Earthquake in the house

"A new student is coming to school tomorrow," I said

"Who is it?" Elle asked

"I don't know" I replied

"If she's beautiful then she better not going to our class," Elle said

"Why?" I asked

"She will be a distraction" Elle replied

"What do you mean?" I asked Elle

She replied "She'll make people forget you, we don't know she'll cover and make people forget you, and also maybe your brothers asked her"

"My brothers always let me know and introduce them to me when they had new friends, except their girlfriends" I replied nonchalantly

"No one can cover Sam... She had everything" Amber said

"Really? I do? Not all, Amber" I replied

"Sam, you should get ready for your dinner with your family," Alex said

"Yeah, it's special," Tyler said

"And I think Sam has an idea with the dinner," Elle said

"What makes you said that, Elle?" I asked

"I guess Alex had to answer your question" She replied

He looked at Elle and they start whispering that made the situation awkward

"So, Alex, what is your answer?" I asked to make the situation not quiet

"Well, you smiled when I asked what are you doing" Alex replied

"Well... About that..." I said


"Mom, are we waiting for someone?" Spencer asked

"Yes" Mom replied

"Who?" Andre asked

Well, if you're asking the author...

"Who's POV is it?"

I'm gonna answer that...

I'm here at the restaurant already, 10 minutes ago to be exact... Should I go?


Like now?




Are you sure about that?



"Hi, Mrs. Shay!" I greeted while walking towards them

Mom quickly stood up in excitement and when mom hugged me, the fruity aroma of wine flooded my nostrils.

"Hello, dear" Mom greeted happily

"Did you felt the earthquake earlier?" Dad asked

"Yes..." I replied

"Oh, okay... At least you're here, safe and sound" Dad said

I smiled as a response

Not quite safe...

"So, you texted me, an hour ago..." I said

"Yeah, I invited you to dinner... 'Cause you really look like my daughter except she doesn't have any moles under her eyes and it's her birthday today... Is it also yours today?" Mom said and asked

"No, mine is in July, the same day" I replied

"Oh, next month!"

"Yep, next month" I replied

"C'mon let's eat!" Dad said

Mom got me and moved the chair... Yes, mom...

My boys should do that but nahh...

So here it is,

The table is a circle so... Our orders are counterclockwise starting from Dad, Mom, Me, Spencer, Beck, Daniel, and Andre

Yep... You're right, I'm sitting beside Spencer and not just that. We are sitting on ONE CHAIR!

Just kidding...

"Mom? Dad? Sam?" Spencer called us three by his cold, freezing voice

"Yes, Spencer?" Mom replied

"Why is this girl here? Every time we had a family dinner or something, She's here" Spencer asked

My heart was beating like a drum when he asked that question

Mom held my hand secretly, and I can feel that she's nervous by her 'cold as ice' hands

"Well... A-a-about that" Mom replied while she's slowly gripping my hands

Is it from anger? Or she's nervous?

What do you think?

"A-a-aww" I whispered from pain

It feels like Mom is about to KILL ME!

"Mom? Are you okay? Why are you not answering my question?" Spencer asked

"Sam... Are you crying?" Andre asked

Mom looked at me after Andre asked

"M-m-my foot... You're step-"

"What?! I-I-" She said

"OUCH," I replied

"Is your foot okay? Can we take you to the hospital?" Beck asked

"No... I'm okay, I guess my bones just got crumpled after Mrs. Shay stepped on it" I replied

"Sweetie, are you okay?" Dad asked

"Not to be rude but, do you think I'm okay?" I replied


"She just stepped on your foot how can it hurts?" Spencer

"She squeezed my foot like she's releasing her anger"

"Which foot is it?" Spencer asked

"That one" I replied while pointing my left foot

"Call, 911!" Spencer said

911?! WHAT?!

I looked at mom and...




Winked at her!

Mom's eyes look like it's about to pop outside its place after she saw that I winked at her

Yep, it's acting, Mom didn't really step on my foot but...



"Sam!" Alex called me

"What?" I responded

I quickly ran to Alex to see why he was calling me but...

"Why is the apartment shaking?" Amber asked

"EARTHQUAKE!" Me and Alex said

Yes, there was an earthquake and things get started to be difficult sorta... Like this

"The earthquake stopped..." Alex said

We slowly stood up from the table...

