Su Jun was having a discussion with the Tóu concerning a new development.
Jiàn Yi was excluded and he felt cheated, but all he thoughts were meaningless once he heard the witch like screeching of the sisters three.
Mengyao and Geming had left with the men to work leaving him all alone and defenceless.
"Jiàn Yi!"Sister Jiao squealed as soon as she stood face to face to him.
She wrapped her hands around his neck and got on her toes to try and kiss him.
But he struggled with her, her sisters held him as well.
"Come on..."Sister Jiao said in between muffles.
Sister Jiao was about to fulfil her wish and Jiàn Yi wished something or someone would save him now.
"Sisters!"sister Jie screamed, catching Sister Jiao off guard and loose balance.