his supposed,"Madam".

"Since when did the jovial Jiàn Yi want to look good? Something is going on here"Mengyao thought, stroking his chin.


Jiàn Yi was stunned at the car that Su Jun was sitting inside.

"Such a sweet ride! How could a journalist have such a car!"he thought,his suspicion rising.

Su Jun gestured him to come inside,he opened the door to the backseat,but Su Jun gestured him to sit in front.

"Why can I not sit there!"he demanded to know,Su Jun lowered the window.

"It's only right if you sit in front..."Jiàn Yi cut her off.

By hitting the car door.

"I will sit down here and no one will stop me!"He said,feeling very high and mighty.