Jealous much? The Autopsy contains the truth

Mr ChangChang handed a glass of wine to Feng Mian, but she passed on his offer, not willing to get tipsy at the moment.

"I don't know if you noticed, but your father was not such an upright man.

He was corrupt and two faced, he had his own skeletons in his closet.

He belonged to a group, an elite group that no one knew about, I'd have to kill you after telling you this, but you seem to have some leverage over the situation."he said in reference to the pictures she had.

"What is this elite group?"she asked.

"It's made up of influencial businessmen, and very concise people.

You'd have to be very influencial and secretive to be apart of the convoy of men"he said, twirling his wine glass.

"How long has my father been in this group?"she asked.

"For years, till his death, he was a very important high ranking member"he said.

"But, regardless of that, he had a fallout with another member"Mr ChangChang said.