Happy Sweet 16, Sam!

- 3 days later -

6:30 AM


"It's my birthday!" I said




What's with that notifications? It's all popping!

Messages were filled with "Happy birthday, Sam" which makes me and my heart happy.


The door opened...

"Happy 16th birthday, my lovely and beautiful daughter," Mom said as walks to me and hug me so tight that I can't breathe!

"Thanks, mom"

"Your brother sent you gifts"


"I told the boys to leave their presents for you outside your old house, and wait for a day to see if you get it and you have to go at your house to get your presents"

"But what if they're hiding outside my house?"

"Yeah, that's a very questionable one"

"But you can text them since they don't know that we live together"

"I'll meet them while you get your presents"


I stood up to drink some water but I stopped walking...


I looked back

"When is this hiding you did... end?"

"I don't know, either... But we have to test them if they work as a team or not"


After Mom asked the question, I sat beside her and said...

"Play them"


"Hold a challenge... Who's the best son'"

"Okay, tell me about it"

"I heard them complaining about this. First, you gonna set an easy challenge which is, you're gonna give them an easy challenge, like the easiest with a little bit hard and next think of an impossible challenge"

"Okay, I'm gonna think as hard as I can"

"And I think that will give them some teamwork"

"Teamwork is always the key!"




"Guys! It's mom" I said

"Answer it!" Beck said



"Hi, Mom"

"Hey, Dan, are you with your brothers?"

"Yep, and don't forget Dad"

"Yeah, so can you get me here, I got a lot of stuff here, so it would be-"

"Yeah, we'll go there"

As I stood up Beck said something...

"Dan, where are you going?" Beck asked

"I'm going to get Mom downstairs said that she got a lot of stuff-"

My brothers were racing but


"Boys? Are you okay? What's going on? Dad said while he was walking at the stairs

"Spencer tripped at the stairs," Andre said

"How many times do I have to tell you, don't race or run when you're at the stairs! And first of all, why are you boys racing?" Dad said

"Dad, they were racing because they want to be the best son that you both Mom had", I replied

"Boys, you all are our best sons, all of you," Dad said

"So, what are we waiting for?" I asked

"MOM!" Spencer said and ran through the door



"The door's open!" I shouted

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you" My friends sang as they let me blow the candle

"Happy birthday, Sammy!" Amber said


"Happy birthday, Sam," Alex said

"You're now sixteen happy birthday, Sam," Elle said

I smiled

"Yeah, you're now sixteen. But you're still my baby girl" Tyler said

We looked at Tyler

"OUR! It's our" Tyler added

"Looks like these two got some explaining to do" Elle said

"What?!" I said

"What is happening between you and Tyler?" Alex asked

"Guys, I just said that because she is the youngest among of us and I like Sam" Tyler said

"Oooooohh" They said

"Sam! Tyler just said he likes you, would you like him back?" Amber asked

I nodded

"He's kind, not just because he's the oldest but... He's kind and handsome and he's also smart" I added

"But what if I ask you to be my girlfriend, will you say yes?" Tyler asked

Amber, Elle and Shayne was cheering to us but I got a little bit distracted 'Cause when Tyler asked me the question, Alex walked out and drink water like he was scared or something but that's JEALOUSY... Right?

"I'm afraid so, my parents and my brothers also-"

"You mean your family" Elle intterupted

"Yes, my family... they wouldn't allow me to have things like this" I said

"I understand, I already asked your mother about this" Tyler said

"You got prepared" Shayne said

"Yes, 'Cause what if Sam said yes, but her parents said no, so..." Tyler said

"So?" Shayne asked

"I don't know, its just... it feels weird when you're in a relationship but the family didn't approved or support the both of you" Tyler replied

"Okay, how about we go to the mall?" Elle asked

"Sure, thing!" I replied

"What are we doing inside the mall?" Amber asked

"Just hanging out... I mean having fun" Shayne replied

"Oh, yeah" Amber replied and chuckled

"The cake looks YUM!" I said

"Yes, and that's your favorite cake flavor, MOCHA!" Alex said

"How did you know my favorite cake flavor is mocha?" I asked Alex

"I asked your mother" He replied

"Oh, okay"

