Tyler's birthday

- July -

July just started and we didn't forgot about having a sleepover at Tyler's apartment. Then Elle just remembered that Tyler's birthday is on 2 days, so we planned a surprise party for him... but, we're gonna asked him first if he's gonna celebrate his birthday with his family.


As I went inside the cafeteria, the chicken's smell is getting me! And my head just got hit by a book... Alex quickly ran to me and said "Sam, are you okay?" he helped me stood up but my head really hurts, imagine you just got hit by a thick textbook. "sorry about that, Sam... I didn't mean to do that" Alex added. My friends ran to me too and Tyler just said "tsk! tsk! tsk! wrong move, Bro"

"But Alex, why did you do that?" I asked Alex and then Elle replied "well, Sam... he just got annoyed because of Tyler, he keep teasing Alex about your 'matching outfits' when we went to the beach". I chuckled, who would have thought, June just ended but they're still talking about it.


"Guys, excuse me, my father's calling me" Tyler said as he stood up. So Elle asked us to gather "So, his birthday is in two days, what are we gonna do?" Elle asked. I never planned a party before, except on my family. How are we gonna - Oh! Right! "I guess, I will be in charge of the food, Amber on the decorations, Elle on - with Amber? But don't make it spooky! And Shayne, Alex will be distracting Tyler for some time" I replied to them

"But how are we gonna go inside Tyler's apartment? We don't have a KEY!" Amber asked. She's right, we can't just break into his apartment and besides he doesn't know we're going into his. Then Tyler's call ended and we acted like nothing happened. "So, Tyler, your birthday is in 2 days, I'm just asking if are you going to Los Angeles?" I asked Tyler. He actually lives in LA but he want to study here in Seattle since his girlfriend before lived here, and when they broke up, he decides to live here and transfer to another school and that's how he got here

He replied, "yes, I'm going there, why? You guys, wanna come?". Guess we all have to come than surprising him, than sleeping to his house without the birthday boy.


[Elle added Shayne]

[Elle added Alex]

[Elle added Amber]

[Elle added You]

Elle: "What are we gonna do?"

Alex: "Luckily you think of making a new group chat than chatting it on the main and BOOM!"

Me: "Yeah, he's going to LA and there's no way we can surprise him, without Tyler"

Shayne: "And if that's the case then how about, we surprise him in LA"

Amber: "Yeah, why can't we think of that?"

Me: "So, are we going or what?"

Alex: "Yes, we're going"

Elle: "And where are we gonna stay?"

Shayne: "Yeah, we're gonna live there for a week since someone's gonna use our school"

Me: "Well, I have a house on LA and what we need to worry is the location of Tyler's house"

Amber: "You have 2 houses?!"

Me: "Yeah, that was my father's and he named it to me, but my brothers don't know about that"

While us where texting to each other, we still remain silent until the day arrives. Moments later, as I got arrived in my apartment, I asked Tyler's parents about the surprise, and before that I asked Alex and Shayne about them


Me: "Hello, Mrs. Cohen, I'm Samantha Shay, friend of your son Tyler. We're going to LA and I want to ask something about the surprise"

Mrs. Cohen: "Hello, Samantha, what surprise is that dear?"

Me: "Where is the location?"

My heart feels satisfied after hearing Mrs. Cohen's reply, we live in the same village! Even I can't believe....

Me: "Oh! We live in the same village! Guess that wouldn't be a problem in going there"

Mrs. Cohen: "Yes, dear... So when are you going here?"

Me: "Tomorrow night, guess we'll be arrived at midnight?"

Mrs. Cohen: "Okay, I'm not gonna tell my son about this but on my family, I will. See you"

Me: "Okay, we'll see you too! But can you be in charge of distracting Tyler?"

Mrs. Cohen: "If that's the only thing we can do then, leave it to me. Tyler will be so happy seeing his friends and family on his birthday"

Me: "Of course he will, anyway, thank you for your time, Mrs. Cohen"

Mrs. Cohen: "Dear, just call me Melissa"

Me: "Okay, just Melissa?"

Melissa: "Yes, dear... I will hung up first, I have things to do, sorry dear!"

Me: "Oh, it's okay Melissa, take your time. Thank you, bye!"

- End Call -


Okay, everything is packed, and all is ready and there's one thing I need to do, which is meeting my friends at the airport and go to LA. Can't wait to travel with my friends!


"Hey, guys! I can't believe we're going to LA!" Elle said happily. Now that I thought that, traveling with your friends is such a wonderful idea, my mind was now thinking of going outside USA with my friends

"Do you guys, went to LA or somewhere in USA?" I asked them. Then Amber replied, "I went to Colorado, Seattle, and California" She added a smile at the end. I looked at Elle and she replied, "It's my first time to go outside in Seattle, since I'm not allowed to go out. I'm home school"

"So that's why you look like Dracula's daughter!" Alex said. We all chuckled except Elle, she rolled her eyes at him as response "I went to LA and Seattle" Alex said. "Colorado, Seattle, New York and LA for me" Shayne said

"I went to California, Seattle, Colorado, and New York" I said. Well, most of them are business trips, I actually went to a lot of place in USA and even outside in the US but that four is only I can recall.

We just got inside the plane. We all sit together, us girls are in the middle and the boys are on the each side, and that's what made the travel even more fun. All we gonna do next is arrive at LA, go to my house, and also Tyler's, then do what we're supposed to do.

"This gonna be the day ever!" Amber said. We all chuckled then Shayne asked me "Sam, are we sleeping at your place or Tyler's?". I replied, "We're sleeping at my place". They all giggled and got even more excited so, I added "But!" and they stopped and looked at me, "It depends on Melissa's decision"

"Who's Melissa?" Amber asked. "Oh, Melissa is Tyler's mother" Alex answered. My boy friends are best friends since they were kids, they're all neighbors before, until Shayne and Alex moved to Seattle.


Me: "Hello?"

Tyler: "Where are you guys? You're not in your apartments"

"Guys, Tyler is looking for us!" I whispered to them. "This is a problem. A BIG problem" Alex whispered back