Welcome to LA!

What is he doing in our apartments?

Me: "Tyler, where are you? I thought you were in LA with your family?"

Tyler: "It's a prank? Gosh! I don't even know how to do it right"

Me: "Okay, so where exactly are you?"

Tyler: "Oh, I'm having dinner with my family, and my mom wants to say hi. - Hi, dear!"

Me: "Hi, Mrs. Cohen, or should I say, Melissa?"

Melissa: "Sweetie, where are you sleeping?"

Me: "We're sleeping at my house"

Melissa: "Oh, yeah! I forgot it already, and by the way, where are we celebrating Tyler's birthday?"

Me: "We're gonna talk about that when we arrived"

Melissa: "Okay, we'll see you there, and don't worry I'm outside in our house"


"So, What happened?" Amber asked. "Melissa and I are talking about the location of the party and he's in their house. He just pranked me?" I replied.

Why does everything that nicely happened can have such twists or coincidences? What did I do wrong, to have a good day then bad things happened? Gosh, I have a lot of questions in my mind.

"Sam, are you okay? You've been so quiet lately. What's bothering you?" Alex asked. I smiled then stared at him and he said "Are you gonna say something or you're just gonna stare at me until we arrived?". I chuckled then added, "How do you feel when good things happened to you but, the twists have happened unexpectedly?"

He replied, "Don't tell me that is happening to you right now". I smiled, how can he know? So, I asked, "How did you know?". And he never said anything back.



We were standing outside the gate of my father's mansion, my friend's jaw dropped so as mine. Then Alex looked at me with his jaw dropped then he asked, "Sam, why is your mouth open? You already know what this big mansion looks like"

While staring at the mansion, I replied "She's hitting me". And he asked "Who?". I looked at him while saying "really?" On my mind. "ELLE!" I yelled.

Elle was hitting my legs over and over again with her jaw dropped, making Alex moved me away to Elle and she stopped, looked at Alex. He slowly pushes me back to Elle and removed his hands on my wrist like he was trying to balance something. "Sorry, It's yours now. DON'T KILL ME!" He added

So, did Elle just gave him a death stare?! "So, are we going inside or not?" I asked them. Is this their first time seeing a mansion? But I guess my father's mansion isn't big as they expected in their minds. We head to the big door and rang the doorbell


The door opened and I found a man and woman who I thought was a couple and the girl said: "I'm sorry, who are you guys?". Are even serious?! SOMEONE IS LIVING HERE?!

"I'm now the owner of this mansion and who are you?" I replied.

The girl tucked her hair on her ear and the man said "Sorry, madam. I did not know that someone lived in this mansion, it's been quiet for years and no one went back there and there are no people in here. They said the owner, Mr. Nikolai died 3 years ago and the next owner is not here"

"So, is it why you lived here? For how long?" I asked nicely.

"We just got here a week ago and a man showed up here and gave us a contract that if the real owner does not come back within a month it's ours and now you're here, we're happy to see you again" the man replied nicely.

Who would give a contract when my parents signed an agreement that this will be mine forever? Oh, I forgot...

"Was that man named Nathan Shay?" I asked. He nodded as my response and asked me why do I know that man. My response was...

"He was my half-brother". Their eyes and mouth widened and made Elle said "Sam, can you tell us your family tree after this? I am completely confused. How many brothers do you have? A million?".

She was right. Even I was confused by my family tree, Elle's questions were repeating in my head. How many brothers or maybe sisters do I really have? I'm an only child... with a lot of half-brothers.

"Really, Elle?" I replied. We continued the talking in my living room and Nathan arrived. "Well, well, well, look who's here!" He said then we hugged, and he adds a kiss on my cheek.

"Welcome home, baby," He said happily. Dad said that Nathan was completely excited when he heard that mom was pregnant to me and added that he was more excited than my mother. I felt happy when I heard it, adding it as the best thing I have ever heard.

"Nathy! I know! It's good to be home! But since when did you arrived here?" I asked him. He told a servant something, and the servant gave him a small bag then he hides it in his back like I didn't saw it and said "I got here last week, I tried to call you and you didn't respond then I called mom and she said you changed your phone and number"

"Yeah, I did" I answered and he added, "I also emailed you *chuckled* and you didn't respond so I bought you a gift." He gave me a gift turns out it's a set of jewelry.

"This is my welcome gift to you. Welcome home kid!" he said happily.

"Who has the best brother ever?" I asked him.

"YOU!" he answered and hugged me.

He added, "can I put it to you?".

I nodded.

While he was putting the necklace on me I asked "do you ever had a girlfriend?".

"Yes and she will come here tomorrow to meet you, would it be okay if we're gonna have our date in here? and also I'm proposing to her tomorrow" he replied and showed me a diamond ring.

"WHAT?! Are you even serious?! What are you even doing here putting the necklace and bracelet to me instead of getting ready for your proposal tomorrow?" I asked.

"Well, I want to use this last day bonding you as a brother before I turned into your engaged brother. I already went to mom last week when I arrived here, and she already met her soon-to-be daughter-in-law" Nathan replied.

"What's her name by the way?" I asked.

He chuckled right away after I asked him and I added "Oh! This is Alex, Shayne, Elle, and Amber... guys this is Nathan, my awesome brother"

"So, I guess this is an opposite Spencer Shay," Elle said, and she added "and you are all Shay! Can someone explain to me what is happening?".

Me and Nathan looked at each other and we laughed leaving them also looking at each other, I think they're asking their mind why we were laughing so bad.

"Keith, can you show to them their rooms? I have something to do with Nathan" I told Keith, my dad's most trusted assistant in the mansion.


"So what are we doing here?" Nathan asked.

"Are you busy tomorrow?" I asked him.

He nodded in response and said, "Yes, but I will make time for you".

I told him all about Tyler's birthday surprise and he's into it, he's the brother who wants to help and make time for his sister even he's busy and he also said "if this can make you happy or more than that, I'm happy to help". He's the best brother ever! But how was my brothers today?



"Mom, when do you think Sam's gonna come home? I really missed her. and I want to say sorry to her! I really regret this!" I said to mom. The house has been so quiet since Sam left and went somewhere we don't know.

"Do you really regret this, son?" Dad asked. It was me, mom, dad, and Andre in the living room still thinking where will Sam went. I nodded as a response to dad's question.

"I really regret this. But when I spoke to her at the beach and hugged Sam that you've been telling me she's not the Sam I know, I feel different. She is really Sam isn't she?" I added.

"I know dear, calm down, okay?" Mom said.

"No, I'm not gonna calm down until she's coming back," I said.

"So, what do you want us to do? Abracadabra?" Dad said. They never know what it will be like if you're the reason for someone's disappearance or I am the one who didn't know. When is she coming back?

LA (6:00 AM)


"Finally, it's morning!" I said in excitement. It's the day, that the exhausting but also the best part is happening, the preparation and the SURPRISE!...


"Who's there?" I answered. As I was trying to open the door it was...


My heart was beating so fast! Then...

"AAHH!" I screamed.


To be continued...