"Is there anything wrong with the mocha, Sam?" Amber asked

"Nothing, it's just I didn't tell anyone else about my favorites and also you guys" I replied

"Oh yeah, about that, we've been friends for 2 years, except you, Sam. But we didn't say anything about our favorites just like you said" Amber said

"Then, how about... We say our favorites since it's Sam's birthday" Tyler said

"Yeah, I like that," Tyler said

"Okay, let's go to my living area and talk about our favorites! We'll, not just favorites but also our lives" I said

"Yeah let's go!"



"Mom, why is there a lot of chocolates?" Dan asked

"Our client went to Japan and we met at the Cafe and talk about the project and well, he gave me those" Mom replied

"Why is it a lot? It's like he bought all of the chocolates on the shelves in Japan!" Spencer said

"Sam can pick first, but, she's not here so leave some chocolates to your sister," Mom said

"Yes, of course. Sam always pick first when you're bringing something" Spencer said

Here we go again...

"Spencer Shay, I thought we talked about this" I said

"We talked? About what?" Spencer asked

"Spencer, you are nearly 30 but you're still acting like a kid... I mean you are the oldest but you are like the youngest" I replied

"Special child" Beck whispered

"BECK!" Spencer shouted

"Spencer, I hate it when you do this" My husband said

"Okay, I'm sorry it won't happen again," Spencer replied



Me and my friends sat on the carpet while the sofa's are around us and the foods are in the front of us

"So, where should we start?" Alex asked

"If were talking about our favorites, let us take the other's opinion and vote for it" I replied

"Okay, sounds good! I like us to start in... FOODS!" Amber said

"I knew that you'll say, food. That's is your most favorite category in ANYTHING!" Tyler said

"I agree with you, Ty" Alex said

"So, okay, food it is... then who should start?" I asked

"How about you start, Sam" Elle said

"Yeah, since it's your birthday today, but even it's not, you're still gonna start this" Tyler said

"Okay, my favorite food? hmm... there are a lot" I said

"How about we all say all of it 'Cause that is all of our answers, right?" Elle said

"All of it!" We all said


"Hello?" I said

"Sam, your brothers are here in your house" MOM said

"What?! Then how can we do this?" I asked

"I'm gonna do the challenge tomorrow, we are going to a restaurant today at 5:30 and you are going with us"

"Okay, no problem" I replied

-End call-

"Sam, are you okay?" Shayne asked

"Yes, I'm going to a restaurant at 5:30" I replied

"Why?" Amber asked

"I'm meeting my family" I replied

"That's not a problem isn't?" Elle asked

"No, because it would be fun" I replied

"What are you doing?" Alex asked

I smiled...

"Okay, What's next?" I asked

"Favorite color?" Amber asked

"Sam, you go first" Shayne said

"My favorite color is... Sky blue, gray, rose gold, gold, and beige" I said

"Speaking of rose... with a little bit of gold" Alex said

He gets something outside and its a...

"Happy birthday, Sam" Alex said as he give the roses to me


"Sam, I just want it to be clear but... which of these three boys you had a relationship with?" Elle asked

"Three? Shayne is also included?" Amber asked

"Don't you dare, Sam" Elle said

"No one! I'm single, I have no boyfriend" I said

"Don't care" Elle said

"Then why are you asking?" I asked

"Nothing, just curious" Elle replied

"Okay, let's continue... Amber, what's yours?" I asked

"Mine is... Purple, Pink, Blue, White, and Black" Amber said

"Like the galaxy?" I asked

Amber nodded

"Mine is Black and White" Elle said

"The metalic one" Shayne said

"Blue, Silver, White" Alex said

"Blue shades" Tyler said

"So, what's next?"

"This" Amber replied and gave her phone to me

"Big news..." I whispered

What is the big news?

To be continued...