Never letting you out of my sight

"I told you she isn't here, she must have gone back, why don't we both take your car and make a pit stop at our favorite restaurant...."

Wàngzî mèili had only one fear, and that was that she had left him.

"Shuîjīng, you can go, I'll try to find her some more, go home"he said.

"Don't be ridiculous! She's at home, I know so..."

He cut her off.

"Fine give me some minutes to have a last check"he said.

"Okay, I'll be In the car"she said.

"Good Riddance, Liànhuā"she said.

Wàngzî mèili sat on a chair, his mind In a billion of places.

"Where did she go?"

"Is she in trouble?"he couldn't shake off the feeling that she was slowly dying somewhere.

"What will I tell my parents!"he thought.

He stood up, and checked everywhere by himself, thoroughly making sure that he missed no clue.

It all seemed futile, the last place was the portable toilets, and he knew that was a waste of time.