Music video a success! Shuîjīng on everyone's lips

"That's so cheesy!"Yu Yan said to Huang Xiao, who had her too close.

He said nothing and continued to snuggle up with her.

She felt he was just using this new drama to get closer to her.

"Xiao, let me go, you can stop trying to get into bed with me"she said.

"Am I really trying my white tigress?"he asked.

"Where are we now?"he whispered into her ears.

"Very funny Xiao"she said.

"I can take you right here and now, and you wouldn't say a thing"he said.

She rolled her eyes, but inwardly she knew that was the truth.

No matter how she tried to deny it.

She had only ever slept with him in this body, and this body arched for him.

She tried to control it, but this body couldn't stop wanting him.

She decided to let him be and go to bed, tomorrow was a Saturday anyways.

They didn't have to go on set.



The rays of the sun shone on her lips, kissing her.