When I opened my eyes I saw a shadow. I was in the shadow.
The huge land was still there but the sun was not sucking on me anymore. I was in some sort of shade. I got up and turned around. There was a huge rock where there was nothing when I passed out. I didn't see her anywhere though.
Where is she?
Is she okay?
Did the kidnapper take her somewhere?
"Hey…Hey… where are you?"—me.
I kept shouting.
I felt weird. For a moment I felt like I knew her more than anyone else.
It was literally the case for me.
She was all I had. She was all I knew. I could only remember her as far as I could recollect.
"Where are you?"—me. I was panting.
I kneeled on the ground and put my hands on the surface, on all fours I was. I pulled my forehead at level with the surface horizon.
I saw everything I had seen before. But this time I saw something more, I saw a challenge. I saw a devil mocking me. I saw a being of extra ordinary strength provoking me. The land was just a picture. It was really just a very powerful being which was mocking me with it's vastness. It was telling me that I was just an insect for it. It could take whatever it wanted and play with me as long as it pleased. I felt anger.
I felt my skin smoking. Heat was getting released. My breath was hot, I felt like a dragon breathing fire. I felt power. I had completely forgotten that she was missing.
Then I saw a dot in the sky. It was right above the horizon, and it was getting bigger. It had wings and a cockpit and landing wheels. It was a small plane.
It touched the surface with a smooth kiss and then slowed down until it stopped right in front of me.
About 8 feet from where I was standing.
Inside the cockpit there was a person and that person climbed out of the plane after it stopped. This person's dress up was way different than the girl's. However, body shape suggested that this was a girl too. She was wearing a red scarf around her face and her eyes were covered with goggles.
"Hey stupid ass."—girl.
She pulled off her goggles and lowered her scarf, and smiled at me.
"Where the fuck did you get a plane in this place?"—me.
"The same way we got a bed and a ladder out of nowhere in that room."—girl.
I walked towards the plane. Its propeller had slowed down, the skin felt warm, the colour was fresh white with blue strips. There were two seats inside. One for the pilot and the other one was behind.
I looked at her and smiled.
"It's crazy you know."—me.
"I know…it's the craziest thing I can imagine."—girl.
She pulled up her scarf and adjusted her goggles on her eyes.
"lets go."—girl. She opened the door.
"Go where?"—me.
"I did a recon of the area. Well, we will have to redefine 'area' for that. You need to see this."—girl.
"I don't know how you could have found anything in this place. There is nothing as far as the horizon."—me.
"Exactly. Get in and buckle up boy."—girl.
"I am not boy."—me.
"yeah…yeah, you are a dinosaur all right. Stop whining now."—girl.
She pushed the engine switch.
The engine roared after coughing a few black smokes. The propeller blades vanished in there speed. The plane moved right while turning, and then moved faster until it was airborne.
The view from above was very boring.
Whoever made this world, did a lousy job.
It was all white plain desert for almost ten minutes before I could see what I had been dragged there to see.
On the horizon which was empty for a while then, there was a huge stretch of trees. It was some sort of jungle.
As we came closer to the huge trees we realised that those trees were bigger than we had imagined them to be. They were nearly fifty meters high. The branches created a roof of leaves and flowers, and other forest stuff which didn't let the sun rays hit the forest floor.
"It is amazing."—me.
"The jungle extends beyond this point forever. I thought that there might be a beach or something but I didn't find anything."—girl.
"We should go inside."—me.
"I will put the plane down here."—girl.
The plane touched the surface and slowed down. The propeller was visible again. She walked out first, followed by me.
In front of us, there was a huge gate like structure made out of trees and branches. It was looking like a huge gate, only without doors. The surface inside the forest was wet sand and uneven. There were a lot of bushes and smaller trees. The flowers were amazing, every colour you could ever imagine was there. Red, yellow, greenish red, blue, black, violet, and more. Some of them bushes were thorny and they were pretty huge too. The girl made a machete and sliced down every thorny plant, in fact every plant that came in our way.
Wow…this girl really knows how to swing that machete.
"How do you know using the machete so easily?"—me.
"Well, it is not that hard you know. You just have to hate what you are slicing. You know, like really hate."—girl.
"How do you remember hating if you don't have any memory?"—me.
"Well, I remember you every time I slice."—girl.
She turned around and smiled at me. I felt a little scared in her company now. I had to admit that ever since I saw her in those undergarments I felt a little attracted to her. But now all that attraction was changed into repulsion.
Holy sh…this girl will really chop off my thing if I screw around with her.
That's it. From now on I will stay clear of this girl as much as I can.
I will screw trees and bushed if I have to, but I won't touch her.
I slowly increased the distance in between us and when she was far enough I made my own machete and walked a different way.
I sliced the plants and soon I was back to where I started.