Birthday Party - Part 2

Kim Jun and Ahn Young looked into each other's eyes for a few seconds. "Hello, it's nice to meet you Ahn Young. I'm Kim Jun. Well, Happy birthday." Jun introduced himself and gave his warm wishes.

"Here this is a small gift from my side. Hope you will like it," stated Jun and handed Ahn the gift bag. Ahn accepted the gift and thanked him. Jok Wang was going to speak when his wife, Min Seri came there.

"Oh God! Son, I was finding you for a long time and you are here. I want you to meet someone," said Seri. Hearing the familiar voice Jun turned his eyes to the left and got shocked to see his mother, Min Seri.

"Mom, I'm coming. Jun, let's have a nice talk. I'm just coming," muttered Ahn Young. Min Seri looked at Jun but then she ignored him and grabbed Ahn Young's arm lovingly.

A teardrop fell from Jun's eye seeing this. He looked at the three and stumbled in his step when Ahn Young held Jun's arm."Be careful, Kim Jun." Ahn politely said, showing his concern.

Jun jerked his hand and turned back to leave when Seri said, "I think you're leaving early. Today is a special occasion. Please wait till the cake is being cut."

Jun didn't say anything and took his step when Jok Wang asked, "Jun, what happened?" He came forward to see him. There were many other associates too from Sangma whom Jun knew so he kept his cool.

"I've some work. It's important that's why I've to leave early," stuttered Jun in a plain voice without any emotion. "Let's cut the cake first," murmured Jok Wang and turned to his wife, Min Seri.

"But honey," whispered Seri.

"It's fine. You don't have to prepone just because of me," said Jun and turned to the grand exit door.

"Jun, you're like a brother. Dad has talked a lot about you. Cake will be cut first and then you can go." Ahn Young told him in a polite way. Jok Wang told the staff there to bring the cake.

Ahn came forward. Jun clenched his fist tightly and murmured, "you're not my brother." Ahn Young looked at him but didn't say anything.

Everybody gathered there as Ahn was going to cut the cake. Yeol came towards Jun and shook hands with him. "You didn't come to the office today. The chairman wanted to talk with you so call him when you'll be home," spoke Yeol.

Jun nodded. The happy birthday song started playing in the background and everybody started singing. Jun looked at them. "How can my own mother do this? Wait, how is this possible? How can he be 24?," thought Jun in his mind. His heart ripped into pieces when he saw, Seri was smiling and laughing seeing Ahn Young.

"Here this is the present, I want to give to my son," murmured Seri and went towards a table. She picked a box and handed him. "It's your favourite. The latest model of the car which was only for limited people. Ahn Young opened the box and saw the car keys. "Woah!! This model has only a limited car. Thank you, mom." Ahn Young kissed her mother cheek.

Everybody clapped for them. The friends of Min Seri told her that she's lucky to have such a nice son who always listens to her unlike most children of the present time.

Jun recalled the day when he told his mother when he was 9 years old about the car he wanted as a gift from her. The people there were all giving Ahn Young wishes. Jun turned to the exit and left from there.

He was running down from the stairs when Seri stopped him. Hearing her voice Jun stopped at his place. "I hope you have given best wishes to my son, Ahn Young. Well, am I forgetting something? I think I still affect you a lot," muttered Seri and smiled.

Jun clenched his fist and turned to her. "I've no interest in your family. But wait, I want to ask you. How can he be the same age as mine?," asked Jun with confusion. His eyes were filled with tears.

"Dowan hasn't told you the truth I guess about your identity. Well let me tell you then. You've no identity. You are an orphan whom I exchanged the day Ahn took birth. You were brought from an orphanage. Your origin is unknown Kim Jun," muttered Seri. She has hatred in her eyes.

"I shouldn't waste my time. My son is waiting for me. Well, thanks for coming here although you weren't needed here," said Seri and left Jun there.

Jun stumbled in his step and got seated on the stair. He started crying and the tears started pouring from his eyes like rain. "I am an orphan," murmured Jun. He profusely cried for half an hour sitting on the stair when his phone started buzzing. He took out his phone and smashed it on the floor.

He went to the bar in Sangma on the other side and ordered a few drinks for him. The manager recognised him but didn't say anything. "All of them lied to me all these years. The identity which I was proud of was never mine," murmured Jun and continued drinking.

The manager came there and told him that he should stop but Jun didn't listen to him and kept drinking. When he felt his head heavy, he made the payment and left for his home. Walking on the pavement with stumbled steps he recalled the day his mother left him.

"My tenth birthday. I was all excited like children do but what did I get as a gift. No not she said I'm an orphan so from the start I was just a burden. I should've died that day," stuttered Jun. The people near Jun looked at him and were afraid to see his condition. Tears all over his face, red eyes, messy hair and messy clothes.

He stepped ahead to cross the road without seeing that the traffic light had changed. A speeding car came towards him. He turned to look and the flash of the light made him recall something. "A kid with blood in his hands." He started screaming and his breathing got uneven. The people there looked at him but before someone could react he fell on the road. The car applied the brake at the right instant.

The people ran towards there. The traffic police also came there and stopped the vehicles. The car which almost hit Jun applied the brakes at the right time so Jun didn't get injured.

The person came out of the car. And it was none other than Ani. Seeing Jun at the ground she got scared. She immediately checked him but luckily she didn't hit him. One of the traffic officers asked her if she knew Jun. She nodded and told him that if he could put him into her car. He nodded and told his colleague to help him.

Ani thanked them and got into the car. The traffic started getting cleared by the traffic police. Ani called and told him about Jun's condition. Woo told her to bring him home to which Ani agreed and hung up the call.


In Jun's home everyone was gathered around Jun's bed while Woo was checking him. "Where did he go? He has drunk a lot," asked Woo looking at Jun.

"He went to a party," whispered Dowan with a trembling voice. Tae, Jae and Yun arrived there. They came inside and looked at Jun.

"What happened?," asked Tae.

"He was walking in the road and I almost hit him but I didn't. I applied the brake at the right time," said Ani.

"There's nothing to worry about. Let him rest," murmured Woo. He then turned to Dowan and asked, "is something bothering him?"

Seori and Eunhi looked at Dowan. Dowan sat on the chair there. "Today is his birthday," Dowan told him. Ani and Woo looked at him in surprise.

"His birthday?," murmured Ani.

"It happened almost 14 years ago when he was 10 years old. His mother left us," mumbled Dowan. Tears formed in Dowan's eyes. Eunhi too started crying. "On his birthday his mother left him. That's why he hates this day. He never once got happy on this day. He is almost on the verge of death because of that incident," said Dowan.

Tae couldn't control himself. The tears started pouring down his eyes and seeing him Ani got scared. "Okay, uncle. I'll talk to him once he will wake up. Till then come with me. I've something to talk with you." Woo stated and left with the elders in the other room.

Ani looked at Tae and asked,"why didn't you tell me? I wished him on the wrong days for thirteen years?"

"Ani, that thing isn't to worry about. Something might have happened today that's why he acted like this. He never acted like this for 14 years so why now?," murmured Tae and caressed Jun's head.