"Finally, is everything alright?" I asked

"Yes" They all replied

"There's an earthquake and most of it, earthquakes come with-" Alex said

"AFTERSHOCKS!" We both said in chorus

"Everyone! Get back at the-"


"Ouch! My foot!" I said while I was crying and holding at my left foot and start jumping like I'm inside the trampoline

*Shayne grabbed my hand*

"SAM! What happened? Are you okay?" Shayne asked

"The vase fell and hit my foot" I replied

"And it's now broken"

While in the apartment experiencing 'After Shocks' Shayne covered me and let himself got hit with my books from the bookshelves

We didn't get below at the dining table 'Cause he grabbed my hand

"Thank you, and I'm sorry" I whispered whole in pain

"It's okay, as long as your not hurt, except for your foot" He replied softly

*The aftershocks stopped

We all sighed...

Tyler run to me and asked "Sam, Are you alright?"

"Yes, thanks to Shayne" I replied

"Your welcome, and of course I'm older than you, so us boys will be responsible for taking care of you three"

"Yeah, so you boys you will take care of... Shayne is mine... Tyler for... Amber? And Alex for Sam" Elle said

"We all know that, but it doesn't have to be assigned," I said

"I agree," The boys said

"Of course, you will... Sam is the most beautiful of the three of us," Elle said

"Elle, it's not just because I'm beautiful like you said, doesn't mean they all have to agree with me. It's just I'm right?" I said

"Well, how are you going to the restaurant dinner with your family?" Amber asked

"It doesn't hurt that much so, I'm okay"

"Are you sure?" Alex said

I nodded

"No, we're taking you to the hospital," Alex said

"I-I just-"

"Nope, we're going" Alex interrupted as he squeezes my cheeks



"Nurse, how's her condition?" I asked

"Are you her boyfriend?" The nurse asked

WHAT?! Should I say YES? Or NO?

"Maybe?" I replied

"Well, anyway she's okay, but her situation will get worse if she doesn't have any backups," The nurse said

"What?!" I said

"What do you mean by backups?" I asked

"Like, candies or chocolates since she collapsed because of her low sugar-"

"LOW SUGAR?! CANDIES AND CHOCOLATES?!" I interrupted in chorus

"Yes," She replied

"She only got hit with a vase"

I sighed

"Oh, I guess you got the wrong nurse," She said.

"Can I see her?" I asked her

She nodded

"Thanks," I said

"Your welcome"


"Sam?" I said

Sam woke up, looked at me and her eyes are starting to show her tears... And she cried...

"Sam, don't cry, you'll be alright," I said

"No, my feet really hurt and it's like I can't feel them," She said

"It's just your imagination, Sam. Plus, you only got hit with a vase it's not that big deal"

"Oh yeah... does it look convincing?" She said

"What do you mean," I asked

"Well, I cried and-"

I stopped her sentence and asked, "Are you going to prank them?"

"No! But can I" She said

"I don't know"

*The door opened

Tyler ran to Sam quickly and asked "Are you okay?"

"Yes, pretend I'm okay but I'm not, my foot still hurts" she replied

"Then how are you going to the restaurant?" Amber asked and sat beside Sam's bed

"I'm still going, in fact, I'm doing something to my brothers" She replied and my friend's eyes are popping and also mine after hearing what Sam said

"How about your foot?" Tyler asked

"I'm still going... as Alex said, it's just a vase" Sam replied

"But, take care," I said

"Yes, I will, and that is so kind of you guys to send me here," Sam said

"Yes, of course, you have to care," Alex said

*The nurse entered

"She can go home, but if the pain got worse bring her back here"

"Okay, then. I'll see you after dinner!" I said



"No, no, no... you are not taking me to the hospital, I'm okay now," I said

"You just said earlier that Mom squeezed your left foot," Andre said

"I'm okay, now," I said

"Are you sure?" Spencer asked

"Yes," I replied

"Okay, then," Mom said

"Are you free this weekend?" I asked

"Are you boys free?" Dad asked

They nodded and asked, "Yes, Why?"

"How about we're going on a road trip this weekend?" I asked

"Why would we have a road trip?" Spencer asked

"Boys, did you forgot?" Mom and Dad asked

"Oh... your wedding anniversary!" Beck answered

"Yes, you're right dear," Mom said

"Why do you know about Mom and Dad's wedding anniversary?" Spencer asked me

"Your mother told me" I replied

"Excuse me, I'm going to the restroom" Mom said

Mom secretly poked my shoulders so...

"Me too!" I said


"Sam, what are you trying to do?" Mom asked

"I got a lot of challenges stock in my mind" I replied

"Is it a good idea?" Mom asked

I nodded and said "Yes! A brilliant one"

"Tell me about it," Mom said eagerly

"You'll know about it this weekend" I replied and winked at her

"Okay," She said

-To be continued-